Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 74: Invite and be invited

Returning from the compound to downtown Tokyo is already 9 o'clock at night.

After Yanzhu jumped off the motorcycle, she urged: "Hurry up, before going to bed, people still want to see the Dzizhu girl today." Before she went, she asked the trainer to help record.

"After going back, should it be time for a bath? The child should go to bed earlier." Jingyu teased her while pulling the key out of the motorcycle: "Don't sleep on time, be careful not to grow where it looks. ."

"Hate!" Yan Zhu pouted. "They are not children. You obviously did that to others. And," she hugged her flat chest. "Yes, I will grow up."

Sixteen nights, as well as some girls in the compound, were obviously about the same age as hers, and that position was already prominent. However, she didn't have anything at all... which made her secretly very frustrated.

"It's just kissing, but it's not necessary to use the three words "that kind of thing." Jingyu knocked on her forehead. "No deliberate misunderstanding is allowed."

"Humph." Yan Zhu turned away unwillingly, whispering in his mouth: "Someone can do that kind of thing."

Jingyu pretended not to hear. Put the helmet in her hand and cover the motorcycle with rain cloth... Yanzhu suddenly called him.


Without her explanation, Jingyu has heard the footsteps of someone walking over on this quiet night. His action of covering the raincloth didn't stop, and when he turned around when he was done, the man had stood at about five steps.

"Good evening, the elder brother of the cursed sons." It was the masked man, who was wearing a red tuxedo, took off the top hat he wore on his head, "I am a leech, and the leech shadow Yin." Xiang Jingyu walked Gentleman's Ceremony.

Yanzhu held Jingyu's black helmet with both hands, blinking his eyes in surprise. Was this person almost killed by Jingyu last time? How to say hello to him instead, this seems to her very young, very puzzled.

Moreover, "Brothers of the Cursed Children", Yanzhu heard the word for the first time... She looked at Jingjingyu curiously.

"Ten years ago, it was you who robbed the laboratory of me and Violet." Jingyu said lightly: "Dare to appear in front of me again, thinking I won't kill you?"

Hiroki Yinyin laughed from the throat and straightened his waist.

"I think you will always give me time to speak..." His self-confidence emerged from his dark golden eyes. "I don't want to know, where was the 10 ml of blood used? "

Externally, everyone thinks that the robbed was originally developed by Violet and has not yet been completed. However, the leeches Yingyin actually got, can know that it is actually blood... This is not surprising.

Jingyu once said to Violet that blood is used outside the cursed child and will immediately release all the energy inside. Hiroki Yinyin is still alive, which means that he is not messing around. Therefore, Jingyu smiled noncommittally.

This attitude caused the brow covered by the mask to be slightly wrinkled. He didn't understand what it meant. However, Jingyu's calmness still let him rest for a while.

"There are a total of five children, one of whom was chosen as the starter and used your blood," he told.

Jingyu's eyes narrowed, making the surrounding air stagnate a lot.

"Of course, in response to your call, the other four are still alive today." Zhizi Yingyin said quickly.

After a few seconds of silence, "Tell me about your intentions." Jingyu leaned on the motorcycle and folded his arms.

Hiroki Yingyin clearly showed a happy emotion, "From the reaction of your initiator, I can judge that she did not even know that you are the brothers of the cursed children"-that was almost With one's own strength, it has reversed the views of the countries around the world on the cursed children, allowing them to be treated like ordinary people.

He paused and lifted his hands exaggeratedly, "But what did you get? Every country tried to block your presence in order to prevent your influence on the cursed children... The rescued children, Most people think that it is the credit of the country and the government to live well. They are grateful to the country and the government, not you."

"The world that I have influenced, actually acted, and indeed each country and government." Jingyu does not matter: "The children are grateful to them, this is not wrong...I am not trying to get their gratitude. To act."

"Hum hum... this is your nobility." Leizi Yingyin bowed again, this time he didn't raise his head immediately, "However, you can see that the cursed children are walking for the country they are grateful for. Is it the way to kill each other?"

He looked directly at Jingyu, who had calmed his expression. "Isn't that strange? For people without power, why should they get the loyalty of powerful people? You, me, the cursed children...should stand at the pinnacle of this world Isn’t it us? Shouldn’t it be the powerful people who decide the destiny of this world?"

He was as passionate as a speech, "Let the powerless people become our servants. It is not the powerful people who serve the powerless people, but the powerless people who become the support of the powerful people. The world should be In this way, it is undoubtedly wrong now.

Now, don't you want to change the world with me? I saw you who kicked a hundred kilograms of weight ten years ago, and I was are the darling of the world. Why the cursed children are all women, it is because they need a king, that is you! "

He extended an inviting hand to Jingyu, "Come on, you are a man who can stand on top of all those with power."

Yan Zhu listened to all these words. She was young and didn't quite understand what it meant. However, the maids and aunts in the compound have taught her that power is there to protect something. What the mask man said is clearly deviating from this.

Jingyu couldn't be with him, she thought in her heart. Therefore, before Jingyu spoke, she pulled his sleeve worriedly and murmured: "Jingyu..."

Jingyu grinned and rubbed the top of her head, looking at Zhizi Yingyin: "I am very glad that I was a powerless person from the beginning. In that way, I can see many people who are born with power and cannot see thing.

In the world, after all, there are the most people without power. Powerful people cannot understand what they need. Therefore, it is those who have no power that can truly govern the world. Because of lack of strength, they will need the help of others, and the existence of others will be of value. "

He stretched his fingers and said, "Don't you defect because of the sudden end of the war against gastroenterids and temporarily losing the meaning of existence?"

Hiroki Yinyin's body shuddered, refuting: "Self-empowered us and denied our existence... See, this Tokyo area, even dare not admit that there have been 787 mechanized troops... Such a distorted world Isn’t it worth correcting? Also, as I just said, can you really let the cursed children kill each other for the desire of the incompetent?"

"A complete victory in the gastrointestinal animal war means that countries in the world will enter a new round of hegemony." Jingyu smiled sarcastically. "It is forbidden to use the cursed child in the military. By then, it is nothing but a piece of empty paper. Never mind."

"So..." Hiroko Yingyin looked forward. It is not necessarily for what Jingyu is going to his camp, as long as Jingyu can agree to come down.

"Don't you think that the way of asking questions is very cunning?" Jingyu said sharply: "You can fight and kill casually for the incompetent? Really, it is a pity that the conscious killer is killed. . But will not let it go, the world is going to chaos of endless fighting.

Hiroki Yinyin, if you really want to fight with me, obediently put me under my command... Obey my will and obey my orders. You want to kill, you want to fight, and I will give you the enemies you need to destroy. If one day, such enemies have disappeared, I will take care of you personally! "

The mask man was dumbfounded. For a long time, he used his gloved hands to laugh at the masked forehead **** ho.



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