Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 81: Start

"Oh, has morale returned to 80%? As a leader, my dean is still at some level."

Ten minutes passed by, and Jingyu and Yanzhu walked slowly, slowly walking to the opposite of the closed training room. As soon as you turned around, you could see that a small door on the wall came out of a group of policemen.

They divided into two fronts... The combination of civilian police is in accordance with the initiator and the promoter. But they have 20 groups, that is, 20 starters and 20 promoters. So simply, this kind of partner relationship is disrupted and divided into a melee group and a remote support group.

Considering the physical abilities of the cursed children, the melee group obviously has more starters. And the promoters who can enter the melee group must be quite confident in their own strength.

Yan Zhu blinked his amber eyes. Because she saw this lineup for the first time, she felt a little unclear how to start... At this time, it reflected the role of the promoter, that is, Jingyu.

He caught the black epee and silver desert eagle in the "equipment" that fell in the air, and stabbed the black epee on the mossy concrete floor.

"Yanzhu, don't leave me more than 10 meters away when found by the other party. When encountering machine guns or excessively dense firepower, although hiding behind me, my sword will protect you."

Yanzhu recalled that in the compound, Jingyu had indeed seen the bullet knock away the bullet with a sword, or resisted like a shield.

"I know. You protect the concubine, and the concubine destroys the enemy for you." She proudly said with her arms akimbo.

In the wide space, an unwoven voice came, "I set the pain to 10%. In addition, I was prompted that people who have been "severely injured or dead", please do not participate in the battle."

After all, this is a VR training room. The weapons used include the Epee in the hands of Jingyu. Even if it feels real, it is fake. After slashing it with a person, it just eliminates the "health"... that is, the computer judges whether the other party has lost its fighting ability based on the slashing position and strength.

Similarly, other people's weapons must also use the training room. Even Yanzhu changed her boots.

The actual countdown to the battle came after another 5 minutes.

Both sides are one mile apart. After the countdown became 0, Jingyu took a heavy sword and hid together with Yanzhu in the nearest abandoned building. Tom, at least three automatic rifle bullets hit the place where they had just stood.

This is obviously unfair.

If Jingyu and Yanzhu reacted one step slower, wouldn't it be to win or lose at that moment.

In the operating room, the unwoven and wood looked at my head straight.

"Oh, I'm still young." My dean sighed in a commentary manner: "In general, before the war, you should hide your figure. Moreover, there are problems in choosing weapons. The number of opponents is so How can I use a pistol with only 7 bullets?"

‘Jingyu, I didn’t expect you to be so mean. The girls thought tacitly in their hearts.

Gunfire continued in the training room. The long-range group first used machine gun fire to force Jingyu and Yanzhu to hide behind the building. Then, alternate shooting suppresses their vision. Then, the 20 members of the melee team began to detour from both sides, running towards Yanzhu and Jingyu.

Naturally, Jingyu is not really suppressed behind the building. He pierced the wall with his epee, leaning on his arm and pulled out a door arbitrarily on the wall. Yanzhu kicked the'gate' down with one foot, and the two entered the next building in a straight direction from the gate.

As soon as he arrived here, Jingyu fired two shots from the left side. The two melee promoters who thought they were suppressed and unable to attack, were immediately shot in the forehead... 10% of the pain was enough for them to grin.

‘Quick shooting! The four people in the control room can see clearly. After Jingyu fired two shots, the person on the opposite side found that their position had changed...when anxious to avoid, the machine gun fire adjusted the shooting point. After all, these policemen are not vulgar generations, and they are pretty beautiful.

However, after comparing, the advantages and disadvantages are very obvious.

After Jingyu withdrew his hand, he found two smoke bombs and threw them in the direction he had just shot. Without his signal, Yanzhu jumped to the top of the building after the smoke rose. This direction is obviously the position where the other party has forgotten the fire blockade.

At the same time, all kinds of firearms are concentrated in the smoke bomb area. Random shots, attempting to block the two while the smoke was approaching.

The people on the right are moving forward at this time. They also have radios in the equipment they choose. They already know that two people were "shot", so they were very careful.

Jingyu didn't rush to attack again. He is waiting, he believes that after the smoke on the left rises, the action of the melee team here will also lack concealment.

Yanzhu suppressed his own voice and dived forward nearly 100 meters. After stopping, she used the high hearing ability brought by the rabbit-type gastrointestinal factor to judge the location of the approaching enemy.

There are only enemies here, Jingyu said he would not keep up. Therefore, she does not need to see too clearly. When the smoke began to thin and she heard the sound, she launched a violent attack... the moans of the two girls and the scream of an adult.

This is the result of Yanzhu.

Tommy, a fool actually shot in that area in anxiety, accidentally injuring a starter of his own.

Yanzhu has been lurking again at this time. And Jingyu, when she attracted everyone's attention, contrary to the enemy's expectation... in a magical way, a flash bomb was thrown, so that its trajectory appeared to be thrown from a building on the left. After the flash broke, he sneaked into the right.

On the left, there are not many melee members left. They dare not act and are suppressed in place.

Yanzhu also stood there on standby, monitoring them.

The melee members on the right thought that Jingyu was moving close to the left melee team, and it was also the one who was guarding against it.

In this way, Jingyu fired five bullets next time, and within five meters, five starters were eliminated.

His first bullet clip ran out of bullets.

At this time, one of the initiators closest to him suddenly rushed out from behind the hidden building. Jingyu responded to the emergency, flicked her left hand, and flicked the empty magazine towards her like a hidden weapon. When she used a weapon to block, Jingyu ran towards her and slid the pistol without the clip across the waist where the clip was inserted.

With a click, he was on a new magazine. The epee in his right hand also pierced straight towards the girl.

The girl, who had nowhere to hide in the air, gritted her teeth and struck him with a sword weapon. Trying to use this method to knock away his sword. But the epee is still.

The girl's heart was hit.



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