Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 161: Naturally

Mu Geng stood still looking at Jingyu and Unwoven, Xunzi walked over and gently pushed her.

Mu is even more unbelievable. Does Mom encourage herself and agree with his ambition?

"Go quickly, don't let him wait for a long time." Xunzi whispered to her: "The important thing is not how many women are around him, but how he treats you. Think about it, is he bad for you? ?"

For today's result, Mu Gan is not a fool. In fact, he already has a hunch. Is he bad for himself? No, he asked himself, since he was a child, he has gotten too much from him. Even if it's for gratitude, he should respond to him.

At this time, Xun Zi said that she had no hesitation. However, she still begged her mother with a red face and whispered:

"Mom, you, you go out for a while."

In front of my mother, I was always embarrassed.

Xunzi smiled and handed the tray with tea cups and teapots to her hands, which gave Mu Xie an excuse to walk over... She walked out of the room as Mu Xian expected.

Mu came to the sofa with a tea cup. After sitting down beside Jingyu, he poured him a cup, and his own, but he didn't care about unwoven.

Unwoven and politely took the teapot and poured it on his own.

The two girls each served a cup of tea and twisted their little faces outward.

"Today, I don’t want to hide from you, I hope you can stay with me forever."

Jingyu spoke. He even pulled a small hand from each side and held them together in the center. Then, kiss them at the same time.

"I love you."

‘This, this bad guy. The girls are both excited and complaining.

Why is he talking to two people at the same time? Unwoven and Mu turned their heads more quietly, looking at his affectionate appearance, but he couldn't bear to blame him.

Their own hands also touched together. If it is usual, we must try to separate. Now, because of the soft lips, there is a shy reluctance.

The girls looked at each other unexpectedly. There was a moment, only very short, to the point that they even thought it was an illusion...they softened slightly. However, in the next second, the silent sense of confrontation even hit a spark.

‘I will not lose to you! 'They all release such emotions.

"Xiaojing, we are willing to be with you forever." Unwoven expressed the will first, but she was also a little embarrassed. "But, I hope you can consider the next Sima family... They will raise us and provide it to our ordinary people. Material care and freedom that we have never been able to achieve in our lifetime, how much we want to give back to their expectations."

"I understand..."

Jingyu's words were interrupted by Mu Geng's other hand. She obviously didn't want to lose to Unwoven, and expected what Unwoven wanted Jingyu to do. He called his name in a sad tone.


This sound called out ten years of friendship. The shining purple eyes make people cannot easily refuse.

Jingyu tightened their hands, "I said, ah, you must believe in my ability. I can meet the demands of the Sima family, Mu Geng, I won't let you lose. However, I have to first Make it clear. No matter how you fight, don’t forget, we are a family. Now, shake your hand."

Neither girl's hands are open.

Jingyu first looked at Mu Geng.

"Look what she says." The straight-haired girl stubbornly said.

"Okay, let's be more generous." Unwoven spread his hands, "You have given the permission to use the VR training room."

"I'm not stingy." Mu more grabbed her hand. Jingyu sees it most clearly. Because of this contact, the beautiful faces of the two girls had some muscle twitching that was barely visible to the naked eye. That shows how reluctant they are.

‘The more you are, the more I want you to be together. 'Jingyu thinks so, and expects them to be together.

His hands were released, and the girls immediately withdrew their hands. The movement secretly wiped the positions held by each other, and then, as a baby, he took care of the place where he kissed.

Seeing this, Jingyu opened his eyes and closed his eyes.

"Mu Geng, what the Holy Son said." He asked about the matter.

"There are many demonstrators in the Holy Place now. I can't get in. I had to ask her to send a fax. Have you received it?" Mu Gan asked.

Jingyu nodded, "What about IP ranking?"

"Speaking of this," Mu even grumbled his lower lip grievously, "Why didn't we know you participated in the Second Kanto War, and didn't tell me."

"Of course, Xiaojing deliberately..."

"Unwoven!" Jingyu glared at the girl who wanted to make a bad impression, and made her spit out her little tongue. He turned his head and said to Mu: "I went to Sima Heavy Industry to talk about the first deal, which made me get 100 million funds, and then the compound was built... I was not talking with me at that time, and I was also there. Time to know her."

For the transaction between Jingyu and Sima Heavy Industry, Mu knows more about it. He is a policeman who helps Sima Heavy Industries to endorse products and get advertising fees. Sima Heavy Industry provided him with weapons for free.

"In other words, was the Epee at that time already speaking for Sima Heavy Industries? It turned out that I thought you saw someone use the Epee, which was followed by it." Mu Geng's The mood became more pleasant.

Thinking of Jingyu's question just now, she explained: "Holy Emperor promised to help you improve your IP ranking. However, just like I knew about it, she intends to use this as your merit... I promised you Now."

She showed hesitation about this.

Jingyu patted her hand, "It doesn't matter, I just want you to know."

Unwoven actively took Jingyu's hand and asked, "Xiaojing, will you also confess to Yanzhu this time?"

Mu looked at the unwoven hands even more, ‘you really are not going to fall behind at all. And hearing the unwoven words, she thought: ‘I didn’t know Yanzhu. ’

"She already knows that she can reach the realm. This power of 10,000 points is nothing in front of the realm."

Jingyu paused for a moment, glanced at some unexpressed expressions, and smiled and said: "Now, there is no enemy worth me using more power, do you understand?"

"Understood." Unsatisfied heart said with satisfaction.

She understood this sentence very thoroughly... There is no enemy, so the soon-to-be-completion of the five-night plan is naturally included.

Time is limited, and the exchange of the three ended quickly. Unwoven and Mugen brought the faxed list to the police in the name of Sheng Tianzi and called for a test. Xunzi returned to the office, sat in his place, and performed his accountant duties.

Then Jingyu received a call from Sheng Tianzi.

"I've done the two things you said." She said quietly: "It's just that I was a little impulsive and arrested a lot of people, maybe it will affect your plan... there is no problem." "

"Try it boldly, don't suppress your mood too much. Wrong, I will criticize you again."

This sentence made Sheng Tianzi a little choked, "You speak lightly." She pursed her lips, "It's uncomfortable to be criticized."

"So relatively, well done, I won't skimp on my compliments."


(The computer is upgraded from 8.0 to 8.1, otherwise I want to update the chapter.)



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