Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 20: Tacit cooperation

The hair is gray, but all are meticulously combed back. The face had some wrinkles because of his age, but when he was young, he must have a look of flesh. The defense minister, wearing a dark blue military uniform, stood in the elevator of the holy residence with an adjutant.

With a jingle, the elevator reached the designated floor. After the elevator doors opened to both sides, the Minister of Defense planned to lift his foot and walk out.

"Huh?" He noticed that in front of the magnificent five-meter high gate in front of him, there were several people gathering frowningly. I thought to myself, ‘they all got the news, too’, and then I took another step.

After approaching, "His Excellency," he greeted one of his slightly bowed heads as a greeting, and asked politely, "Sir Son of Heaven? Why have you all gathered here, haven't you reported it yet?"

The official also replied with a courtesy: "Sir Emperor Sheng Tianzi is a little uncomfortable in the morning and is taking medicine to rest." He sighed, "If this is not a serious problem, we will not dare to bother...Thanks to the Holy God is considerate and believes that we will be called soon."

The Defense Minister uttered a nod, and nodded to several others, also waiting outside the door.

Within one door, Sheng Tianzi sat on a precious wooden high-back chair, drinking slowly with a cup of black tea.

Beside, there is a secretary-like woman with glasses. The right hand is holding the headset in the right ear, making listening.

Later, "Master Sheng Tianzi, just received contact, the Minister of Defense has also come." She reported to Sheng Tianzi Hui.

"Oh?" The adult Sheng Tianzi is also a fascinating woman. She smiled slightly. "They all come very quickly." She put down the black tea cup, and after the secretary refilled her, she instructed: "Go open the door and let them all come in."

"Yes." The secretary understood, put down the teapot and walked towards the door.

Not long after, several senior officials who were related to or concerned about the matter, including the Minister of Defense, the Chief Minister, the Director of the Ministry of Warning, and the Minister of Health, etc., were placed in the Holy Before the throne of the emperor.

While Saint Tianzi was holding the cup and gently stirring it with a silver spoon, the Minister of Defence and the Chief Minister made a wink at the Director of the Ministry of Warning. The latter grinned bitterly and finally cautiously said:

"Sir Son, I heard that you newly appointed Dr. Muroto as the most responsible person for red-eye babies..."

Sheng Tianzi nodded.

The director of the warning office, wearing a high-ranking police uniform, carefully tentatively said: "I don't know if she can govern our warning office?"

In the name of Muroto Hejin, Jingyu passes orders through the captain. The captain was only a military officer, and he didn't even reach the rank of lieutenant. There was such a great skill... It was through his boss, the direct agency of Sheng Tianzi, that the news was spread to the entire Tokyo area as soon as possible.

Among them, involving the police station, hospital and military station, naturally alarmed the director and other ministers.

Jingyu ordered so harshly, if he did not cooperate, I was really afraid that Jingyu would treat their sins in the name of Holy Son. But if it cooperates, doesn't it mean that the other party's scientist has to override these officials...this makes them willing.

Besides, what is going on with the order? Babies who are completely inclined to red eyes.

Although the senior officials did not know too much about the baby. However, their political acumen is telling them that the protection of these babies is against the people in almost the entire Tokyo area... The people lost a lot of relatives in the gastroenterology war, but hated the gastrointestinal animals. Dying.

If this is not possible, if there is a lot of anger in the crowd, there is also the possibility of instigating a civil change.

They believe that Sheng Tianzi should not be ignorant of the seriousness of the problem. So I want to confirm if it is because the appointment of the Holy Son is misunderstood by someone below.

"Jurisdiction?" Sheng Tianzi's movement to stir the black tea paused and looked up at him, "I'm not so appointed."

The director of the warning hall was pleased. Just when he secretly decided to cancel the previous "temporarily obey" command immediately after going back, Sheng Tianzi said quietly and quietly:

"I just gave her the highest authority."

What is the highest authority? Involves red-eye babies.

This is too much to discuss. The warning hall may not cooperate, but the initiative is in the hands of the other party. Once the opponent uses this as a handle, he may be executed on the spot.

At the thought of this, the forehead of the warning hall left cold sweat. All because he knew that Dr. Muroto was a woman who didn't get along very well. This can be seen from the kind of commands she can give... isn't it all involved at once, doesn't she mean to discuss with them at all?

The director of the warning hall hesitated. Several other people with similar identities thought of the same thing, but no one said anything.

After looking at each other, the Minister of Defence and the Chief Minister said that the Chief Minister who supported the Cabinet said:

"Sir Son, I think that the new orders issued by Dr. Muroto will be detrimental to the future ruling and may affect your support rate. Please think twice."

The black tea that Sheng Tianzi was supposed to deliver to his lips was completely put back on the table. She crossed her hands and placed them gracefully on her lap.

"You have been questioning Dr. Muroto since the beginning. It's really strange, what order has she issued, and tell me about it."

"Huh? Don't you know yet?" The official was surprised, and then glared disappointedly at the female secretary.

"I'm very sorry." The female secretary said in fear and fear: "Because Lord Sheng Tianzi was just resting, after waking up, I met you immediately, I never had the opportunity to explain."

"Never blame her," Sheng Tianzi said very considerately: "Now let's listen."

Under the attention of many ministers, the female secretary was grateful. After solemnly clearing his throat, he took out the documents he had prepared in his hand and explained in a frustrated manner... Sheng Tianzi also listened very seriously.

In this process, the Minister of Defence and the Chief Minister exchanged their eyes, and they all seemed to know before they judged the Holy Son.

But what is the benefit of Sheng Tianzi's help to Muroto Hei hide? They can't believe this because they don't think about it.

After a while, Sheng Tianzi finally understood everything. I even took the online test report of the red-eye baby from the secretary and read it carefully.

"In this way, these children are not only harmless, but are they helpful for counterattacking gastrointestinal animals in the future?"

She asked so, and looked up at the senior officials present.

"That's right." Senior officials have read the public report before they came, and nodded together.

However, the official then went on to say all of their thoughts, "Sir Son of Heaven, that is in the future. It will take about ten years for these children to grow up to form combat power. But before that, the people are It is impossible to forget the fear and sorrow brought to them by gastrointestinal animals. If they cannot knock down gastrointestinal animals, they may vent their anger on these children."

He paused, "If you protect these children, they may even resent you."

"But, in order for the people not to resent me, should I let these innocent children suffer?" Sheng Tianzi asked, "If I am such a ruler, can you follow me?"

"Sir Son of Heaven is Ming Jun, which is obvious to all." The Defense Minister quickly said: "At this time, it is not the time to counterattack the gastrointestinal animals. Lord Son of Heaven, people have finally achieved stability and peace because of the existence of the stone monument . In the short term, no one will want to fight the gastrointestinal animal anymore."

He was telling the truth, and the Holy Son could understand this. It's just that this is different from the expectations in her heart.

Looking up at the ceiling with grief and compassion, ‘I really can only pave the way for you. ’She made up her mind.

"Well, here I am, in the name of Holy Son, cancel..."

Click, the door was suddenly opened from outside. Everyone turned around and saw Kikunojo wearing kimono skirts, and walked in quickly.

"You are all here, that's great." His serious face didn't have the slightest smile because he said yes in his mouth. Turned to the female secretary: "Hurry up and turn on the TV."

The high officials who were secretly complaining that he had not come at a good time looked at each other. As everyone looked to the side of the room, the large black screen, the corners of Sheng Tianzi's lips floated vaguely.



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