Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 62: Ranking rise

The black motorcycle surpassed the car at a flying speed. The driver in the car probed out the window and whistled.

"It's a beautiful black foal, and it must be very energetic."

In the car, the girl who looked at the comics raised her head and despised him. "Dad, you always say this kind of thing, and then my mother ran with other men."

The man in his early 30s, who was a driver, resigned helplessly and thought to himself, ‘Your mother will run, is it because of you? ’

He didn't dare to say such words. Otherwise, her daughter will be greeted with terrible spoils such as ‘don’t make excuses for her own incompetence’.

Soon after, I saw two policemen wearing bullet-proof vests in the chat. The driver parked the car next to them, thinking that they were too relaxed, and came out from the window and asked:

"What about gastrointestinal animals? We are the police."

"Ah, I'm sorry, you are late, the gastrointestinal animals have been resolved." One of the police said.

The other was amazed, "Yeah, it's really sharp. I'm the first to see such a swift combination. The motorcycle just drove in the past, the starter who jumped out from the car suddenly The foot kicked the gastrointestinal animal to death, and then jumped back to the motorcycle...

"Hey... motorcycle, black?" The driver froze.

The girl in the car had a bad arc in the corner of her mouth, "Isn't it a beautiful black pony?"



In a family restaurant that offers Chinese cuisine, Jingyu, Yanzhu, Mugen and Xunzi face up with glasses for drinks. After a light touch, each took a sip with a smile.

One month has passed since the first mission. During this period, Jingyu and Yanzhu knocked down five gastrointestinal animals. Based on this, the IP ranking of 240,000 finally reached 50,000.

This is the celebration of ‘it’ and of the club’s profitability in the first month.

Incidentally, Mu Xing, who was idle at home, was pulled into the company and started his accounting work.

In this way, the Tiantong Civil Guard Association has four members including the president...cough, slowly growing.

"Happy, Mu Geng." Yanzhu looked down at Mu Geng proudly after putting down the cup: "There are Jingyu and concubines in existence, and profits like this will appear frequently in the future. So, just celebrate Jingyu and concubine in the future. Just go up in rank."

Mu Geng closed her eyes like a headache. "If you can, I hope you can find a little less trouble." When you opened your eyes, the purple eyes forced them to the opposite side. "Unbelievable, only one month, you She broke through 200 red lights." She burst into tears. "Do you know that the traffic police are about to break the threshold of the club?"

"Fine or something, don't pay it? I'm adding extra income for them." Jingyu has no confessions. "Anyway, when the police perform their tasks, they won't wait for the red light?"

"But you are not a policeman, but a policeman that the police hate." Mu Geng was a little crazy, thinking, how could he be understood, some tasks could not be taken from the police if he did not have a good relationship with the policemen. got it.

The reason why the police hate the civilian police is simple. It was their job to protect the lives of citizens. Now that the government is strictly ordering them to target gastrointestinal animals, they have to wait for the police to arrive at the scene and then watch the police eagerly to do to make them reconciled.

"That's a trivial matter." Yanzhu helped Jingyu, and cast Mu Gan's look of "you are a big deal", "As long as you can actually hunt the gastrointestinal animals, won't you get paid?"

"It's not good at all!" Mentioned this, Mu Geng was even more angry, patted the table and stood up, and even attracted the attention of others in the store. "It's true, do you know? Now it's circulating among colleagues. What is it? Tiantong Civil Guard Company, a gastrointestinal thief, is it a thief?"

The word made her feel ashamed. "Oh, that's too much." Mu Geng is still beautiful even if she is angry, Jingyu looks pleasing. Then, there was a tendency to add another fire, and the corners of the mouth curled up in a bad arc: "We just snatched it away, has nothing to do with stealing?"

Yan Zhu chuckled.

"You, you..." Mu Geng's blood rushed up, his cheeks flushed.

"Well... Well, two people, don't quarrel for this kind of thing." Xunzi took her back to her seat and persuaded: "What's more, Jingyu did not violate the rules. They would be called thieves, It also shows the unwillingness of those people... It is deliberately vilified."

"Mom, how do you help him talk." Mu more puckered his mouth, unwilling to spoil her mother.

Four people temporarily ended the topic and started to eat delicious Chinese dishes hot on the table. After everyone had eaten seven or eight minutes, and the speed of the meal slowed down, Jingyu asked Mu Gengdao, who had clearly improved his mood:

"Have you thought about when to expand your membership?"

Listening to him mentioning this, Mu Geng's face was correct, he put down his chopsticks and said: "At present, we have relatively few funds available for working capital. I plan to invest in stocks and purchase foreign exchange first to accumulate funds. At the same time, the club's reputation is also Not loud enough... Isn’t it better to pick from the people who come to you than to find it yourself?"

"It also makes sense." Jingyu nodded. "So, when are you going to find the starter as a partner?"

After replacing the pancreas, Mu even lifted the restrictions caused by physical diseases. Coupled with practicing the breathing method of Professor Jingyu since childhood, the combat ability is far above ordinary people. Moreover, she and Jingyu received the police license at the same time.

"Well..." Mu whitened Jingyu. "You two are robbing prey everywhere, I just found the starter, and I can't improve the IP ranking temporarily? Besides, I fell down with my partner. You are overthrown and you get the same reward..."

She paused, glanced at Yanzhu, and said nothing else.

Jingyu did know that she didn't want to pay an extra person for the time being. He was funny in her heart, she was a big lady from beginning to end. However, this little family is angry...

Mu Gan's concerns are actually not unreasonable. Jingyu is the one who lives with her, and he doesn't care how much he is paid. As for Yanzhu, how much Jingyu takes, Mu Geng will give her the same perfunctory.

However, the same is the police, the higher the IP ranking, the normal, the employment will need to pay more salaries.

If the club wants to add new people in the future, it will have to take this into consideration. So, she saves from now on.

Jingyu asked Mu Geng and turned to Yanzhu, who started to rub her small belly.

"You got your first month's salary. What do you want to buy?"

"Before the concubine was old, there was the Tianzhu girl who wanted it." Yan Zhu said immediately, "There are some beautiful clothes... Ah, yes, I want to give my friends in the courtyard. , Prepare some gifts."

She lifted her little finger and counted. Finally frowning, "Not enough."

"Hahaha..." Jingyu rubbed her little head with a smile. "My share will be added to you too."

"Really?" Yan Zhu smiled.

"Really, so pamper her." Mu more sullenly took a drink.

Xun Zi was sitting next to her, listening to her little mutter. I thought, do you want to urge this daughter who is too clumsy in love?

After this day, Jingyu and Yanzhu's "hunting plunder" continued for another two months before stopping when the IP rank rose to 1200. But even so, the title of "predator" fell on their heads.



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