Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 83: field

In short, the guests are first introduced into the living room of the bungalow. There is an elder brother, so you don’t have to greet yourself... A cup of tea was brewed on the 16th night.

Unwoven, Mugen, and even Yanzhu, during the year they moved here on sixteen nights, occasionally came over as guests. However, for the first time, they saw the appearance of wearing maid costumes in the sixteen nights. After entering the kitchen at sixteen nights, Mu even stared at Jingyu with a weird gaze, while Unwoven used a fan to cover his lips. With great interest, he asked in a nice Osaka accent:

"That kind of uniform, Jingyu, do you like it?"

From her equally dark, big round eyes, it is not difficult to guess that if the answer is yes, she may not be able to wear it out next time.

And her performance immediately made Mu Geng's face tangled and hesitant. Even if she officially broke away from Tiantong's family, she could not abandon her identity as Missy. If you want her to wear a maid costume, it really is...

Jingyu was sitting opposite. The two beautiful girls with the same beauty level and different looks looked at their faces and smiled:

"It's Viola's arrangement."

He did not answer whether he liked it. One of the reasons is that there is no shortage of maids in your living environment. Like Mu Geng, wearing a black sailor suit and an unwoven pink kimono is pretty good.

Yanzhu pulled on La Jingyu's sleeve, "Nah... Na, Jingyu, don't say this," she will usually be unwilling to seduce Jingyu, she is totally absent at the moment, "You hurry up for sixteen nights Show your ability to feel concubine."

Since she came in, she has been watching sixteen nights...except for the maid costume, it is no different from usual. However, it is this ‘ordinary’, which is mixed with it, even when she first saw it, she can feel the unfathomable.

Perhaps the cursed children are assimilated to the gastrointestinal animal virus to a certain extent, making them possess animal-like acuity.

"Oh..." On the side wall, a door opened suddenly, and a tall woman with pale face and deep dark circles came out. After seeing everyone in the living room, she was surprised and seemed to hear Yanzhu's words, and said to Jingyu: "You even brought Xiaoyanzhu to feel that...has she already prepared herself?"

"Violet, do you also think that the concubine really is so much worse?" Yan Zhu stood up from the sofa and turned to look at her.

Muroto did not answer her at once, but went to the hospitality area where they were and sat on a separate sofa. Under the black one-step skirt, she also wore black pantyhose. She was very feminine and her legs overlapped.

"Looking at you, I haven't heard any details." She glanced at Jingyu through her Yanzhu who had been staring at her, and asked, "Is it alright?"

"Come and explain to her." Jingyu smiled.

Violet gave him a glance. Feelings, this guy seems to have known that the reason why he will come up is not by accident. But she was a little uncomfortable with him, obviously a little fart child she looked up at, but she made a posture in front of her that she was in control.

However, Muroto Hejin also has some kindness in the end. Unwilling to let Yanzhu suffer unnecessary harm under circumstances that could be avoided, she said first:

"Xiaoyanzhu, sit down and listen to me."

Before Yanzhu was pulled down by Jingyu and sat down, she looked at the other two girls. "After you hear it, try not to pass it on."

"This is no problem." Mu more replied.

Unwoven also nodded.

At sixteen nights, the tea was served at this time, and everyone was offered a cup of fragrant black tea. In his own part, Violet poured milk to adjust the taste, and the well brewed words finally blurted out before Yan Zhu's temperament was polished.

"To explain the gap between Sixteen Nights and Yanzhu, we must first mention a word-domain." Jiu looked at Yanzhu immediately in doubt, "The cursed children all have a growth limit. After they get there, they can't become stronger anyway. For Yanzhu, you Is it speed? Has the recent speed been growing fast? Maybe you even thought about it. If you go on like this, you can run even bullets.

However, this growth will also have a complete stagnation day... Most of the children of the curse are here, and they cannot become stronger. If there are exceptions, it is to break through the growth limit and reach the field. "

She took a sip of tea. "Now, the IP ranks among the top 50 in the world, basically those who reach the field." Looking at Jingyu through the cup, he added: "I think, he thinks, Xiaoyanzhu, you have this potential, and it will bring you to experience this power."

Yan Zhu, who had already started anxious, turned his head to see Jingyu as soon as he heard this sentence.

‘Sure enough, occasionally letting others point out what I mean, than it is for me to say it every time, it works. 'Jingyu thought this way and touched Yanzhu's head, "It's indeed like what Vio said. There is an insurmountable power gap between those who reach the field and those who haven't arrived. But you don't need to be depressed to feel that power Later, I will help get closer to it, and eventually get it."

The expressions on Yanzhu's face were all alive. She stood up, hands on hips, patting her chest:

"Leave it to the concubine, and the concubine will break through for you."

The amber eyes that looked directly at him seemed to be burning with flames and were extremely hot.

‘Okay, almost! 'Jingyu put down the teacup and looked towards Wenjing standing quietly between him and Violet, holding the tray for sixteen nights. The expressionless 10-year-old girl gently smiled at him.

"Yanzhu, I'm going to draw a pattern on your face, as well as Miss Unwoven and Miss Mugen." She released the tray with one hand and seemed to be ready to take out a pen.

It was originally heard that she was the one who arrived in the field, and those who arrived in the field could be ranked in the top 50 of the world...Mike is different from the unwoven and the Yanzhu that focuses on herself, and she is in shock. They clearly understand what role the people with this IP ranking play in the world.

Now, listening to her saying, both of them are just staying... Drawing a pattern, what does this have to do with showing strength?

"Then, can the concubine stop you?" Yan Zhu is more thorough. I'm afraid she's still not convinced under her heart.

Sixteen nights nodded generously, "Please feel free." She paused. "So, I'm going to start."

The words fell, Yan Zhu, whose expression had become dignified, suddenly changed color, and he unconsciously stroked his lower neck with his hands. But the next second, she was standing still.

It’s not just her, who is drinking tea, gazing and staring, afraid of missing the details of unwoven and wooden, together with this bungalow, they are still still... that is even the subtleties of heartbeat, air flow, or the naked eye The supernatural phenomenon that all things that cannot be seen have ceased to function.

In this situation, starting at sixteen nights, came to Yanzhu and drew a few strokes on her cheek. Next, he went to the opposite side and painted different patterns for Mugen and Unwoven.

When she received the pen, she accidentally saw Jingyu shaking her head and laughing.

"Brother, this power can't block you." She didn't feel depressed because of this, but felt very proud. I don't have to be stronger than my brother, just a little weaker than him.

"Accurately speaking, I am not unblocked. I just operated the brain at a speed thousands of times faster than that of ordinary people." Jingyu raised his hand. "It is already very powerful and can block most of my physical ability and body. energy."

If Sixteen Nights had the same level of physical ability as him under this ability, he would lose.

"People can't freely manipulate it now. Waiting for it, it will definitely be able to imprison only the enemy and the elder brother," Sixteen Nights assured.

This is also a reason why she did not choose to become Jingyu's initiator. The force that will have a negative impact on the brother is not enough to fight with the brother.



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