Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 71:

In a western restaurant, the wood is cutting the steak at the window seat.

"As a result, we still don't know, what's in that box."

Jingyu took a sip of red wine, "things exist in gastrointestinal animals, there are only two situations. One is when humans are swallowed, they are swallowed together... uh, will it affect your appetite?"

Mu more smiled and shook her head. "Continue." She used a fork to send a small piece of beef into the mouth.

Jingyu nodded, "Another word is that the source of the infection was originally a human being with a box in his hand. When the erosion rate exceeded 50% and the gastrointestinal was animalized, the box was also wrapped in sudden flesh and blood... …From the report of the second gastroent animal attack in the Tokyo area, it can basically be regarded as this second possibility.”

"However, in this kind of case, the gastrointestinal animal infected by that person is again..." Mu Geng's doubts were halfway up, and suddenly his eyes lit up. "Is it the unexplored field?"

"Only this explanation." Jingyu put down the glass and began to cut the steak in front of him.

"Slow down, slow down." Mu Geng's movement paused. "I'll sort out my thoughts..."

She paused, put down her silver knife, and supported her cheek: "Someone never probed the field and brought something back to Tokyo. After being attacked, she fled in... How did the mask man know the existence of that thing? With him In terms of IP rankings, if he knew, he would be able to take the initiator to the unexplored area and take it away without having to be so troublesome."

Her conclusion is that after the thing enters the Tokyo area, the masked person knows. In other words, the thing was supposed to be handed over to him, and in the middle of the process, the carrier's gastrointestinal was animalized so that he could chase it in the first place. Then, met Jingyu and Yanzhu. Originally intended to kill people and kill his mouth, he was injured by Jingyu instead.

Jingyu watched Mugen quietly. I thought, when the girl showed awkwardness, it was cute. In the same way, there is another kind of beauty when showing smartness...wonderful.

"Jingyu, I want to investigate this matter in secret." Mu Geng said after analyzing.

As a woman who positions herself and does not always depend on him, Mu even has her own intelligence system.

"Okay, search here, with so many people helping, I believe there will be news soon." Jingyu is not in a hurry. "It's you, be careful. The other party is a crazy guy after all, nobody knows What will they do."

"Relax, I can protect myself." Mu smiled more.

This is where work matters. Next, Mu Geng's cheeks became red. She cut the steak while glancing at Jingyu carefully.

"Then, that... can we tell our mother about us?"

It may be that the attention was too much on Jingyu, so that the steak was almost cut into pieces, and she did not notice it.

"Yes." Jingyu teased: "Isn't that what she always expected? Will bless you."

"So, tell Yanzhu and Unwoven?" Mu wanted to eliminate his rivals.


"...Why do you hesitate?" Mu even cut the white porcelain plate into a flat seam, and his eyes became harsh.

"You know when you go to bed with me."

"Shang..." There were two chirps. The knives and forks in Mu Geng's hands all penetrated into the solid wood table because they were too excited. She stood up too fiercely and knocked the chair to the ground too, "Too, too, too..."

The blood passed her white neck and overflowed her face. Jingyu's eyes were fast, and from the side of the seat, he came behind her instantly and hugged her who was about to fall to the ground... A closer look, it didn't work anymore, this girl was lost.

‘Should she faint when she’s sleeping with me. 'Jingyu is a bit worried.

Mu woke up more, and felt the wind blowing. She found herself placed by Jingyu in front of his motorcycle. Neither of them wore a helmet. She leaned on his shoulder, and a pair of thighs rested on his thighs.

Shyness once again occupied all her thinking. She didn't dare to move, only two small hands clutched Jingyu's shirt, seeking protection and comfort.

"Wake up?" he asked.

Mu Zeng nodded slightly, "How are you doing this?" The weak voice, like a little girl, "is seen by everyone, I, I... can't see anyone." She hid her face on his chest .

Sniffing from the bottom, her body fragrance. This is like a small animal's performance, stirring Jingyu's heart. He suddenly stepped on the brakes and parked the car in front of no one.

When Mu Geng swung forward involuntarily because of inertia, Jingyu suddenly lowered his head while taking advantage of this distance.

Mu wanted to hide even more, Jingyu pinched her chin. To help her separate the lips, he asked for her.

Mu Geng's eyes widened, and then he closed slowly again. For the first time, she discovered that his strength was so great. After being caught in one of his hands, she stuck all over him. The degree of bridging is almost as if it is to be integrated.

‘This, that’s the kind... even here... shameless? ’

Mu Geng's eyes slipped with tears of happiness.

Returning Mugen to Meihe Women's College, Jingyu did not return to Goutian High School, but went to Goutian University next door. When he came outside the small building, he did not welcome him for sixteen nights. Jingyu guessed that she either went out shopping or got out of the basement.

He entered the house himself. Originally intended to go to the basement to find Viola, but as a result, she was found in the bedroom. He smiled and walked towards it.

Muroto Heard heard the engine sound of the motorcycle. In other words, she was awoken by this. The thought of him coming again made her nervous and locked the bedroom door.

But that couldn't stop Jingyu at all. After his hand touched the door handle, a force of ‘twisting’ poured in, and the door lock made a clicking sound, which had been opened in the annoyance of Violet.

Jingyu, who pushed in the door, saw that he was sitting generously on the bed, looking at him with a smile. She gave Jingyu the feeling that she really didn't care what happened before the two... But, with her sense of perception, Jingyu knew that Violet was lying down the moment before.

"Are you okay there."

Violet didn't expect that he would ask so directly, and he didn't suppress the shame of climbing on the cheek in time. However, after ten years of getting along with him, the more trouble he knew, it would only make him more like to violate her. So she avoided this topic and asked him:

"Aren't you going to find the source of infection? How come you have time to come here?"

"Well..." He made a note of unknown significance and sat on the bed of Violet, looking up with his head raised. Then, she looked in the direction of her, "how can I say...after sowing the seeds on the ground, always take time to take care of the land."




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