Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 108: Holy things

Write down the words "Long Jingyu", Jingyu pushes the document to the secretary opposite the coffee table.

When Qingmei wearing glasses was correct, he smiled and said: "Master Jingyu, from now on, you will get the right to freely enter and leave the Holy Place for a few days. Regarding the security plan, you will also be sent the first time In your hands."

She showed enough respect to Jingyu, but this is not the reason why Jingyu did. Therefore, he was a little curious.

"Have you known me long ago?"

"Yes, I often collect your information for Master Shengtianzi and know your true strength." Qingmei pushed the sharp-angled frame and turned her face serious, "If you can, please come and serve Master Shengtianzi earlier. , She is looking forward to it."

She paused, looked in the direction of the door of the guest room, and lowered her voice:

"You have seen the guardian of Lord Shengtianzi. They are very rampant in this holy house in the name of Lord Shengtianzi. However, there is no real ability. Lord Shengtianzi remembers that they are the first holy The people selected by the emperor are silent until now...I personally hope that you can replace them. In this way, Lord Shengtianzi can be safer."

Jingyu was surprised that Sheng Tianzi had been paying attention to himself. He thought that since the person in front of him knew his strength, and he was sincerely thinking about Sheng Tianzi, he was a trustworthy person and said:

"Everything has to be a process. I have already drafted the candidate for the guardian of the Holy Son...don't worry."

Qingmei stayed for a while, ‘It’s already drafted, did you start thinking about it? ’She carefully recalled all the information about Jingyu, which showed no such signs. That is to say, does Jingyu's concealment of this matter surpass the official intelligence gathering ability?

She was really shocked.

At the same time, she was a little nervous, and Jingyu, who didn't know that she would plan such a thing, was a blessing or a blessing to the Holy Son.

Jingyu saw the lady secretary's complexion, and she couldn't help laughing.

"You little secretarial officer, do so much attentively. What you just talked about, let's tell Sheng Tianzi, it's up to her to judge."

He stood up and walked out.

After being reminded by him, Qingmei responded, "Yes, I know." He stood up and took him out of the door.

Jingyu waved her hand, beckoning her not to keep up. In fact, he felt the nearest corner, and a figure shrank back when he stepped out. He was right, the man was wearing a white guard uniform.

‘Hey, interesting, I also want to know, why did you threaten that guy, look at me like that at first. ’

Yes, if he didn't stare at him, he wouldn't go to the whole person without reason.

Since knowing that the other party would come to the door, Jingyu slowed down. Just one minute later, he received a call, which was actually called by Sheng Tianzi.

‘Qingmei should not have returned to her yet. Jingyu thought when she connected the phone.

"Mr. Jingyu, will I say something important now, is it convenient?"

"Well, you said." Jingyu said while walking.

"I just wanted to ask, that box, you... how are you going to use it?"

Last time, she was scolded by Jingyu just because of the box. She was still feeling terrified at the moment and asked a little bit of confusion. But as she said, she will fulfill her responsibilities.

"Look at which area is not pleasing to the eye and throw the box there."


"Or, when the world conquers, whoever dares to fight will throw the box over."

"Please, please don't joke!" Sheng Tianzi shouted a little unhappy.

"Yeah, these are jokes, what else is left?" Jingyu asked her.

The Holy Son stayed. After being silent for a few seconds, he finally muttered in the unmanned room: "Well, I know, it's because I'm not good, I shouldn't ask."

Her tone is very girly. When she finished, she blushed a little, but she didn't get Jingyu's response... This made her somewhat lost.

Then, "Do you know, the last person who pointed a gun at my head, what was his end?" Jingyu's voice suddenly turned cold, and the chill in it even made Sheng Tianzi who was not around him hit him. Chills.

After she stayed for a second, she realized that it was not saying to herself, "...Mr. Jingyu?"

She shouted, but the phone opposite hung up.

After Jingyu asked the sentence, the man who pointed at him with a gun on the side smirked and did not answer. However, behind him, there was another sound of a pistol opening the insurance... two people? No, after a pillar in front, the figure of Baoxian Zhuoren appeared.

It is not as gentle and polite as in front of Sheng Tianzi, who is smiling with pride in his teeth.

His expression, which is obviously different from the bloodthirsty generals, is completely a show of villain.

"Oh? What's going to end?" He seemed to think that he controlled the scene and asked with plenty of room.

Jingyu pushed the phone back to his trouser pocket. "Do you want to see it?" He smiled with his teeth.

The next second, he turned back and grabbed the head of an **** with one hand, smashing them through the ground. There was a loud noise, and his head bounced a foot high.

It's not over yet. Jingyu kicked the two people's bodies side by side for more than 20 meters, before hitting the ground again. They glide another ten meters, and hit the wall.

Surprisingly, in this way, the two people did not die or even lost consciousness. However, they have already distorted their faces because of the damage to the internal organs and the broken bones. There is still a little beauty.

Jingyu turned around and looked at the pale-faced men who were threatened. "In the Holy House, he dared to threaten my new guard with a gun. I have reason to suspect that you want to be detrimental to the Holy Son, for the safety of the Holy Son. , I intend to subdue you first. But you are armed with guns, and you have the formal **** qualification.

"You, you lie." Bao Xianzhuo shouted sharply in response to what he wanted to do to himself.

Jingyu walked towards him step by step, "Lie?" and glanced around. "It's great, this place you chose just doesn't have a surveillance camera."

He laughed cruelly.

After Sheng Tianzi left the bedroom, he made two calls. One asked the secretary Qingmei, the other called the monitoring room...she soon knew Jingyu's location. In a male bathroom on that floor, he immediately ran there with his skirt on.

On the road, she kept thinking, ‘If he kills people here, he will say something. ’Worrying.

So, as soon as she entered the bathroom door, she shouted: "Mr. Jingyu, please be restrained!"

But what she saw was Jingyu standing in front of the urinal.

She froze for a moment and looked back and forth, "Is there no one else here?"

"I said, can you let me finish?" Jingyu said to the girl awkwardly.

"Yeah..." She screamed and ran out.



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