Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 119: Sinfeld

Tina frowned, because she couldn't always lock the target that was snipered. This should have been impossible in the past, moving faster than that, she can also guarantee a hit rate of more than 80%. It’s like now, she can’t shoot... she knows she can’t hit.

The target will soon enter the street corner and hide into the building. By then, the opportunity will be completely lost.

Even though Tina's expression didn't change much, she felt anxious.

At this moment, the target suddenly stopped... No, the person holding the target stopped.

That's a tall black man. Because of the distance, Tina could not see clearly. However, this does not prevent her from aiming at the camera, aiming at the man and the white figure in his arms.

"This is the end." The electronic lens, which represents the aim of the sniper, has been locked in red. She was about to pull the trigger, but the man raised her arm. Tina just saw muzzle inflammation, and the locked red in the sniper mirror suddenly disappeared entirely.

Tina raised her head from the sniper mirror incredulously, more surprised than the Lincoln car had accelerated without warning.

‘Sinfield was destroyed by one? ’

She held the sniper rifle tightly. After hesitating for a while, no more sniper shots were posted. Instead, he got up, connected to the Master’s communication, and reported:

"Sniping failed, Master, the police hired by the target is quite powerful. Not only did I understand my sniper intention in advance, but it also destroyed a fairy field."

Beforehand, she also received information from this person, knowing that there were police. However, this man said in disdain at the time, ‘Tokyo area police? The highest ranking is more than two hundred, there is no need to worry about it. ’

Tina was not the first to perform her mission, but the first time she could destroy Sinfeld, only the man one kilometer away. She was very surprised. He was not the son of the curse. How did he find Sinfeld in this hazy night rain?

What really made her stop sniping was the possibility. The strength of the starter partner with such promoters should be. She feels that the sniping carried out in response to the mentality of "nothing terrific civilian police" will have no effect.

"..." ‘Master’’s silence lasted for only a second, and Tina heard his clap on the desk, and hysterical shouts: “Damn, the information I received did not show this.”

She knew that the Master agreed that she gave up this sniping. She silently put the sniper rifle into the box. In the process, she still couldn't help it, looking nearly a kilometer away, because the explosion burned the scene of fire.

‘Yes... is it you? She thought of the handsome man riding a motorcycle.

At this time, the handsome male at the scene of the explosion...cough, Jingyu smiled slightly in her direction.

He knew that the girl was certainly impossible to see.

Yanzhu caught a ball falling from the sky at a distance of about 20 meters from him. And the Holy Son, has been out of his arms. She was beside him, and he saw his expression. But she couldn't understand why he laughed.

The guards gathered around to build a human wall to protect the Holy Son. However, Sheng Tianzi shook his head.

"I think it should be unnecessary." Her hands overlapped on the abdomen, standing quietly in the light rain, looking at Jingyu's profile. "Mr. Jingyu, thank you for protecting me."

Yanzhu ran over, handed the ball to Jingyu, and asked his side head, "Jingyu, what is this?"

"It should be something like an electronic eye with information gathering capabilities."

Jingyu looked back and forth. Its size is not as good as his fist. There are several camera lenses distributed on the surface. The whole looks like a shrunken black football... Among them, two cameras are penetrated by bullets, just what he just did.

Since the material is black, the possibility is that the metal is more likely. Jingyu chose the most practical method to destroy it.

Sheng Tianzi was waiting beside him. He temporarily put it away and said to Sheng Tianzi: "I will send you back to the holy place first."

"Please," Sheng Tianzi replied.

Jingyu motioned to one of the staff in black to drive the off-road vehicle. Sheng Tianzi and Yan Zhu sat in the back seat, and he sat in the position of co-pilot himself. When the car started and continued to form a convoy with the remaining vehicles, he dialed Muroto's phone.

No one answered.

In desperation, he had to contact Sixteen Nights first. After the well-behaved sixteen nights, he took the phone and put it behind the ear of Violet--

"I said, did you miss it on purpose, or did you really not hear?"

He asked first.

"Compared with pursuing this, don't you think it's better to ask me something first? I'm very busy."

Muroto's tone is impatient.

"Are you busy?" Jingyu snorted. "Did we find some weird bodies again? Busy to dissect."

As soon as he finished speaking, Sheng Tianzi looked at him from behind, and the driver looked at him from the corner of his eyes from time to time... presumably he felt terrible. Instead, Yan Zhu was accustomed to protruding his small head from the upper side of his chair to greet Violet.

"You don't say, I hang up." Violet threatened.

Jingyu immediately heard the voice of Sixteen Nights, "Doctor, don't mess around, my brother must be doing something right."

Then Violet said to her, "He has something to do, then hurry up and say." Without letting him go, he heard it.

"But you are studying..."

The second half of the sentence of Sixteen Nights disappeared. Jingyu guessed that Violet should have covered the mouth.

But he has come to understand, ‘Is it still against C.C.? C.C. will not really obey me, did not teach her? ’He felt that the C.C. made must not be C.C..

This doubt, he put it down temporarily, intending to see C.C. after seeing what she said.


"Violet, do less of what you shouldn't do."

He gave a stern warning, and then turned to say: "I want to ask if there is anything that is controlled and used by a single person, able to collect information from a distance... well, I think it should be real-time. Here After collecting the information, the holder can immediately know and apply it. The other party does not seem to have any obvious receiving device. Ah, yes, it can fly, and I don’t see any exposure like remote control..."

"Yeah." Violet said the answer lightly and made him stop. "But it's not my research. You know, I and the other three geniuses are called the four sages. From your description, I guess it should be Ann Rand’s product-thinking-driven interface'Sinfield'."

She paused. Without hearing Jingyu's response, she smiled with a mocking voice: "Your opponent this time seems to be a mechanized soldier under Ann's hand. Why, have you suffered?"

"Violet," Jingyu's tone was a little heavy, "Don't be too angry when I hear what I said later... Today's opponent is just a cursed child... that thing is hers."

This time it was Silence's turn. When Jingyu hung up the phone, he heard the sound of smashing things across the opposite side and the scream of sixteen nights.



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