Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 105: Confessions (End)

I sat alone at the red-brown table.

The trainer in an apron brought out two dishes from the kitchen and placed one of them in front of me. There were two fried poached eggs, four small sausages... all breathing hot, and a scent flew into my nose, making me swallow.

"Hurry up and eat, I'm still making it, but I won't add it to you again." She said to me with a smile. I pushed the fresh toast on the table to me, signaled the jam in the bottle, and returned to the kitchen.

I glanced at it, she put it on another dish at the corresponding seat, and the inside is the same as mine. I knew at once that it was for him. But well, I kind of extended the chopsticks over there, caught a sausage and put it in my mouth.

Ah, the taste is really fragrant, I feel that my tongue will melt into the delicious. Swallowed three or two, I took another one and thought, ‘I will leave him nothing’. This time, I ate with bread.

Maybe it's a relationship as a child of curse, don't look at me being only 10 years old, in fact, the amount of food is quite large. Moreover, because of the growth environment, I usually don't have so much time to eat slowly. So, when he walked out of the bathroom to the table, I ate almost all of my own... only 5 minutes in between.

I stared at him... He saw the empty dish, raised his eyebrows, and looked at me. I deliberately raised my chin, and that was to tell him, ‘what I eat’.

"Don't Xunzi tell you? If it's not enough, you can tell her and let her add it to you...don't be shy."

He said this to me and pushed the kitchen door open. Soon after, two more dishes were taken out from inside, and one of them was placed in front of me, and said with a smile:

"Eat it."

He didn't understand what I meant!

Realizing this, I once again had the kind of depressed feeling of hitting a fist. Also, shy you a ghost!

I didn't even say thank you, glared at him. He just bowed his head and started eating... didn't see it.

I'm so helpless, can't I get him? I'm a little unwilling about it.

Looked at the food on the new plate. Even me, after eating two servings, I feel a bit full. After I ate the bread in my hand, I didn't move that dish of food.

At this time, from the aisle, a straight black-haired girl came out. I found that her face was somewhat similar to Xunzi, and should be Xunzi's daughter. My eyes inevitably stared at her chest after a second.

"It's so big." Can't help but sigh.

Yes, the female human beings I have seen so far belong to her.

She seemed to hear my words, and there was some embarrassment on her face. After a bit of sorrow in the place, those purple eyes even secretly glanced at the man sitting opposite me... Aha, I understood at once, this girl likes him.

‘I really don’t know what is good about him. ’I pouted.

After glancing at me, the girl smiled at me and walked back to the aisle. I saw that there was still some mess in her hair, and I guess she had just come out of the bedroom. It was time to wash.

I stood up from the seat at once and walked outside the door of the bathroom. Cough, I don’t want to eavesdrop, but I want to confirm whether it will be heard.

As a result, the interior was very quiet, and it was unknown whether she did not use that one or she could not hear it.

At the moment when I was puzzled by these two points, the orange-haired girl came out of the other bedroom. She also just got up and didn't tie her double ponytails. The batch of scattered hair appeared to make her even if the hair had occupied the height of the whole body.

"Ah, it's you." She found me, her amber eyes widened. After blinking twice, "...I forgot to ask yesterday, what is your name." I hesitated. I thought that since I might have to deal with her in the future, it is always inconvenient not to report the name.

"Ruo Ye." I whispered.

"Ruo Ye? It's pretty good." Jufa's girl said so, and then asked, "Why are your eyes always red? Until now, haven't you mastered how to make the red fade?"

"No." I shook my head without saying it. No one had taught me at all. In fact, when I saw her, I only knew for the first time that the eyes of the cursed children could have been other colors.

Although I don't hate my red eyes. However, after seeing the red eyes of the gastrointestinal animals last night, I was somewhat considerate. Those people reacted when they saw my eyes.

Indeed, they are somewhat similar to the eyes of monsters.

The orange hair girl did not understand what I meant, staring at me sideways, waiting for my explanation.

"Teach me, how to control the color change of the eyes." For her cursed child, although it was only the same day, compared to humans, I still found it easier to talk, and even made this request immediately.

"Okay." She nodded. "That's not difficult. Moreover, after the color of the eyes fades, it also has an effect on suppressing the erosion rate."

This was the first time I heard this statement, and I asked with expectation: "Can the erosion rate really suppress it?"

I actually have a very scared thing, that is this erosion rate. Whenever I use my ability, my heart is not as calm as it seems on the surface. Because every time it is used, it means that I am one step closer to death.

"You don't know this?" She acted very surprised when she heard me. Afterwards, it was angry, "How can these bad guys not tell you this? Ah, haven't you used or haven't used a suppressant?"

I nodded, and she all bit her teeth. Suddenly rushed out of the aisle, shouting with his fist shouted: "Jingyu, don't let them go easily, but teach them... the wicked bad guys, even she didn't use inhibitors."

I am very happy that someone is angry for myself. After her, she also walked out of the aisle and found him looking here.

I felt cramped at the thought that I might ask for his humanity. However, he said before me:

"Well, it doesn't matter... When you get to the compound, let's test the erosion rate for you first. In my opinion, your erosion rate is not too high, it should be that you haven't had any tasks. It is reasonable to use potions in the future, as long as It will not increase if it is not seriously injured or directly injected with a virus."

"You, would you like to provide me with a potion?" I almost thought I was dreaming and opened my mouth in surprise. Later, I thought of a possibility, my face became ugly again, and asked carefully: "What do you want me to do?"

There is no free lunch in the world. I have heard this sentence and understand its meaning. Even if this young man is a good person, I will be able to afford me medicine for a long time.

Moreover, I am also reluctant to accept plain favors. Still make it clear, I work, he pays me, this is the best way.

After listening to me say that, he gave me a heavy look in an instant... Although strange, I did feel the weight of that look. Then, I knew that what he was going to say next must be very serious.

"You first go to the compound to get acquainted with the environment, and then consider it. I will give you two options. The first type of inhibitor is only needed once, and you will no longer be eroded after you no longer activate your respective abilities in the future. Danger... You can live the lives of ordinary people; if you choose to use the second type of inhibitor, you must adapt to the training of the compound. Later, I will arrange your tasks."

‘Well, the second word is no different from my previous one. 'I wonder.

The life of ordinary people is impossible for me. I still have someone who wants to retaliate, so even if he gives time to choose, I have chosen the second path at this moment.

Years later, I have no regrets.



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