Infinite Replacement

Vol 6 Chapter 4: The truth behind the test

The OL suit consisting of a dark purple shirt with the same hair color and a black one-step skirt was covered with a somewhat dirty white coat. A young woman in her twenties bought a can of black coffee from a vending machine.

It opened with a snap, and gurgled a few sips. After the bitterness spread, the fatigue accumulated after working all night was washed away by the coffee factor... she took a long breath.

Turned around and looked at the clock hanging on the white corridor wall. It's still five minutes before nine in the morning.

"So, let me take a look...what is the so-called surprise, does it not meet expectations?"

She murmured to herself, her lips drawn a mocking arc. While continuing to drink coffee, he walked to the end of the corridor. When passing through a trash can, the empty cans were thrown in.

Pushing the double-door closed door, the light inside is much darker than the corridor with fluorescent lights.

It can be seen faintly that there are already more than a dozen people sitting in the ladder-like three-row seats. Some people are wearing white coats like hers, some are wearing suits and leather boots, some are even wearing military uniforms with good ranks...they are all over the age of forty, she is probably the youngest one on the scene.

Therefore, everyone was slightly surprised when she saw her, and then stopped paying attention.

She didn't care too much. While betting on the direction of the podium, it almost occupied the entire wall of the screen; while walking towards the seat on the left side of the first row.

At this time, a woman dressed as a researcher and a six-year-old boy appeared on the screen.


This is what happened on the third day after Jingyu returned to Tiantong's house.

Early in the morning, as he heard last night... With Kikunojo, he took a black car and went to a medical facility that was said to be fully equipped for a physical examination.

Kikunobu soon said something was wrong shortly after arriving, and left first, leaving him to a young female researcher.

"It's here first." The short-haired woman who called herself "Doctor Shiratori", after introducing herself for five minutes, led Jingyu to the place where it was said to be the first test site.

She pointed to a bunch of dumbbells of various sizes, and a 100-meter long swimming lane several tens of meters away: "The content of the test is divided into two parts, "the limit of weight lifting" and "the limit of throwing..."

She wanted to take care of Jingyu's age, and her instructions were very detailed. There are also some precautions to avoid injury in the middle, which makes Ge Jingyu very impatient.

Had he not considered that the other party was doing it for his own good, he would have interrupted it rudely.

After listening to her, Jingyu stood in front of the first dumbbell. It was one hundred kilograms, and as he bent over, he grabbed it over his head with one hand. That light posture made Dr. Shiratori, who had already been mentally prepared, at this time stunned and looked at his body up and down.

Deep down in her heart, she felt that her common sense would be overturned today-that tiny body, with no muscles or bones, was so slender that it was no different from ordinary children. How exactly could it bear the pressure? What about the intensity?

Moreover, the dumbbell is much heavier than his body. At that speed, how did he master the center of gravity and balance his body?

Unthinkable doubts made the woman go away.

In the conference room with a large screen, what everyone sees is clearly clearer.

The big screen not only put the slow motion of Jingyu's grabs several times, but also analyzed the large-scale computer to simulate the circuit diagram of the human body, and played it repeatedly. There is even a vacant bar, which lists a series of data for several ergonomics, physics, and biology experts present, as well as other people who have a high status in the government and military.

Even the young woman who had spoken sarcasm before, and her left eye, which was not covered by her hair, was wide open in surprise.

Gradually, she showed a look of interest.

Boom! The heavy and dull sound of the dumbbell broke the silence of the conference room, and also made the researcher at the scene recover.

"You... do you need a break?" She unknowingly paid a respect to a child.

"It's okay, after finishing the test earlier, I'll go back earlier." Jingyu walked to the second in a list of dumbbells. It was two hundred kilograms. He changed his hand this time, still one-handed, and raised it very quickly.

A small black headset was inserted in Dr. Shiratori's ear. At this time, someone instructed her through the headset:

"Keep him in the raised position and stay for a few seconds."

Shiratori stayed for a while, and when Jingyu had a tendency to replay the dumbbells, he quickly stopped and repeated the sentence.

However, she was not completely in the state because of the shocking fact, which made the communication slower by half a beat. In this way, the dumbbell lifted by Jingyu has clearly deviated from the vertical direction with the body.

Jingyu paused, and a tiny body weighing more than 20 kg leaned forward with a 200 kg dumbbell.

He quickly took a step forward before lifting the dumbbell back into the air again. Turning his face, he had the heart to blame the rash woman. But when she saw her scared pale panic face, she finally swallowed her words.

In the conference room with a large screen, everyone looked at the left side of the first row with blame, the young woman who suddenly picked up the microphone on the table and gave instructions...The latter was a casual look. And also said happily:

"Oh, I got good data."

Demon, this woman is a demon... Many people judged under their hearts.

Jingyu used both hands when he lifted a 300 kg dumbbell. When it reaches 500 kg, it shows a very strenuous look, and no longer try the weight of 600 kg.

Even so, in the conference room... Two or three people in the army have secretly thought about what it takes to defeat their opponents, successfully recruited him, and cultivated them into the trump card of the future; the experts performed even worse, in order to be refreshed The human's limit is excited, as if seeing the new future of mankind from Jingyu.

Jingyu completed the test of ‘weightlifting limit’ and entered the rest stage. Almost at the same time, the big screen in the conference room was switched, and the characters appeared in front of them. After everyone stayed for a while, they stood up collectively.

"Sir Son of Heaven." someone exclaimed in a low voice.

The majestic silver-haired female maintains an elegant sitting posture. In her seat, there was also a little girl with the same color and hair who was staring at the ice-blue double pupils. She must have been staring at Jingyu's picture with a surprised look from the beginning. Suddenly the screen changed, she was caught by surprise, and her fair cheeks showed lovely pink.

Girls and adult women are somewhat similar in appearance, and they must have a certain relationship.

There is also a person in the picture, Tendo Kikuno, standing behind the seat of an adult woman.

"As you can see, that's really an amazing child." The voice of contemporary Sheng Tianzi gently and softly exclaimed, the words suddenly turned, and suddenly became serious: "But this time, everyone was found, not for Let everyone watch the show."

Her dignified face turned slightly to the side, "Mr. Ju Zhicheng said to me, "The research of weapons is important, so are the human beings who use weapons." After seeing this child, I couldn't help it. Yearning. I hope that with the help of everyone, humanity can truly evolve."

"Yes." A dozen people nodded and nodded.

"There is one more thing," Sheng Tianzi paused, and his eyes swept, releasing the oppression of some of the superiors. "I don't want you to treat him as a test subject to disturb his normal life."

Several men's heads were lowered immediately...



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