Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 46: The first day of the Second Kanto War

That night, Jingyu climbed onto the bed of Violet. The reason he found for himself was that there was a woman nearby, and she could not sleep without hugging.

Violet saw that he was only 9 years old and had no hair or feet, so he barely endured it. Who knows, the next morning, she was woken up by a hard thing... That really shocked her, and was confused, thinking that it was a man who had done vulgar things to her.

Quickly opened her eyes, and what she saw made her blush, and almost scolded.

The little villain somehow lifted her coat, untied her underwear, said nothing, and posted her face shamelessly...Villa couldn't help but push him, thinking,'Will he fall? On the ground. Anyway, with his body, he will not be injured. ’

Jingyu was not pushed away by her. He tightened his arms and held her firmly. Then, the black eyes and Violet looked at each other, full of smiles. At the moment where he was stunned by the shocking fact that he was awake, he suddenly opened his mouth and took a bite at her.

Without stopping, she had jumped out of bed while letting go of her.

"Seb!" Pansy on the bed embraced her chest with both hands and scolded her teeth... She had to prevent others from hearing it, and didn't dare to be too loud.

"Hum hum..." Jingyu stood proudly in the chest and accepted her stare.

Violet was really angry, and he wanted to find out if he had any weapons beside him.

It was at this time, too! The sound of the explosion sounded without warning. Although it was a little vague when it came from afar, Jingyu and Violet were tight. The two didn't care about the previous ambiguity, and each of them grabbed their clothes and ran out of the tent.

The sirens of the Self-Defense Forces barracks have been completely rang. The soldiers of the 787 troops ran in a panic in the camp.

"It should be a mine that has been laid. It was trampled." Jingyu guessed when another explosion came.

Violet nodded and gave him a complicated look. When I flicked my white coat and walked towards the medical camp wisely——

"Don't die! Otherwise, there's no place for my anger."

Leave such a sentence.

"Oh, remember to wash it again next time." Jingyu said something that made her stagger a bit.


Half an hour later, Jingyu laid a Barrett sniper rifle and lay on top of a taller building. Next to him was a large black sword and an ammunition box with 500 rounds of 12.7mm bullets.

This is the town near the military camp. The 787 troops, already in a certain formation and relying on building cover, were placed here. Because of the use of sniper rifles, Jingyu has a longer range and is slightly behind.

Behind him is the missile and artillery unit with the longest range. Now, the Self-Defense Force is facing as far as possible, pouring fire on the gastrointestinal animals rushing toward the weak stone between the giant stone monument and the giant stone monument.

After the extremely lethal barrage, the gastrointestinal animals were killed one by one. There is also the suppression of gastroenteritis viruses by the giant stone tablets, and it is difficult to recover when they are injured... It can be said that the situation is completely reversed compared to the period of the First Kanto War.

Humans have an advantage, and gastrointestinal animals are being slaughtered.

Seeing this scene, I was a bit worried, and the mechanized soldiers who will face the gastrointestinal animals, their emotions and fighting intentions are soaring... to win, many people think so. At the same time, the battle picture here is also displayed to the war room located in the Holy Place by the electronic eye at a height of 800 meters. The high-ranking officials uttered an exclamation of excitement, and some even suggested that this picture be shared with the restless people in the Tokyo area.

But the Holy Son denied this. When the senior officials were puzzled, she said cruelly: "Missiles and shells are expensive. Now, it is time for the soldiers to fight with firearms."

Missiles and shells in stock should be used when they are really needed. Now that there is a huge stone tablet, the gastrointestinal animals are so weak that they will be wasted if they are used again... The senior officials gradually calm down.

In this way, the sound of gunfire and the explosion of missiles quickly ceased on the battlefield. In the 787th unit, for some unknown reason, the sounds of how the gastrointestinal animals howled came from far away, and many people were frightened and frightened.

This, of course, does not include Jingyu.

"The timing of this order is not bad." He slightly admired and adjusted the sniper rifle.

Boom! Barrett's mega sniper sounded first among the noisy soldiers, which attracted many people to look up.

Jingyu is unmoved, dong! Another shot.

Someone finally responded, "Are you still out of range? Is he deliberately emptying the gun to play?"

Moreover, the order to shoot has not been issued yet? Realizing this is not only the members of the 787 unit, but also the self-defense force as the command from the rear, and the holy battle command room observed through the electronic eye.

Then, the electronic eye showed the effect of sniping to the eyes of senior officials with clearer imaging.

"He, did he kill the gastrointestinal animal at 2800 yards?"

Instead of blaming someone for violating the order, they were shocked by the data on the big screen.

"However, even the currently longest range sniper rifle is impossible." One officer questioned, "The gastrointestinal shell is more powerful than human flesh. The effective killing of the sniper gun is the highest. 2400 yards."

"Aim the picture at the side of the gastrointestinal animal. Once captured, slow down the camera." Sheng Tianzi instructed.

Soon, another gastrointestinal animal retreated from the wave of attack. The camera is replayed and slowed down... It is also due to the fact that although humans have lost a lot of territory, they have not lost science and technology. Even technology has made some small progress in the past three years.

The senior officers in the combat command room all saw clearly that the red blood eyes were where the blood burst when the gastrointestinal animal was hit. In other words, the sniper aimed at the eyes of the gastrointestinal animal at a distance of more than 2500 meters, and directly fired the proton bullet into the brain of the gastrointestinal animal.


There are a lot of cool breaths.

Also found Jingyu sniper magic skills, there is a team leader in front of the 787 unit, holding a telescope. After he relayed the news to the whole army, he immediately raised the morale of the army.

Sheng Tianzi ordered ground troops to move forward slowly when he heard some wailing calls.

The members of the 787 unit, as well as some of the self-defense infantry who came over, laid a machine gun fire line 100 meters behind the weak point of the giant stone monument...The blast of the tom, which lasted for half an hour, ended the first day. fighting.



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