Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 106: Piper of Hamel

"It's the devil! The devil is here--!!!"

I don't know who shouted, breaking the orderly convention. It can be said that it is the instinct of the creature to avoid danger, but it has exposed the ugly state hidden under the beautiful skin.

With the devil as the opponent, how can you avoid it by running?

The black covenant scattered all over the sky is the greatest prohibition on this.

Special seats-

Bai Yecha stood, frowning, "How is it possible?"

The black contract means that the devil has used the sponsor's authority. However, how can the other party evade the rules set by her with the authority of her sponsor?

Just waiting to ask Jingyu if he knew anything, a black wind suddenly appeared at his feet. The wind completely enveloped Bai Yecha, and only enveloped her, forming a spherical space that seemed to be a cage.

For a moment, Jingyu thought it was the attack of the Demon King. And no matter what kind of attack, as long as it is in the energy state, it can be destroyed... He raised his fist to avoid the direction of Bai Yecha, and it was a blow against the black wind.


The fist edge and the black wind violently burst out, creating a piercing shrill. The fist without any disadvantage was blocked by the black wind, unable to advance.

"Hurry up, this is built by the rules of the game." Seeing this, Bai Yecha inside the Black Wind shouted.

The gift of "unknown body" can indeed break the gift and is so inexplicably strong.

However, if even the rules of the game can be broken, it is equivalent to breaking the organizer's authority itself, which has risen to the range of two-digit power.

That is no longer a gift.

What arrived at Jingyu at the same time as Bai Yecha's words was the sudden eruption of the black wind, radiating a strong pressure around.

Jingyu can barely stabilize his body.

Behind him, Asuka and Lily had screamed ‘ahhhh’ and were blown away by themselves.

Bai Xueji, who is almost in the same position as them, has the ability to manipulate the wind, and can only protect herself in front of this power, which is of no help to the two.

Jingyu jumped quickly. First rushed towards the bird with stiffness and hugged her around her waist. Using the technique of Yuebu again, she flew to Lily in the air, and embraced her in her arms.

When he took the two to fall back to the ground in peace, the bird was still a little bit in his dream.

Several people ran over at this time, and Jingyu also released the flying birds and Lily... If it was usual, he would hug a little longer, maybe he would do some small actions that made the flying birds shy. At this time, there is no such mood.

It can be said that Bai Yecha was actually banned by the rules of the game, which was beyond his expectation.

Of course, this is not to say that the lack of Bai Yasha will make it difficult for him to defeat the Demon King... It is purely to wonder what kind of means the Devil King who laid down the black contract used to seal Bai Yasha.

"Mr. Jingyu." The black rabbit running at the front asked questions with concern, "Are you injured?"

"It's okay." Jingyu shook his head, turned around, and searched for Sandora and others who were on the high platform just now... In the auditorium some distance away, I saw the conspicuous deep red of the little girl. hair.

After confirming the safety of ‘Employer’ II, he set about doing the right thing—planning to defeat the devil.

First, he grabbed a black contract book on the ground, grabbed it in his hand, and looked at the rules of the game above.

"Gift game name: "The_PIED_PIPER_of_HAMELIN"

Participants at a glance: a community of all participants and sponsors currently in the outer area of ​​3999999 outer gates, 4000000 outer gates, and boundary wall stage area.

Participants and sponsors designate game leaders: Sun's runner, Protoss-Baiyecha.

Sponsor's victory conditions: Conquer and kill all contestants.

Contestants' victory conditions:

1. Overthrow the sponsor game leader.

2. Break the false inheritance and establish the true inheritance.

Oath: Respect the above content, based on glory, flags and sponsor authority, hold a gift game. "Grimm_Gimoire.Hameln" seal"

It is not difficult to see from the name of the game that it is indeed the devil related to Hamel. It's just that there is no way to seal Bai Yecha in the rules, but Jingyu said in his heart, "It really is." The demon king who can block the white night fork with the rules of the game will not be so stupid that he can simply see through the means.

However, the Devil obviously does not know what kind of opponent he will face.

Jingyu looked at the corner of the contract, ‘Operator of the Sun? Not to say the strongest class dominator, nor to say Bai Ye's Protoss or the ancient devil... If you want to add an adjective to Bai Yecha, the intention of these words here is somewhat obvious. ’

It would make him think about it unconsciously. The means of sealing Bai Yecha is related to the hostile side of the sun.

But what can block the sun?

I have thought of the legend of shooting the sun in Chinese mythology, and the goddess of the sun in Japanese mythology hiding in Tianyanhu...but I feel that it is not similar to the black wind in front of me.

Because he couldn't think of anything else for a while, he temporarily put it down.

"Black Rabbit, use your superior rabbit ears to scout the location of the devil...I want to meet each other."

If you can knock it down, then kill it. If you can't beat it, you will find ways to collect some information first.

Black Rabbit knew that Jingyu had defeated the four-digit demon king, and out of trust in his strength, he did the search.

In this time, Leticia asked Jingyu, "Master, what shall we do?"

Is it to fight with you, or to assist Salamandra to evacuate ordinary people who cannot participate in the battle against the devil?

Jingyu thought about it a little, "Letcia go with me. Shirayuki, you take Lily to find Sandora... The festival is a public meeting of Sandora. Fighting with the devil, it is not very good without her participation; Lily's words, For the time being, stay with Salamandra's guards. The others went to Bai Yecha and asked her if she had any clues about the demon king's method of sealing her."

Leticia and Shirayuki responded together... Shirayuki picked up Lily and jumped in the direction indicated by Jingyu.

Among the remaining people, Asuka showed dissatisfaction, "Huh... was pushed out again when it was interesting."

Jingyu laughed when she heard that she seemed to want to fight the Devil, instead of being left behind.

"Asuka, I assure you that if there is a person who controls the mouse attacking you on the side of the devil, it will be left to you to If not, I can accompany you to find the other party later."

Asuka's eyes lighted up, "It's almost the same." With that said, he made a haughty gesture of flicking his hair with satisfaction.

She then honestly walked with Jin En to Bai Yecha.

They walked out a few steps, and they revealed Yao.........Yao didn't say anything, but stared at Jingyu closely.

It seems to be holding the same mind as Asuka.

"If I were the Demon King," Jingyu touched his chin and looked elsewhere. "It will send someone to guard Bai Yecha so that she will not tell other people important news..."

Yao will also keep up with Asuka and Jin En.

Leticia looked at all of them and smiled: "Master, you really have a way to convince the two problem children so easily."

"Well, after all, it's a man who has raised many daughters." Jingyu proudly raised his chest.

"Found it!" The black rabbit with closed eyes suddenly opened her eyes and pointed in the direction of the boundary wall. "Everyone else is trying to escape, but there are people jumping from above."

"Oh?" Jingyu adjusted the focal length of his sight, and saw that three people had fallen with a giant soldier.

Among the three, an adult male in a black military uniform, a voluptuous female with exposed white clothing, and the last one... turned out to be a young girl whose age could only be called Loli.

"Who will be the devil?"

Jingyu murmured to herself with interest, and with a hard leg, she crossed the outer wall of the stage area diagonally.

"I went too." Leticia said to the black rabbit, spread her black wings, and followed Jingyu.

When they left, the black rabbit who stood still reacted.

"Ah, what should people do?"

No one seems to assign her a task...



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