Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 8: Holy Son's plan

Since the banquet tonight has the presence of the Holy Son, the guard is naturally strict. The loud noise of the sonic boom attracted their attention. After following the sound, I immediately found the bathroom with the broken window and the three teenagers who were attacked and fell to the ground.

Immediate martial law inside and outside the venue.

Later, when the soldiers who flipped through the window confirmed that the bathroom door was locked internally, they believed that the other party was unlikely to have sneaked into the banquet hall-the teenagers may have run into the attacker with luck, but fortunately The ground was just stunned and not killed.

Of course, the premise of all this is that there is only one attacker.

If the attackers are plural, it is highly possible for some people to enter, leaving a door to lock the bathroom from the inside. Then, wait for the appropriate time to make a blasting sound when leaving, attracting the attention of the guards, so that the internal companions can act.

With the current intelligence, the officer in charge of the guard can only think of this. While ordering to search around the banquet hall, he instructed to rescue the three teenagers as soon as possible, so as to ask for some favorable information.

At the same time, he personally went to the VIP lounge to report the matter to the Holy Son who had already arrived. And suggested that Sheng Tianzi cancel the banquet tonight and immediately leave here to return to the holy residence.

"It's possible that the attacker didn't enter the venue, so let me evacuate from here, don't you think it's a bit exaggerated?" The Holy Son who was still with a white-haired young girl beside him pointedly pointed out: "And, there is another Possibilities, you probably missed it. What if we hurriedly leave now and were ambushed on the road instead?"

"This..." The full-faced and capable officer couldn't help but leave cold sweat, "is a negligence of his subordinates."

"Well," Sheng Tianzi issued an instruction: "It's just fine now. If there are no new incidents, the banquet will be held as scheduled."

"Yes." The officer was about to leave the room after saluting.

At this moment, a walkie-talkie in his hand murmured, "Captain, those three teenagers woke up."

Before the officer came, he was already in the room, and Juzhi Cheng, who was talking to Sheng Tianzi, heard his brow and bounced.

The officer stopped and asked in the room: "Did you ask anything?"

"Yes, they are the three young masters of Tiantong's family, and what knocked them down..." Hesitant voices appeared in the reporter's voice, "It is also the same as Tiantong's family, called Long Jingyu's adopted son."

The officer glanced at Ju Zhicheng, "Are you asking about Long Jingyu's whereabouts? Who broke the window, do they know?"

"Before they passed out, the window was still good. As for Long Jingyu, neither inside nor outside the venue could be found."

"Okay." When the officer was about to give the order to continue the search, Sheng Tianzi said, "I have grasped the truth. The alert can be lifted, go to treat the injured person, the missing...don't worry."

"Hah?" The officer stayed in place, unable to respond for a while.

"Captain?" The person on the other side of the intercom vaguely heard a bit and shouted in doubt, "Did you say anything?"

"Go on." Sheng Tianzi waved his hand.

The questioning officer, after many years of prestige, did not dare to ask more. After saluting again, he left the room.

At this time, Ju Zhicheng got up and said to Sheng Tianzi: "Thank you for your disposal."

Sheng Tianzi's majestic gaze stayed for a while on the poker face calmed by Kikunojo.

"It didn't hesitate to destroy the venue, it seemed that he was quite anxious when he left."

Sheng Tianzi glanced back, stroking the soft hair of the touching young girl, seemingly casually saying, "I really want to know, he put my invitation aside and went to do something."

She squinted at the old face of Ju Zhicheng who was still unshakeable, and shook her head slightly in her heart, "Forget it, I will not ask about this matter. However, my majesty as the Son of Heaven is to be maintained... as unauthorized. The punishment for leaving, intending to let him do the child's immediate protection, was cancelled."

As soon as she said this, the otherwise clever young girl opened her mouth to open her mouth, as if to say... she was stopped with her eyes.

"Yes." Ju Zhicheng nodded, "If you have nothing else to say, I want to see my grandson."

Sheng Tianzi nodded, and Ju Zhicheng silently left the room. After the door was closed again, Sheng Tianzi's expression slowed down, and he smiled kindly to the young girl who had already beeped:

"I just said, I’m not going to let him be your escort, I didn’t say you can’t. In the future, you can use his personality charm to attract him to protect you... I have faith in you, it’s your words , You can do it."

"Well." The pure white girl nodded firmly.


Kikunojo, who had just left the room, immediately met the housekeeper Ziyuan Xianyi who accompanied him to the banquet.

The latter looked carefully before and after, leaned over to Ju Zhicheng and whispered a report to him: "Master, just came in contact with the family and said yes... Said that there was a gastrointestinal animal at home."

Ziyuan Xianyi is a bit incredible. Tiantong's house is the central area. If the gastrointestinal animals can get there, then shouldn't the place outside the central area allow them to wreak havoc.

"Is it eliminated?" Ju Zhicheng asked quietly.

"Yes." A look of grief appeared on Ziyuan Xianyi's face. "However, young master he..."

In the end, it was my own loved one, and Ju Zhicheng's old face still flashed sadly. However, this soon disappeared again...Being used to being a politician, it has become a habit to remove the obstacles in front of him, and his heart has long been cold.

"Don't leak it for now." After giving this instruction, he really walked towards the location of his three grandchildren.

As soon as Ziyuan Xian followed him, he reported another thing that made him look incredible.

"Right, Master Long, he... Master, when did you send him back? The contact said that he was already at home."

Ju Zhicheng's footsteps stopped without warning, and he turned his head back in shock.

"what did you say?"

For a moment, Ziyuanxian didn't comprehend what Kikunojo asked so, so he stayed.

Kikunojo immediately thought of another, "Who brought down the gastrointestinal animal?"

"No one sees." This time, Ziyuan Xianyi answered well.

However, Kikunojo's face was still full of emotions... In this way, Ziyuan Xianyi saw it for the first time.



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