Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 100: Girl with suitcase

What Yanzhu mentioned is also within the scope of Jingyu's consideration. He had thought that if the summoning was done in the Tokyo area, there would be no obstruction at all...such as when he got the box, or when he fled, and found that they are now chasing.

In any case, it is impossible to appear in the Tokyo area at the same time as the summoned stage five. It can only be from somewhere outside, feeling the medium and moving to this side. Then, it happened to see the active human community. The gastrointestinal animal's dedication to humans began to destroy humans.

Therefore, there is no difference between calling in an undetected area and calling in a Tokyo area...if the contents in the box can be used immediately, there should be no difference.

Moreover, the risk of being attacked by common gastrointestinal animals is brought into the undetected area. Maybe there was an accident before the call, and the injury and death? Won't the won boxes be in vain?

In addition, although Jingyu did not open the box, he knew what was inside. That kind of thing won't release any signal. How to summon the stage five that doesn't know where? Furthermore, if it releases a signal, can a layer of aluminum alloy box block the signal?

After all these considerations, he believes that the media must meet certain conditions when summoning gastrointestinal animals.

For example, let the gastrointestinal animals that are not in stage five see what is inside. Then, relying on the unique method of transmitting information between the gastrointestinal animals, let stage five get this information to achieve the purpose of summoning.

Moreover, he speculates that once the information is transmitted, it is no longer meaningful to destroy the summons or re-contain them in aluminum alloy boxes.

Therefore, to block the call, just prevent the opponent from destroying the aluminum alloy box.

Jingyu explained to Yanzhu here, Yanzhu asked, "If you guessed wrong?"

"Then I will come here for sixteen nights and try to start the annihilation stage five operation."

"Hey... Do you have the strength to knock down stage five in sixteen nights?"

"Is there anything I don't know, I think it's worth trying." Jingyu thought for a while, and said: "The domain ability she is currently showing is to slow down the flow of time. When the life activity of a creature is almost stopped, it is easy to be destroyed. It can be done in sixteen nights. In the time when we can’t respond, the creatures are completely destroyed. In her realm, there is no time for the creatures to regenerate."

The ability of Sixteen Nights can affect his strength. The kind of energy that can be used in any space from the replacement system will be imprisoned in this world for a few percent, something he had never thought of before.

This is the world of technology, there are no so-called gods and demons... the realm is really beyond the scope of human beings.

"It's awesome, people want to understand the field early." Yan Zhu began to spoil him, "You teach others."

"I said, I have to wait for you to reach the limit of growth first."

The soft body behind is constantly rubbing, but Jingyu is unmoved. Of course, like ‘your chest is still bones. In order to avoid Yanzhu’s strike in the following battle, he didn’t speak out.

Off-road vehicles and motorcycles, running at a speed of nearly 200 kilometers per hour, fled and chased, and soon came to the edge of the monument. However, neither means to stop.

Inside the off-road vehicle, "the front engine is no longer on the road, you hurry." The driver shouted and rushed into the uneven grass.

The girl didn't say anything, just pressed the aluminum alloy box on her side with her hands, red eyes searching back and forth. This is night. The space outside the monument is of course without lights. The girl is not just a gastrointestinal factor, and her eyesight does not seem to be affected.

"Go to the left!" she instructed the driver: "There is an abandoned town over there. After entering, immediately turn around at the next intersection.

The driver understood what she meant... In the undetected area, the car's engine sound and headlights would greatly attract gastrointestinal animals. She wanted to get away from this already dangerous car as soon as possible.

But the driver did not blame the girl. He turned the steering wheel to the left, and the buggy drove rapidly in the bumps. Taking time out, he also glanced through the rearview mirror outside the car. The motorcycle behind him did not have driving lights, but the speed did not decrease at all.

The driver didn’t understand how he was driving, he thought, ‘it must be a monster too! ’

The SUV rushed into the unlit town after a minute. Turn right at the first street.

Because of the obstruction of this corner, the motorcycle briefly lost its track of off-road vehicles. It was at this moment that the girl opened the rear door at lightning speed and rushed out with the box.

She rushed into the narrow aisle between the two buildings. When the motorcycle rushed out of the corner and saw the SUV again, she had already ran through the building. And he quickly hid in the building and waited for the motorcycle to pass before running silently with the suitcase in the opposite direction of the two cars.

When she dashed across the straight street where the two previous cars passed, she stopped suddenly. Turning his head incredulously to the right, there was a girl with ponytails, standing with hands on her hips in the middle of the if waiting for her.

"Damn!" Even the intention was revealed, and the other party's promoter was a wise man. The girl thought so in her heart, and had not heard the sound of the motorcycle chasing back, she looked at the girl with double ponytails, "Are you a cursed child? Why should you help humans?"

Also watching her Yanzhu stayed a bit, "What are you talking about? The concubine is human."

"Human?" The girl was also taken aback by her words, "That's impossible, how can a human girl fight a cursed child like me? The man who left you, is it crazy?"

"Little girl..." Yan Zhu repeated these three words, pointing at her, "You are also a little girl, what is the right to say me. And, the child of the curse is human." She finished, under the power of action, eyes Turned red.

Seeing this, the girl seemed to be enraged. "You are a cursed child, why do you pretend to be human?"

"So, the concubine said just now, the concubine is human." Yan Zhu felt that talking to the girl was really hard.

"Nonsense, the son of the curse is not a human being, that is what human beings told me, can it be wrong? And, I don't bother to be a human being...they are too stupid, arrogant, and vicious, what good?" Girl Said proudly: "You don't have to be a human anymore, go with me, don't care about your promoter... He is just a human being, it's the same."

Yanzhu finally understood. She suddenly felt a little sad, and also understood why Jingyu released that kind of coldness at that time, and why she said those words to her... there are always a part of human beings who cannot accept the existence of the cursed child. Therefore, the cursed children need to be stronger, and they need not to admit defeat to them.

Yan Zhu also understood why Jingyu would let her wait here, while he left temporarily. What does he want her to do?

"The concubine's promoter is going to leave for a while. If you can, the concubine wants to talk to you."

She did not refute the girl, and temporarily gave up the heart of having to recapture the box through battle.



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