Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 89: Ebisu Kobina

The girl who made the knife reluctantly jumped away from Jingyu for a few steps, still holding on to the double knife, looking at him with trouble and dissatisfaction.

"Dad, why can't I cut him?" she asked Yinying Yinzhi.

Not only was she puzzled, but even Xia Shi and the generals felt incredible. Anyway, the girl’s performance and current inquiries prove that she has not been ‘sentimental’.

Wearing a red tuxedo, the thin and tall leeches Yingyin were also very annoyed. He stared at Jingyu with golden eyes through a white smiley mask... There was such an urge to kill him, and his daughter was all right.

However, the daughter could not cut him, I wonder if he would be controlled by him? The thought of killing him in turn if he was manipulated by him... Hiroki Yinyin was also horrified.

"You had expected this before, and you didn't hide, right?" He gestured to the girl to be restless and asked Jingyu.

So far, he hasn't seen Jingyu to manipulate his daughter, which is the only place he is fortunate.

"I had expected it? It's impossible to talk about it." Jingyu withdrew his gaze from the girl holding the knife, and instead smiled and said to Lizhi Ying: "It's not that when you appeared in front of me two nights ago, she told me that she was there Does it exist?"

He paused and praised maliciously: "You didn't waste that thing, I really want to thank you."

The mask obscured Leech's face, but anyone can imagine that he must be somber.

"General, don't you take out the box yet?" Jingyu suddenly said to Yixiong who stopped.

"Hey..." Will be jailed for a while, "Master Jingyu, shouldn't this mask man be eliminated first?"

Although he didn't quite understand, since the opponent's powerful starter partner is temporarily not useful, killing the mask promoter is the right way. Once the mask man dies, it is conceivable that the starter has lost its spiritual support and will inevitably lose its fighting power.

Fighting in this situation is their absolute victory.

The general was a little excited. The opponent is the strong man in the 134th place. Being able to defeat it, even if the means is not glorious, will be a great credit after going back... That is to say, to show off, this record should be more pleasant.

"Mr. General, Mr. Jingyu, I am afraid that there are some things to tell the mask person, he is letting us leave with a box first." Xia Shi had to translate Jingyu's words to monitor.

"Hah?" The rough man is the rough man, blinking his eyes, ‘Is that meaning in that sentence? Although I really want to ask, the supervisor will trust his initiator. After blinking your eyes, decide whether to execute it.

Since he had joined Jingyu's group, it would obviously not work if he didn't listen to orders.

"That's what Dad wants. You are not allowed to touch it." The girl holding the knife shouted angrily after seeing the two's reactions.

At the next moment, she has made a forward pose.

The general guard continued to slash with the epee, Xia Shi pointed her gun at her, and the girl was not afraid at all.

"What's your name?"

Jingyu asked this question inexplicably. However, after two steps, the girl holding the knife stood and replied:

"Xiao Binai, Zhizi Xiao Binai."

After answering with a naive voice, he tilted his head, "Hey... why would I say that?" "Okay, Xiao Binai, now standing on the spot and watching, I have something to discuss with your father." Jingyu said again.

His tone before and after seemed to be coaxing children. However, the child was really'coaxed'.

"Okay." Xiao Binai replied again, followed by another sentence, "Why would I agree? I want to hack you? You let me hack you." Her brain issued a command to raise the knife to both hands.

This time it was more thorough. She could not lift her hand and could not take a single step.

Such an unprecedented abnormal situation, after letting her stay for a while, desperately wanted to struggle. However, when the brain is active, the body just doesn't listen.

"Dad, what's wrong with me?" She yelled at the person she trusted most, and she was already crying. "I... I can't move."

"Stupid daughter, that's what he ordered." Hiroki Yingyin shook his head straight from the bottom of his heart, and wiped out the last trace of the bottom of his heart. "Stay there for the time being and do nothing."

Try again, the girl who has rooted in her mind the cruel thought of ‘weakness equals death’ may have the possibility of a breakdown of the mind.

Xiao Binai really stopped. She glanced at Jingyu timidly and nodded slightly at Yingzi Yingyin.

The supervisor finally took out the aluminum alloy box. After Jingyu nodded, he and Xia Shi ran towards the helicopter that had been flying in the air not far away. When their figure disappeared, Zhizi Yingyin said:

"Unexpectedly, your blood still has such an effect. Yes, I should have thought that the blood clearly remains active after leaving your body... Alas, injecting it into Xiao Binai's body is my biggest 'S success is also my biggest failure."

The biggest success refers to the 10 milliliters of blood that can completely suppress the gastrointestinal factor in Xiaobinai. So that it not only shows the strength side, but will not erode Xiao Binai's body. In this way, one day, Xiao Binai will stand at the peak of strength.

The biggest failure... Xiao Binai, who stands at the peak of her strength, can be controlled by the person in front of her.

"Yingyin, you're fine, I just didn't reveal this in front of them." Jingyu nodded with satisfaction. The posture of the above person focused on him without anger, "So, I will give you a chance ..."

He walked a few ten meters away from Xiao Binai, "If you want to attack, attack, I will defeat you completely."

He saw it. I don’t know what reliance Hiruko Yingyin even dared to say, "The powerful person is not loyal to the incompetent person" when he appeared in front of him after losing once.

Well, he let him know who is the person with power.

Zhizi Yingyin's eyes lighted up, and he didn't expect such a turnaround. He looked carefully at Jingyu... this handsome young man's appearance, the calm expression, showed the atmosphere of the bully... he made a cruel laughter from his throat.

"Okay, your speed, I also want to ruin it."

As the voice fell, the pupils on those golden eyes appeared a strange contraction and enlargement.

Jingyu, seen on the front, thinks of something, "Robot? No, is it the graphite prosthesis invented by Violet?"

However, the leeches Ying Yin who was born in Section 16 could not have undergone the operation of Section 22 Pansy.

Jingyu thought of a possibility and couldn't help laughing. "Oh, she wants to steal other people's skills, but she doesn't even know what she is.

I really want to see what she looks like when she knows this.



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