Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 136: Protector and Assassin's Translocation 4

Tina did not immediately rush up because she was afraid of the power of the pistol. If she gets closer, she may not be able to avoid the bullet. However, there were only three bullets left, and she could wait.

No one seems to be living near here. The gunshots were so violent just now, and I didn't see any lights or noisy lights. It seems that Jingyu chose the place of engagement.

This somewhat relieved Tina. In a way, she was afraid of being betrayed. If he really wanted to kill her, not for a play... Tina shook her head at the bottom of her heart.

At this time, Tina has already activated her own owl factor ability. Even if it was night, in her eyes, it was like day. She saw his eyes hidden under the top hat.

‘This is a contest! Let you see my strength. ’

Tina somehow read this meaning. As soon as his eyes light up, some understand.

If you want to break away from Professor Ann Land, it is tantamount to betrayal. The arrogant and stubborn professor, and the elusive elder sister, might send someone to chase her down. If you can't resist these hunters, wherever you go, it's tantamount to where the disaster is.

Even if she didn't want to continue working for the professor, she was unwilling to have such a situation. Where can she go if she cannot stay in this Tokyo area?

Is homelessness her future?

No, she can choose through this battle. Go with him to face the attackers, or escape alone? It's about time to see it now.

Tina nodded silently.

M500's large-caliber muzzle was aimed at her again. At that moment, the pressure and murderousness increased sharply. It seemed that a **** face made Tina instinctively want to dodge sideways.

But she noticed keenly that the muzzle had shifted a little bit in the direction she wanted to dodge.

Tina was terrified. If she did that just now, she would definitely be hit. And with the power of this gun, even if it is not a metal bullet inside, it will cause a fatal injury for her by tearing a big hole in her body.

Therefore, Tina moved quickly in the opposite direction.

Boom, the third bullet of the M500, like a goalkeeper who ‘pushed’ the wrong direction, shot strangely on the other side of her original position.

Tina still stared at Jingyu's eyes. She saw something unexpected in it, but that's all.

‘Shouldn’t it be my test for him? "The situation is completely the opposite, she thought with a smile.

Jingyu's hand recovered from the huge recoil at a speed she couldn't rush over. He aimed at her again and shot again. This time, Tina saw it again. Before the bullet was released, he adjusted it according to her avoidance, and it was her landing point.

Tina had to force herself to stoop down just the moment her foot just touched the ground. The bullet flew over her head. The wind brought her several hairs down.

He is serious, and this judgment is enough for Tina to admire him. If it weren't for her, change to another cursed child, just afraid of dying twice.

Thinking of this, Tina felt murderous again. With the help of this squat, she quickly jumped out to a more oblique position. The next bullet was lost on the way of her movement direction.

Well, the bullet of that gun was finally empty, and it was time for her to fight back.

The three fairy fields seemed to have waited impatiently for a long time, and surrounded him in a triangle formation. Some trouble is that his body is covered with a cloak, otherwise Sianfeld will analyze his muscles and tell Tina how to predict his attack. But Tina can’t ask him to take off his cloak and go to war. All she can do is force him to reveal his body. She rushed up, slashed his belly with a saber, and started a close fight.

The blade touched his clothes, and Tina froze, thinking that she really hurt him. However, the clothes are not broken... The alloy knife that can cut metal can't tear the clothes? Tina couldn't understand this fact.

At this moment, he suddenly leaned forward, cloak like a big open mouth, and enveloped her in.

In the dark space, two hands stretched towards me like lightning... He wanted to grab me?

Tina pushed back one hand with a knife, then cleverly grabbed the other hand, and laughed.

"Do you think that you can avoid being caught by Xianfeld? Hum, I forgot to tell you, I am an owl-type gastrointestinal factor, and darkness is the home field for me."

At this moment, she thought she had won.

"Don't you find it strange? Why did I suddenly have a shield that could block the bullet." Jingyu asked her in a normal voice. The hand that evaded the knife stretched out again. When Tina chopped off again, he did not retreat.

When the knife touched the hand, Tina relaxed. It was an attack that would not hurt him too deeply even if he could be injured.

However, the knife did not really cut through the skin of the hand. There seems to be a side force pushing it away from the direction of the hand. Even Tina, who was hard, inevitably leaned forward.

At the same time, the other hand that originally held Jingyu's arm felt that he couldn't grasp it. There is something invisible that is separating her fingers. She had to use her greatest strength and was still pushed away by the invisible things.

"Let's take a look at my true power!" Jingyu said, stretching her two empty hands flat to Tina.

This still happened inside the cloak. Tina thought, no matter what that is, I can always jump out and stay away from you.

She does this. However, the strength in the leg did not push her back, but hit the hands in front.

Tina twisted her waist desperately, trying to fight that strength. Then, another force counteracted her twisting power. Her body returned to the front. Seeing that it would be in contact with the flat hand, and it was her chest position. Tina screamed, shyly, her arms around her chest.

Cough, this time, Jingyu didn't eliminate her strength. He hugged the girl with her shoulders under his arms.

"Tina, I caught you." He kissed the top of her head and softly said something lingering in her ear.

Suddenly, Jingyu and Tina, whose cheeks were red, were still. But Jingyu's eyes soon regained vitality.

"Brother, I have prepared a body purchased from the black market." Sixteen nights appeared with a bag in his hand. "A bomb was buried in its abdomen, enough to blow it to pieces." and While speaking, the body inside the bag was poured out.

The belly of the corpse was indeed inlaid with a bomb. And this bomb is directly the number of seconds in ‘00’, which is clearly the moment before the explosion. Really lost to the field of sixteen nights.

"In this way, you can create the illusion that the assassin went out of his way, exploded, and involved a cursed child in the guard, whose life and death were unknown." Jingyu threw off the cloak and hugged it still still Tina. Satisfied with sixteen nights, nodded and jumped towards a nearby roof.

Sixteen nights still opened the field and followed him. When the two were far enough away and the field left the place where the corpse was placed, a huge explosion involved three cents of Fairfield in the air.

Soon after, the siren sounded nearby...



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