Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 131: Protector and Assassin's Translocation 1

At the same time, Tina received a call from Ann Rand, and the Master seemed to have finally investigated the strength of the police. Just listen to him annoyed on the phone:

"Unexpectedly, his combination actually won the 134th combination without injury. According to common sense, it must be 1.5 times the strength of the 134 combination, which is almost within a hundred."

Tina understands that Ann is not afraid of the strength of this police. He just regrets knowing that it is too late to dispatch Tina, the IP ranker who has just passed 100.

Yes, there are at least four ranking combinations above Tina, 95th, 88th, 70th, and 21st. The Master may think that even if the 95th is dispatched, there is no need to be too entangled, the task will fail.

Because except for the 21st Lita, the promoters of other people are all registered by the Master using a pseudonym. In other words, they are ranked by virtue of individual strength, not combination.

This is stronger than the corresponding ranking in the usual sense.

Tina was not sad about Ann Rand’s judgment, but asked with some expectation: “Since that police combination is similar to my strength, Master, can I not continue the mission?”

After asking, she found that she was not as happy as she thought. If you do not need to continue the task, it means that she will leave the Tokyo area. With him, there will be no chance to meet again.

Tina felt a little bit reluctant, and even the two had only met a few times.

Then, she thought of Jingyu's plan. If it works, the Master will allow her to stay longer.

"This time, the information provided by the client is not accurate enough. I think it's okay even to end the task. And the client is in trouble now. You are on standby temporarily, and when necessary, the assassination task is changed to the **** task. "

"Yes." Tina replied cheerfully.

She thought the call would end here. But the Master finally said: "Yes, the new plan of the Holy Guardian Guard has been sent. You study it first, draw up an assassination plan, as a preparation."

"Leaked again?" Tina felt incredible. She heard Jingyu said that this time it was prepared by Jingyu himself. She feels that he should not be the kind of careless person.

Instead of his words, it was only those who got this plan-the original guards of the Holy Son.

Ann Rand's snickers also confirmed this, "Thank you to the staff of the Holy House who provided us with the plan."

Embracing the purpose of helping Jingyu listen to the news, Tina asked pretendingly, "What kind of person is the staff member who provided intelligence?"

Ann Rand apparently misunderstood, "Nothing, just a person who witnessed his child being eaten by gastrointestinal animals."

As a result, this answer does not help to know who the other party is.

Tina felt sorry for this when she called Jingyu.

"Mr. Jingyu, I can't help you anymore." She said so.

But Jingyu laughed, "No, if you are willing to help, I will more easily know who leaked it... In fact, the plan you got is fake. Hey, except for the one I left , Everyone else’s is fake. Moreover, everyone’s details are different.”

Specifically, the location of the sniper location will be different. From Shengju, it takes two hours by car to reach the meeting place. In this way, Jingyu made many changes to the route. Make the sniper points on each route different.

And on these sniper points, all are quietly set up to monitor. Where the assassin appeared, it was the leaked plan.

Of course, there is no need to verify this way now.

After listening to Tina's choice of the sniper location, Jingyu ended her conversation with her. It just so happened that Sheng Tianzi wanted to see him, and he followed Qingmei's course of travel to the present position of Sheng Tianzi.

There is a reception room. When Jingyu entered, Sheng Tianzi was drinking tea. On the small table in front of her, there was also a small dish with a triangular cake. The cake was eaten only once without moving.

Jingyu walked over, and the small dish was picked up. Under the surprised eyes of Sheng Tianzi, he took a bite of cake.

"Well, it seems that it is not because of the bad taste that I can't eat it." Sheng Tianzi, who was shy across from him, said.

It has been a week since that night. This beautiful girl finally let go of a lot of food. After all, she is the supreme leader of the country, and no one can stop her when she wants to eat.

"You, you don't have to try it like this." Seeing him eat the place she ate with the fork she used, Sheng Tianzi shamelessly opened his face and muttered: "Ask, I will say of."

"Do you really say that?" Jingyu sat on the chair opposite her with a cake saucer and looked at her while eating.

Knowing his own affairs, Sheng Tianzi did not answer, but said: "My investigation is over. There is no one stronger than you in the staff of President Qi Wu. The day after tomorrow is the second meeting with President Qi Wu, I hope you will be successful."

In fact, she did not investigate, as far as Jingyu is concerned. However, just as she had just said, she was still worried about ‘what he did, would he be detected by the police’? If she doesn't do anything, she won't be able to calm down.

To put it bluntly, she is really not suitable for doing bad things.

"I'm going to give him another excitement tonight, so that he can hire a powerful bodyguard, and also eliminate the hidden dangers here." He smiled and said to Saint Tianzi.

"You mean, that girl?" Sheng Tianzi blinked his eyes and meditated. "It is indeed a big battle if she, as you said, with IP rank 98, can join the Tokyo area... I will welcome her."

"Her arrival is also accompanied by danger. Ann Rand may have sent other people to the Tokyo area to make troubles because she wants to destroy her. So, are you welcome too?" Jingyu asked her.

Sheng Tianzi's personal character, Jingyu believes that she will not go against it. However, when it comes to nationals, there is some uncertainty.

"It's you who accepted her first." Sheng Tianzi looked at him, "I believe you. As for Tina Spront, I just hope that her joining will be beneficial to the Tokyo area."

‘That’s why I want to recruit people and take responsibility. "Jingyu couldn't help laughing, "You really want to plan."

Sheng Tianzi was a little embarrassed at first, and then he smiled, "I learned from you."



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