Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 22: Follow up

At the Holy Place, the senior officials who watched the entire press conference at the same time saw an opportunity—

The hostess said that humans will eventually defeat gastrointestinal animals.

But, after the victory? The world has been almost destroyed once, and all countries are on the verge of destruction. When the time comes to defeat the gastrointestinal animals, whoever has the strongest power will become the master of this world.

"Sir Son, you need to immediately block the public opinion." The Minister of Defense almost rushed to admonish, "As long as that kind of drug, Japan can do it alone. Then, those newborn babies with good physical ability will be in the future. It will be a powerful fighting force... Japan must be able to dominate the world!"

He shouted the last sentence excitedly, and immediately greeted the echo of many men present.

During the war, the satellites of various countries were hit hard by a gastrointestinal animal with long-range attack capability... most of them were destroyed. The rest are only usable, and they are all controlled by the army and the government.

In other words, as long as the government does not relax, the previous press conference can only be broadcast in this Tokyo area. If you want to pass it out, you can walk out of the safe area surrounded by giant stones and face the countless gastrointestinal animals.

What are the capable people around the world?

If Muroto is patriotic, he should continue to work hard to study drugs alone.

No, in order to prevent her from being lazy, she said she must not be sent to monitor.

As for babies with red eyes, they cannot be given to ordinary people. They must be instilled in them from an early age, to be loyal to Japan, and to fight for Japan to the last moment of life.

The senior officials were delusional in their hearts. This manifested in his face, a strange, greedy smile appeared.

The only still calm Saint Heavenly Son had a clear disgust in his eyes for this intuitive ugliness.

She thought-the child who arranged the press conference just wanted to save these newborn babies. But, in the eyes of these guys with mischief, have they become a valuable fighting resource? No, maybe just the level of props.

Blocking the dignity of the Holy Son, this kind of thing must not happen!

With the heroic spirit of the Holy Son, the feminine face of the woman is not angry.

"There is a genius on our side, don't forget, there are at least three geniuses of the same rank in the world."

She reminded everyone with a feverish mind: "Dr. Muroto can study it, and as long as you give some time, the three people will surely not be worse. However, the red-eyed baby is just just born. As you just said, to It takes more than ten years to form an effective combat force... Imagine if this time is not enough for countries to study pharmaceuticals."

"This..." the Minister of Defense was asked. He lowered his head and watched others quietly with his eyes. Seeing that they are thinking deeply, and no one has ever refuted, I can't help but gradually agree with what the Holy Son said.

Sheng Tianzi is like giving them time to think about. Picking up the black tea cup and taking a sip slowly, he said:

"It would be better, we offered to let them participate, so as to always occupy the active position. Have agreed with them for the future use of these children..."

To persuade them, she used the word, and she felt guilty in her heart.

"Whether you can use them to dominate the world, you must ensure that they are not used to attack us. You know, Japan's population is not the largest, and the birth rate of red-eyed children will also be." Since everyone will have that kind of potion in the future. Compared to the whole world, the red-eyed baby in a projectile land in Japan is really not worth mentioning.

The senior officials smiled bitterly in their hearts, ‘what a short dream of hegemony. ’

Seeing their expressions, Sheng Tianzi breathed a sigh of relief.

There may be people who will later give birth to want to fight for hegemony or use the hearts of those children. However, she, and that child, will certainly not tolerate such things happening.

"In order to get the most benefit, you immediately set out to negotiate matters. After that, the content of the press conference will be passed to the whole world. Remember, it must be fast, and it must not be taken by the other party." Sheng Tianzi finally urged out.

Most officials are solemn. At this time, Sheng Tianzi's attention was mainly focused on the faceless expression of Kikunojo... He was still staring at the large screen without the picture, and did not participate in the delusions of the previous officials.

Sheng Tianzi knew that the most troublesome thing was people like him... out of hatred for gastrointestinal animals, he was paranoid.

Presumably, at the moment, Ju Zhicheng has already begun to curse the kid for such an arrangement.

Kikunojo did not say anything after all, and went out with the officials. Sheng Tianzi began to worry about how to deal with this type of counterattack in the future.

Her hand unconsciously stirred the cup with a silver spoon.

After a while, I stroked my forehead. ‘Really, I don’t have to worry too much and take too many responsibilities... The kid himself has to work hard. "Red-eyed children will not only appear in the Tokyo area. She can control Tokyo, but her influence on the world is limited.

However, Jingyu's plan was to move towards the whole world from the beginning. Sheng Tianzi still understood this.

‘However, is that medicine really made by Dr. Muroto? 'She has some doubts about this.


Violet slept until the afternoon, and then woke up comfortably. After washing a little, she became awake and walked into the room where Jingyu and the baby should be-

As a result, there was no one there.

In a prominent position, staring at a piece of paper with a pushpin, it reads:

"There must be something to tell you, during your sleep, I did something terrible..."

"Did you do some... terrible things?" Violet had a not-so-good hunch and quickly looked at it.

I saw it also read: "There is a USB flash drive on the desk, and the video files stored inside, you better have a look. Before that, cough, I want to say, no matter what happens, I will protect you... I You know the power of it."

Violet dumbfounded. Has the seriousness of the matter reached his protection?

She picked up the USB flash drive, walked to the computer, and plugged it into the USB port. Soon after, the laboratory heard a curse:

"Dead boy, where are you?"


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