Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 58: Yanzhu met Mugen 2

First floor **** guy, second floor nightclub, fourth floor usury...

Even with such parameters, Mu still felt that Jingyu's reaction was a bit excessive. Following his somber face, he went downstairs together. When receiving the black helmet he handed, she asked carefully:

"Aren't you very good at dealing with that kind of person?"

"Why aren't you good at it? Didn't I solve it at once?"

No matter where he is, this teenager, who is very attractive to women, how calmly he usually treats things... Mu Gan, who grew up with him, can't be more clear.

She has thought about it more than once, he is a perfect person, without any shortcomings.

But today, this impression is somewhat broken.

I always felt, huh, sigh of relief, Mu more gently covered his lips and smiled.

Carefully protect your hair and put the helmet on top of your head. When he was about to ride the back seat of the motorcycle, he was pulled from the side.

"Wait a minute." It was the voice of a childish girl.

Yanzhu, wearing a red helmet, watched Mugen more cautiously, "You are not allowed to ride until the concubine finds a good solution."

‘This statement is really lustful. "Jingyu's heart is funny, "What a good way? Isn't it that you come to hug me and let Mu Gan sit behind you?"

"The concubine doesn't want to touch her," Yan Zhu murmured. "She will absorb the concubine's growth."

To put it bluntly, it's still chest!

Jingyu suddenly felt that, in future life, as long as these two girls are together, can't you jump off this topic?

"Then you sit here." He raised a hand holding the motorcycle's head and gestured to his front.

"Hey..." Mugen and Yanzhu both made surprises.

The difference is that Mu Gan pouted with dissatisfaction; while Yan Zhu, after casting a more "victory" look at Mu Gan, shyly and joyfully entered Jingyu's arms. She even sat in the opposite direction with Jingyu Qi face to face.

In that posture, Mu Gan felt ashamed of everything.

However, Jingyu said nothing, she could only complain in her heart, ‘what, then indulge her’, something happened.

After riding in the back seat, she hesitated for a moment and got close to Jingyu. As soon as the chest touched his back, she was flushed with shame, and she flinched.

Just then, suddenly felt a pair of small hands touched.

"You, what are you doing?" Mu Geng withdrew his body and asked with dissatisfaction.

"Hee hee, you are naturally not allowed to get close to Jingyu." Yan Zhu made a tongue out from Jingyu's armpit to her head, and whispered, "I can't carelessly, if I have a chance, I just use Chest seduces Jingyu."

Being poked at the center, Mu Gan was embarrassed and angry, "I didn't seduce him!"

She spoke so loudly that all the passers-by walking on the street looked over. In this way, she bowed her head in shame again.

"Come on, let's go." He pushed Jingyu and urged.

"Hold tight." Jingyu waited for her to grab her back and stepped on the accelerator. Motorcycles that have already been launched are galloping.

The task that the private security company mainly received was issued by the government, and it was crusade against gastroenterids entering the urban area. In order to improve efficiency, the government often contacts the nearest civil security company to dispatch civilian police to attack.

In this way, even if you leave the company, it is possible to receive the task. After receiving the task, in order to be able to quickly rush to the place of the incident and avoid damage such as infection, naturally it is necessary to live closer to the company.

After 10 minutes, Jingyu's car was parked downstairs in the apartment where he lived for almost 10 years. When the two girls got out of the car, he took out the raincloth and covered the car, wearing a helmet and going upstairs with them.

"Jingyu, will the concubine sleep with you in the future?" Yan Zhu asked on the stairs.

"It's living together, not sleeping together." Mu more immediately corrected her words.

Yan Zhu felt that she was really troublesome. She glared at her with dissatisfaction and continued to Jingyu: "Can someone else take a shower with you?" Her face was still red because of this. It's just that the big eyes that looked at Jingyu were full of expectations, and didn't flinch.

Mu is more daring to lose to this little girl. Recalling her words, she only washed once or twice together with Jingyu when she was at Tiantong's house. Later, because my mother told me, girls can only sleep with boys when they get married... Realizing the difference between boys and girls, and the strong sense of shame, Ling Mu can no longer do it.

But this girl is different from the one who didn't understand anything. She obviously knows what it means to sleep together.

Seeing Jingyu didn't answer immediately, Mu couldn't help but replace him again: "No."

"Why are you always right with the concubine?" Yan Zhu was annoyed. "The concubine is not going to wash with you."

"It's just not possible to be with him!" Mu Geng also stopped in a tit-for-tat manner. "This... this is the rule of our family. If you want to live in, you must obey."

She dare not look at Jingyu, because he found the house. But she believes that Jingyu will not demolish her desk at this time.

A door in front opened, and a young woman with long black hair and a apron around her waist came out.

"Really, such a quarrel in the corridor will cause trouble to the neighbors." She looked at Mugen more reproachfully. Curious about Yanzhu, "Is this kid..."

"Well, my starter." Jingyu pulled Yanzhu over, "called Yanzhu, and I will live together in the future."

"Hello, hello." Yan Zhu weakened.

The young woman nodded with a smile, "Welcome you, Yanzhu sauce... And everyone, come in soon."

Jingyu pushed Yanzhu first, and as soon as he entered the door, he immediately smelled a light fragrance of food. After changing shoes, after entering the living room, I saw that there were some steaming plates on the dining table connected to the living room.

Another silver-haired girl in a long skirt, about the age of Yanzhu, walked out of the kitchen with a large soup bowl. After putting it on the dining table, she smiled sweetly at Jingyu.

"Brother, you are back."

When she looked at Yanzhu, she activated her ability, and her red eyes immediately froze Yanzhu. After canceling the ability, he said gently:

"Hello, I am sixteen nights."



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