Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 141: Tina’s first night

Jingyu's restaurant——

Enough of five people, he sat in the position of head of the family. For the opposite **** outside of him, Mu Geng's mother and daughter sat on the side, and Yan Zhu and Tina sat opposite them.

"That is to say, after getting the nod of "Sister Sister", Tina stayed here justified her right, right?"

Mu Geng's eyes are shining, like a mother dragon who has discovered the treasure.

‘Hey, if you don’t converge, you will freak out Tina. ’Spit on her heart, Jingyu saw through, and quickly led the topic to what she was considering, “Do you want to let Tina join the club and form a police combination with you?”

Tina blinked her big blue eyes, her small head on her side, an expression waiting to be explained.

"Positive solution, hum..." Mu laughed more happily. "Tina has 98 rankings. Isn't it a big loss if you don't hire?" She just said this to Jingyu, so she turned And to Tina: "I will not exploit you like Ann Rand, I will pay you the salary, just like Yanzhu."

Jingyu smiled and shook her head, "Isn't that the exploitation? You are also a lady, anyway, don't be so stingy with money."

Jingyu and Yanzhu's accumulated achievements for the last time they regained the box, and this time the **** mission, raised their ranking from thousand to 300... Of course, some of them also won the combination of ranking 134, and The combined effect of 20 thousand combinations is included.

It can be said that the normal salary for them in this ranking is quite scary. But in fact, their salaries have not increased significantly compared with the beginning of joining the company.

In other words, Mu Keng wanted to hire the 98th-ranked Tina at the salary price of ordinary starters.

"Because, there is no meanness!" Seeing Yanzhu and Tina, looking at themselves, Mu more blushed and quibble: "They are children, they don't use that much money now. And, I'm preventing They mess up, it’s not good for education."

"The concubine does not need your education." Yan Zhu retorted unhappily. But she didn't expect anything wrong with money.

The child was born in the compound. Compared with the children who get pocket money ranging from 3,000 to 10,000, her monthly income is already very high. Hand-made such as Tianzhu girl, plus high-end products such as laptops, she can buy it herself.

Tina didn't care about money. She looked at Jingyu and asked his opinion silently.

‘Nodding quickly, I’ll do you a favor. ’Mu releases such rays to Jingyu.

Jingyu smiled bitterly, ‘at this time you are using the charm of your body. He still nodded to Tina.

"Then I will join the club. Please take care of me, Miss President." Tina stood up and greeted Mugen politely. It is now evening, and her face has a different energy than during the day.

"It's better to call me Mugen." Mugen couldn't help smiling, and repeatedly gave Tina her favorite dishes.

Yanzhu next to Tina pulled on Latina's sleeve and shouted, "There is also a concubine and a concubine. The concubine joins before you. It is a senior and will take care of you."

"Then...Miss Yanzhu, please advise." Tina also said to Yanzhu. His eyes glanced at Jingyu, and finally he greeted with Xunzi: "Mr. Jingyu and Aunt Xunzi, everyone will be colleagues from now on, hello."

"Welcome to join, Tina sauce." Xun Zi smiled at her.

"Sit down, Tina." Jingyu raised her hand and pressed the direction of her. "Just now, I said, you also think about it. Mu Gan is very strong and a good candidate as a police partner."

Because of her investigation of Tina's mechanized soldiers, her promoter never showed up. Not long ago, IISO decided to deprive the promoter of the civilian police qualifications. Tina is now a freelancer and can apply to leave the profession of civilian police, or regroup with other people to form a civilian police.

Of course, after recombination, the IP ranking will temporarily drop.

Mu even has no partner yet. She has always been dissatisfied with the starters selected by IISO. Although Jingyu's compound has some trained cursed children, they are a pair, and they have been assembled for a long time.

Recently, after hearing the power of "domain", Mu wanted to find a starter with the qualification of comprehending the domain... This is not easy, or it can't be seen at all. But at the very least, the starter who partnered with her can't hold back her promoter.

Tina can be said to be very suitable. Therefore, when Jingyu raised it again, Mu looked at Tina more nervously and expectantly.

"Mr. Jingyu's recommendation is certainly not wrong." Tina showed unconditional trust in Jingyu and said to Mu Xiang: "I am willing to form a police with Miss Mu Gen."

"Great! In this way, our club has two pairs of policemen who can take more tasks." Mu stood up more excitedly, trying to hug Tina across the table, "Thank you, Tina."

This was stopped by the trainer, "too little attention to etiquette." The young woman disciplined her daughter.

After the meal, Xunzi went to the kitchen to work, and Yanzhu and Tina went to bath.

Mu Geng stayed in the living room, poured a cup of tea for Jingyu, and sat beside him.

"I want to go through the admission procedures for Tina, you see, is it also arranged at Goutian Primary School?"

"Compared to that, Yanzhu is more adaptable. If she takes Tina with her, it can also be reassuring." Jingyu nodded. "That's it, I will take her tomorrow. With the guardian's words..." If you are her promoter, just write the names of you and Xunzi. It would be nice to be a sister for you."

"Sister?" Mu Geng's purple eyes became longer...

In the bathroom, Tina, who had just taken off her coat, found that Yan Zhu was staring at her chest.

"Why, what's wrong?" Out of the girl's unique shyness, she crossed her arms in front of an egg-sized chest to cover Yan Zhu's direct view.

Yanzhu stretched out his hands and pressed his flat chest, pursed his small mouth, enviously mixed with jealousy and complained: "If the concubine is not absorbed by the wood, then the growth of the chest, now you can have the size of you."

"Hey..." Absorb? Tina apparently heard this incredible statement for the first time, "Will it be sucked away?"

"Of course, otherwise how could Mu-geng have such a big breast? There aren't any trainers." Yan Zhu said with a sense: "Tina, be careful, maybe you won't be able to grow up after being sucked away." What."

Tina's complexion suddenly turned pale. "So, what should I do?"

She has already moved into this home, and she is also a partner in the future.

"The concubine had thought of a good way long ago. She wanted to let the unwoven help, but she didn't live here, so the concubine couldn't grow up till now." Shaking, "But it doesn't matter, that's over. After you come, the two of us will fight against Mugen together, and we will be able to resist that absorption."

In fact, she was thinking, even if it will be absorbed, the words of the two can always be spread out. Her growth is about to begin.

Yan Zhu expressed great welcome to Tina in a sense.



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