Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 121: Your identity and competition requirements

This night is really lively.

In the hallway outside the bedroom, someone would open the door and walk out every half an hour. Then, Mu is more like a thief-like repressive roar, ‘roll back and don’t allow him to hit his mind’. The snarled person either ‘cut’ and returned to the bedroom impatiently; or responded provocatively ‘we just went to the bathroom, do you want to go first? 'Such.

It was finally dawn.

Jingyu wakes up at the moment she wakes up every day. As soon as the energy in the body worked, he was instantly refreshed. Walking out of the bedroom, the kitchen is lit with lights, and there are some crisp sounds of pots and pots crashing...Trainer should be busy inside.

He glanced at the other two bedrooms, feeling the moment of unwinding and unfolding, he showed a smile. Three girls, big and small, all exhausted.

Jingyu didn't go to wash first, but pushed open the kitchen door. It happened to see the trainer in the apron, yawning with his mouth concealed... The girls' war last night obviously affected her too.

Seeing Jingyu, she turned her head to the other side. After the yawn was over, he said, "Good morning."

"After a while, please help them three to ask for leave, let them sleep in the morning." Jingyu leaned on the door frame with his arms folded, said: "And you are can actually not use it."

"It's okay, I woke up when I got here and couldn't sleep for a while." Xunzi held chopsticks in his hand and stared at the frying pan in front of her, smiling softly. After a while, seeing Jingyu didn't seem to leave, she looked at herself from there...she dared not look at it.

But if the silence goes on, in this kitchen without Mugen and Yanzhu, I always feel a little bad.

"I... can I ask some questions?"

After racking her brains, she decided to say something to relieve this unusual ‘air’.

"Let's listen." Jingyu said.

He was willing to take the call and let Xunzi breathe a sigh of relief, then quickly said: "What do you think of Mu Geng?" She emphasized his daughter to him. After a pause, he indicated his identity, "I hope you don’t mind. As a mother, I agree with her being with you. But I want to hear from you."

She believed that he was a wise man and should understand what she meant.

"Mukeng, I must marry me."

Jingyu quickly answered, so that Xunzi couldn't figure out if he ever thought about what she was worried about. However, as long as he did not leave, the conversation could not end here.

"I know, you still like Miss Unwoven and Xiaoyanzhu." Xunzi looked at him in front of him. "From last night, it seems that you are also tempted by the Lord Sheng Tianzi."

She sighed, wondering whether it was for his dedication or her daughter Mu more, "You are an excellent man, and may attract more outstanding girls in the future... I am willing to believe. But I hope, You don’t want to let go of these wooden boys now, or rather, the good kids who have long begun to like you."

"Yeah, I will not disappoint the girls who like me and I like it." Jingyu smiled faintly, seemingly decidedly and calmly said: "Xunzi, this person is very Be careful. Since you exist, I can't let you go. Stay with me in the future, of course...identity can remain the same."

Xunzi was startled and almost thought he was asking himself... Fortunately, his last words made her feel relieved.

He turned his head blamingly and gave him a blank look. How could a son-in-law say this to her mother-in-law.

However, she obeyed softly again.

"I only have daughter Mugen and this family, and I will definitely not go anywhere else."

She smiled with relief.

The two looked at each other across a few steps. Ten years ago, she hoped he could protect her. Ten years later, her life will still be dominated by him. However, she was able to accept... the fact that she would live mainly with this man who was her daughter's husband.


Muroto Hejin had been expecting that when Jingyu entered the western-style house of Goutian University, she sat in the living room drinking tea.

After a night, her anger may have disappeared. At least on the surface.

"Is something brought in?" she asked, waiting for Jingyu to sit down.

"Take it." Jingyu threw a metal ball named Xianfeld on the sofa beside her, and looked around. "What about C.C?"

Violet did not answer, and took Sinfeld to the basement.

"Brother, Miss C.C. left this and has left." Sixteen nights handed him a letter.

Jingyu stayed for a while, "Leave? Just one night..." His forehead faintly jumped. Press patiently to call her ‘It’s a wayward way to the limit’, and take the letter from Sixteen Nights and look at it. I saw it read:

"How about coming to the game? I happened to find a fool and have trained a lot of cursed children with good combat strength."

There is also a note at the back: Do not use your power to spawn, otherwise you will lose.

Jingyu flipped the letter paper to the back and made sure that there was no other words. He smiled and said: "You are sure you want to play. You even asked to pretend to be true. At least, you have to fail. How can I punish you? Write it."

His hand shook, and the stationery had turned into powder. Sixteen nights blinked his big eyes in surprise.

"Brother, what you just said, isn't that the force field's ability to twist?"

"Well, the force field is distorted. At present, it is only killing for stage four, and it is impossible to estimate stage five." Jingyu spread his hand. "Unfortunately, I don't know for the time being, how to increase its power."

This ability was suddenly obtained after entering the world. I don’t know if he was mistaken for him as a carrier of bat-type gastrointestinal factor.

According to this inference, I am afraid that he can also reach or comprehend the power of the "field". The key point is that the method of helping Sixteen Nights' breakthrough is not applicable to him.

"That kind of power is much stronger than the distortion of the force field. Brother, it is really powerful." She admired admiringly.

Jingyu rubbed her silver hair wearing a Katyusha headdress, "I'm going to the Holy Place. Yesterday I encountered a sniper, and today they asked to hold a reflection meeting together."

"Brother," Sixteen Nights looked at him quietly, "You shouldn't introspect."

"Hum..." Jingyu gave a somewhat dangerous smile.



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