Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 152: Stone Monument No. 32

Originally thought that it would be difficult to face, Sheng Tianzi took the initiative to walk towards him.

"Mr. Jingyu, did you come for that?" she asked.

Jingyu nodded silently and did not look at her, "You said that if a disaster suddenly occurred in the Tokyo area, in the end, the efforts of the cursed children were the only way to avoid the destruction. Under such circumstances, those who opposed the curse We exist, do people who want to ban their household registration live here?"

Sheng Tianzi was shocked and quickly persuaded: "Please don't use that box."

She knew that he had a medium on hand that could summon stage five. After being used, the Tokyo area will face a stage five attack. She also knew that he had a realm arrival for sixteen nights. However, it is still unknown whether Sixteen Nights can defeat Phase 5.

If sixteen nights wins, she can immediately become the third-largest IP in the world. However, if you lose, the entire Tokyo area will enter a state of mass extinction and will be completely destroyed.

With a snort, Jingyu laughed sarcastically.

"Why should I summon stage five for the existence of scum bugs? Are they worth it?" He turned his head and asked inexplicably: "Holy Heavenly Son, why do you worry about scum like that?" "

"I..." Sheng Tianzi quickly stopped when he was about to blurt out.

He did not know the answer, but he still asked so, and Sheng Tianzi didn't dare to answer easily. She pondered for a while, "There are laws and regulations in the Tokyo area. If I don't follow them, how can I ask others to follow them?"

"It turns out so. So, does Japan's Constitution have no provisions on how to punish and sanction behaviors that want to deprive others of their right to live and discriminate against their citizens?" Jingyu stared at her closely.

Sheng Tianzi was really asked this time. The law protects the rights and interests of citizens, but some citizens are facing the fact that they are being deprived of rights and interests by others. As head of state, why has she always been indifferent to this?

Where is she who has not acted, what has always been about fairness and justice to the cursed children?

"Sorry." For a long time, she could only say so weakly.

Jingyu withdrew his gaze, "Who are the anti-social and anti-human terrorists in the end? If no one sanctions them, then I will come to be a "just judge"."

He grumbled dangerously, and put it on again for "justice"!

Sheng Tianzi realized that this man might do extreme things, so he had to stop.

"Please don't..."

Her words didn't finish, the door slammed quickly, and the secretary Qing Mei shouted at her in a manner of rudeness: "Sir Emperor Son, the big thing is not good. An unknown number of original intestines appear on the 32nd monument Animals, please go to the commanding room of the National Security Guarantee Conference underground."

"...Which..." Sheng Tianzi was stunned for a moment, staring at Jingyu with wide eyes, ‘Isn’t it really what you said? ’

Jingyu shrugged. "Sir Son of Heaven!" Qing Mei shouted again.

"I know, here I come." Sheng Tianzi responded quickly, and then looked at Jing Jingyu embarrassedly again, and stopped talking.

"Go, I'll wait for you here." Jingyu walked to the position where the door was dead.

Sheng Tianzi was relieved. She really wanted him to stay, but she didn't want to be seen by Qingmei. During this sleep time, there was his presence in her bedroom.

The girl in white dress walked to the door. When it was pulled away, it was already the Holy Son of the past as a high-level political figure.

"Tell me the specific situation as you walk." She gave instructions.

Qingmei followed her side and said, "At present, I only know that the Self-Defense Forces camp inside the No. 32 stone monument has been destroyed. It is presumed that... there were intestinal animals invading the inside."

Before the double doors automatically closed, Jingyu saw the pale face with the help of the light in the corridor. If there are really gastrointestinal animals invading the inside, the most terrible thing is not the infection of a few people, but the infection created.

Compared to killing and eating, gastrointestinal animals are obsessed with turning humans into their companions. If it is not controlled in time, a single source of infection will cause huge casualties in the Tokyo area.

The door completely blocked the corridor and the room, and Jingyu walked silently to the cafe in the room. After he sat down, he called Phyllis's phone... The No. 32 stone monument was in the 40th district, and there was the 39th district next to it. In other words, the gastroenterology invades from there, and the compound will be in danger.

"Master, call this time, it seems that you already know the things in the 40th area." After connecting the phone, Felice said immediately.

"Yes, I am in the Holy Place now." Jingyu said bluntly.

"Hum..." Phyllis smiled with her lips covered, and Hui reported: "There was indeed a crossfire in the 40th area before. I went to the neighborhood to look at it. It was some ant type of stage 1, the number There are more than a hundred. However, the strange thing is that after they killed the soldiers stationed in the Self-Defense Forces, they did not spread around."

"You're done in one breath." Jingyu blamed her for stopping here.

Phyllis laughed again and turned serious when she said: "Master, there is a big guy on the 32nd stone monument. Those ants seem to protect it."

"Is it phase five?"

"No, I have seen the picture of it, it should be Bi Suwu, who was following Taurus at the beginning, and it is indeed a stage four." Phyllis replied: "Bi Su has a special ability, that is, metal corrosion fluid. Although it's a little far away, it's not too clear. I'm sure it is injecting this kind of thing on the monument."

The magnetic field released by the giant stone monument is sufficient to defend against the invasion of stage four. The two giant stone monuments are separated by 10 kilometers. This is the case. Ten years later, the Tokyo area has not invaded several phase four. But now, it suddenly said that there was a stage four, which was actually stuck on the giant stone monument... This is really a bit incredible.

"It's either that the guy has evolved, or there is a problem with the No. 32 stone monument." Jingyu made two judgments in a flash, and instructed: "There should be a lot of second-type inhibitors in the compound. When necessary , Select some children to activate the gastrointestinal factor ability and join the battle."

"Yes." Phyllis obeyed.



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