Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 111: Asuka vs La Ting

On the platform where Bai Yecha was trapped, Asuka, Yao, and Jin En came here to ask Jingyu what they had explained, and to hear if Bai Yecha had anything else to say.

For the former, Bai Yacha can't determine anything. However, based on her rich experience, she still summed up a few, intending to let the three birds of flying birds bring it to the black rabbit. In order to use the special ability of Moon Rabbit, the game can be introduced to the direction of the participants.

However, just when the third part of the'summary', which is also the most critical part of Bai Yecha's guess about the method of sealing her, was revealed, La Ting, who successfully escaped from Jingyu, appeared here.

"Okay, stop here!"

She blocked Bai Yecha's remaining words.

The three Asuka who were sternly told not to miss a word were startled by her sudden appearance.

The three turned around and looked at her with Bai Yecha.

I saw three women lizard warriors in Salamandra costumes standing in front of the fence of the high platform in front of the exposed women.

The three soldiers were facing the birds and their backs to their enemies... This unusual situation was known to all four people here. They may have been controlled.

Asuka especially noticed the eyes of the fire lizards-losing their original pupil color, all with red eyes, revealing a crazy sense of both eyes.

‘So, this woman is the one who manipulated the mouse to attack us yesterday? ’

Her right hand quietly reached into the built-in pocket of the gorgeous red dress and touched her gift card.

La Ting did not immediately order the Lizardmen to attack. The eyes of interest passed the three birds of Asuka, and quickly slipped to Bai Yasha... This is not to say that she committed a misdemeanor, but Bai Baisha's sense of presence was too strong.

The object that was an absolute strong enemy for the Demon King, unable to dare to touch it, was suddenly imprisoned by the Demon King in reverse.

This contrast makes La Ting's attention...or curiosity...can't help being attracted.

"Oh, it's really blocked. It's a shame that the strongest class dominators have fallen to this point!"

She laughed at Bai Yecha, enjoying the satisfaction of taking advantage.

"You guys!" Obviously, the white eyes of the Lizardmen warriors were also abnormal, staring at La Ting, "What did the members of Salamandra do?"

"This kind of thing is of course a secret. Even if the seal is successful, I haven't gotten so stunned that I will reveal the information to you..."

When La Ting talked about this, she seemed to think that she should have treated the three Asuka who heard a lot of content from Bai Yecha... and turned their disgruntled eyes towards them.

‘Being able to talk directly with Bai Yecha means that they are either of a low status or something extraordinary. Then let me take a look... who will be the talent the master needs. ’

La Ting licked her lips to eat the delicious snacks. Lifting the silver flute in his right hand like a baton... The three lizardmen warriors lowered their center of gravity following La Ting's movements.

"It's now!" Asuka shouted. Take the first out of the gift card and call out the name of the prop, "Four Orbs! Kasugabe classmates, please."

A burgundy gift card flashed, and four auras flew to Yao, and showed an ice-blue pearl-shaped entity.

Yao understood Asuka's intentions.

When La Ting ordered the lizardmen to attack...the shining eyes link the orb and the enemy, and then they covered the orb with the propulsion of the light particles, shooting them towards the four enemies.

Orb strikes the enemy twice as fast as the take-off bird throws out.

Asuka grasped the distance and ordered: "Freeze!"

Three of the four orbs broke under the order of Asuka. The frozen air leaking from inside collided with the advancing Lizardmen warriors. Their running movements began to solidify from the legs, and quickly spread throughout the body with the freezing, becoming the three ice sculptures before the three birds.

"Huh?" La Ting was a little surprised at the frozen power.

Her hand holding the flute followed by a wave... not what to do with the orb flying towards her, but dozens of fire lizard men jumped up from behind her. There were still a few of them, and Mars was revealed in the long mouth covered with fangs.

They immediately spit out fireballs in the direction of the frozen orb.

The reason why the frozen orb is to freeze a lizardman is not the power contained in it, but the effect of the flying bird's gift of "prestige"... If you let the fireball hit the orb directly, a fireball Can completely eliminate it without traces.

The bird was forced to detonate the frozen orb in advance.

After encountering the frozen gas and the flame ball in the air, a snorting noise erupted, creating a large amount of white water vapor.

The vision was once diffused, Bai Yecha quickly whispered: "Take advantage of now, Yao, quickly take the birds and Jin En away."

"Huh." Yao nodded and pulled the take-off bird and Jin En, and ran in the opposite direction to where La Ting was.

At this moment, a high and low flute sounded in the palace.

"This is..." Asuka first realized what it was, and shouted badly in his heart, ``Under this flute, my precision and power to control the Orb have dropped significantly. ’

However, the actual situation was worse than she could have expected.

"No...this..." The five senses are so much better than ordinary people. They loosened the birds and Jinen, staggering like losing strength, squatting on the ground holding their heads.

Her stagnation also caused the two companions who were weaker than her to stop. But knowing that they didn't seem to be able to bear the magic sound like she did, Yao squeezed all her strength and urged:

"That guy is coming... Asuka, Jine! Run away...!"

What was said was still intermittent.

‘Again! ‘Asuka immediately thought of the first gift game that came to Ha Ting a month ago. In the duel with Tiger Jard, when Yao was found to be a Warcraft, Yao did the same, asking her to escape with Jin En first.

Didn't she think about it, let me fight with her?

Or do you think I am a tow oil bottle?

Asuka's inadvertently revealed such an idea got angry.

Of course it is impossible to follow suit!

However, as the white mist gradually dissipated, I could already see the lizard man's shadow, and I must make up my mind to do something... and now I can do something, it seems that I am only myself.

Asuka lifted the gift card in front of her eyes, ‘There are also 96 ordinary orbs. Although I don't know if I can knock down the woman, if she only controls the Lizardman to attack, I can also support it for a while. Before that, as long as Jin En got a helper...’

Asuka thought of this, he paused.

What am I thinking! Isn't that the place I want to come from Jingyujun like I'm troubled? Isn't it the enemy who is going to knock it down? I was thinking of hoping someone else would take over... how could this be done!

Asuka pinched the back of his hand fiercely, trying to wake him up.

This awkward self-punishment made her eyes sore with tears.

But by the way, he was also seen by someone he didn't want him to see.

"What are you doing, Asuka." That was a sudden sound from above that scared the Asuka.

Then she heard the suspicious voice from Jin En next to her, "Jingyu...sir?"

It's him, can't you recognize it? I know just by listening to the sound.

Asuka's face flushed, thinking of "you laugh", he raised his head violently.

"Hey..." It's just dumbfounded.

Because the focal point of sight is a villain with a pair of bat wings with a height of ten centimeters.

"Well, it's a little troublesome to explain. In short, what I see is the bat that I transformed with power. When I transferred my consciousness, I was able to control the bat into my shape..."

The explanation came here. Jingyu glanced at the squatting on the ground, still saying to Asuka: "Asuka, my consciousness will return to the side of the body immediately, but the energy carried in the bat left is also enough to protect you from leaving. It’s up to you to decide what kind of instructions to give it!"

It is to save oneself, to fight, all... I respect your choice.

After he conveyed his thoughts with his eyes, the red eyes lost their charm. Then, it turned into a black light and transformed into a bat again.

The bat fluttered its wings and came to the bird's side.

The mist has completely dispersed.

In front of him are dozens of lizard men who are staring at each other. They not only have a strong body, but also have flames in their mouths that are ready to fire; they are surrounded by two companions who cannot count their combat power.

What a terrible situation!

Asuka smiled gracefully, "It's really time to pick! It saves me my worries."

She gave instructions to the bat.

"Protection Yao and Jin En leave from here!"

The bat immediately turned into black light and wrapped up Yao and Jin En, and took them to fly.

"Fly, bird..." Yao Mian tried to call her name.

"Miss Asuka, this is not the time for chaos." Jin En also advised her.

Asuka flicked her long hair and smiled slightly, "It's true, but..." She glanced at Lating across the lizardman... But nothing, she didn't say anything, because of her hesitation, the black light was already shining Fly away from Jin En. She didn't want to change her thoughts, but also let the enemy hear.

La Ting controlled the lizard man to fire fireballs to attack Yao and Jinen, but was blocked by the outer black light.

"Hey..." she asked Asuka in a surprised tone, "Is that what you did? That girl seems to have the ability of a light-winged horse. Although it is rare, I am more curious about you now."

What are you going to do? After catching you, the elder sister will have a good question... La Ting said this and directed the lizardmen to launch a collective flame attack on the bird side.

"Frozen Orbs, fifteen!" Asuka released so many orbs at a time, took a deep breath, and ordered awe-inspiringly.

The large-scale frozen gas suppressed the fireball this time... The still-produced water mist was quickly cooled by the frozen gas and turned into ice **** and fell to the ground. The cold gas even spread to the lizardmen, condensing a thin layer of frost on their bodies.

"How many of those kinds of orbs do you have?" La Ting smiled and let the Lizardmen attack again.

However, "all standing in the same place, nothing is allowed to do!" Before the lizard man spit out the fireball, the bird suddenly issued a collective ban to the opposite side with magnificent light.

The enemy is a rat-trapping clown, good at manipulating humans and mice with flute sounds. Well, its control over other races should not be strong... Asuka is betting on this one.

If she succeeds, she will take a big trick to La Ting.


Seeing that Sandora was not Pestle's opponent, Jingyu decided to stay and look after her.

However, after watching their fight for a while... in the sky, the spotted Loli vs. the Longhorn Loli, this will not spit it first... He found that Pestle has not been'showing his full strength, first to knock down Sandora' sign.

Sandora evaded Pestle's attacks many times and flew around Pestry in an attempt to find flaws; at first glance, Passe, who was passive, did not move even a bit.

Although in order to prevent Jingyu's quick attack, Peste's line of sight cannot leave him. However, he did not take advantage of the battle while shifting the distance between the battlefield and Jingyu... This is also a fact.

What is Peste thinking?

Jingyu doubted her purpose of this sluggish fight on the basis of feeling strange.

‘Is her two subordinates in this game so worth relying on? ’

First glanced at the direction of Leticia’s battle. From the situation when the building was destroyed from time to time with a loud noise, the battle between the two was inseparable... This point is enough to show that Wei Wei is more than Jingyu thinks. Powerful.

Just when he confirmed this, he heard the flute again. Although the other party used a special technique, it made people unable to hear the position of the blower... but this definitely does not include Jingyu. He closed his eyes and distinguished carefully, and concluded that the flute was coming from the stage area where the gift competition was held.

‘Asuka, are they over there? If La Ting goes there...’

Uneasy, he shifted his consciousness to the bat, and he just saw the high platform filled with mist.

Using the ultrasound of the bat, determine the position of each person, identify a small group of three people near the exit on the side of the platform... Jingyu changed his appearance and flew there.

Then, it happened to see the scene where Asuka pinched the back of his hand...



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