Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 41: Everything I can do

Jingyu and Violet sat into the Lincoln car, urging the driver to drive directly back to the medical institution.

Then he asked: "You said that the laboratory building was attacked, is that thing..."

Violet shook his head with a sullen face, "It's not know, except for the two of us, no one knows what the body of the agent is. Although the guards controlled the scene and conducted a simple search, they did not I don’t know if I have lost anything... so I hurriedly contacted me."

Jingyu agreed with her judgment and nodded slowly.

"The question now is," Violet looked at him and expressed his worries: "If that's lost, will anyone who got it can make something great through it?"

In particular, there is a possibility that after gastrointestinal animals engulfed Jingyu's blood and fused DNA, I wonder if they will evolve a monster stronger than Jingyu's body?

Although Violet repeatedly restrained herself from imagining, she still felt a chill and couldn't help but embrace her arms.

Jingyu held her hand comfortably. Because there was a third person, the driver, in the car, he lowered his voice and almost directly put what he wanted to say into the ear of Violet:

"It doesn't matter, I gave the blood the order when I gave it to you. If it wasn't used on red-eyed babies, it immediately released the internal power... I think it should be enough to make the radius one Hundred meters was razed to the ground."

After listening to this, Violet not only was not comforted, but stared at him with an extremely dangerous gaze:

"You guys, why didn't you tell me from the beginning that that is such a dangerous thing?"

She was a little scared. If one day I really can't stand the desire to study~, wouldn't I want to die on the spot?

No, maybe there is no scum left.

"Cough," Jingyu coughed dryly and took her hand so hard that she couldn't withdraw it. "Isn't I trusting you?"

In the slightly dim light of the carriage, his expression gave Violet a strong sense of both eyes. It seems as if he will be treated so shamelessly one day in the future.

I do not know why I panicked a little, Violet's consciousness of resistance strongly exclaimed: "You don't want to!

"Hey..." Jingyu stayed for a while, and he took the opportunity to withdraw his hand.

However, a strange air appeared between the two. And the driver in front of me kept meditating in my heart: Do not look at it, do not listen to it, and dress up the air honestly.

"Ah... woo..." There was another little guy who made a sound.

Jingyu withdrew his gaze and appeased the little guy. Pansy breathed a sigh of relief and looked at it for a while.

"How did you bring her in?"

"I'm used to holding sixteen nights. This little guy is similar to sixteen nights. He walked in a hurry and didn't pay attention." Jingyu was also a little funny. "That surnamed Liu, seems to have forgotten to stop me."

With such a reminder from him, Violet immediately remembered what expression the head of the surnamed Liu had at that time, and said with a smile: "What did you say to him, let him look like a ghost."

"It's rude."

Jingyu knew that she was taking the opportunity to be ironic, and she glanced at her: "I just let him understand the reality."

The car carried two people and arrived at the hidden medical institution in Section 22 an hour later. It can be seen that the experimental building has been completely blocked by an isolation line. Standing guards in military uniforms, five steps, one post, and ten steps.

This situation also appeared in another laboratory building nearby.

After being surprised, Violet whispered to Jingyu: "There is Section 16, which is controlled by "Old Grunewald" who is one of the four sages like me."

She gradually grasped the truth of the matter.

"It seems that day and night defenses are difficult for house thieves." Jingyu sighed.

The two entered the building, led by a small officer, and went directly to the second floor. As far as I can see, there are not many traces of fighting, mainly concentrated outside Jingyu's laboratory... Six corpses have been moved away, leaving only a white mark under the chalk painting, and a strong red and **** smell.

Something strange is that, except for the area where there should be six corpses, no bullet marks can be seen anywhere else.

"Show me the site survey report." Jingyu said to the officer before entering the laboratory.

The officer froze for a while, and took a hard-shelled information book from the soldiers who followed him and handed it to Jingyu.

After Jingyu glanced over her eyes, she focused on the last line of conclusion: the soldiers died from the bullets fired by their guns, and the surrounding bullet marks were also caused by the same weapons.

During this time, Violet has entered the laboratory once.

"That thing was taken away."

Jingyu handed the survey report to Violet, "Is this possible?"

Take a look at it, nodded solemnly. After waving her hand and sending away the officer and the surrounding soldiers, she said to Jingyu:

"Most of the opponents were machine-made soldiers made by old Grunewald. Although the four of us carried out the plan together, we did our own thing. Among them, this person, in particular, is better than the three of us. "

It would be harder for her to admit that she was defeated intellectually than for her to change her lifestyle...but now she has taken the initiative. It can be seen that that person really has a great place.

"It's very troublesome. Unless the same robotic soldiers are sent out, ordinary troops can't catch him at all." After laying down the survey report, he said to himself in annoyance. It soon seemed to remind me of something. He glanced at Jingyu and said carefully: "Oh, you will give me another tube of blood, right? Something was thrown here by you."

"Look what you said, I didn't throw it here, can I be irresponsible?" Jingyu Bai glanced at her, reminding: "Do you want to take a look at the laboratory below you? Do it as you said. , Those notes..."

"Damn, if he dares to move those things, I will issue a chase order!" Violet gritted his teeth and ran away.

In the end, I don’t know who was lucky. The Violet lab was not patronized.

The blood and gun marks on the second floor were cleaned up the same day. However, the government relied on this matter to relocate the so-called'inhibition agent' laboratory in another place-an independent experimental building, which has both Jingyu and Viola separate floors, as well as providing An area for scientists from other countries.

A few days later, representatives of dozens of countries came one after another. It was like the first country, accompanied by politicians. When the scientists held the "Oath Conference to Restrain the Research of Pharmaceuticals", with the intention of their respective governments, they secretly discussed the rational use of the "cursed child".

The meeting did not know how long it took, but only later, through the United Nations, where the function remained, had it promulgated an agreement prohibiting the use of the "cursed child" for military purposes. At the same time, in view of the fact that humans are being threatened by gastrointestinal animals, an organization later referred to as ‘IISO’ has entered preparations.



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