Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 96: Ways to negotiate success

The policy is set and implemented in practice, but it does not mean ‘just packed up and left the community’.

A declaration has been made that all evils are enemies. It is not surprising when the base will be attacked. The leader Jin En advocated that in the case that Lord Bai Yacha would temporarily leave the Eastern District, this expedition should leave enough defensive forces.

In response, Leticia took the initiative to demand responsibility for the defensive base.

She even patted her hands on a flat chest and vowed ‘not to let any one mouse harm the children of the community. ’

"You are too careful." Jingyu holds different opinions from them. "The declaration said that it has gone out for a month and did not make any achievements. In this case, the scope of transmission is limited... Even a few people who hear it He will also treat it as a nameless buzzword, which will be laughed at instead of being taken seriously. Well, this is a frustrating reality... If you really want to be alert, start from this time after you defeated the devil."

So, noname travel: eight people + one.

The first stop for a group of people leaving the base area is the branch of the Eye of Summoning, going to meet with the client Bai Yecha.

When passing through the Sprinkler Plaza, seeing the crest of "Scepter and Sword" on the outer door, Asuka asked Jin En:

"Speaking of that, Jin Enjun, how are you talking about the negotiations with the twin kings?"

As soon as I returned to the base, I was informed that I received a commission from Bai Yecha about the devil. Thinking excitedly about what kind of Demon King he would encounter, he unknowingly put the above problems aside.

Similarly, the situation of Asuka and Yao participating in the gift game has not been asked... Now think of it, it is as they intended. The reason is that neither of them has broken the regular game of the double kings.

Jin En replied: "The information that Mr. Jingyu analyzed for me in advance was finally successful."

As long as we can really gain fame, it is no longer an illusion to reintroduce this outer door to domination.

Jin En is very happy about this.

However, there was a problem that troubled him... The outer door was an important publicity tool. However, there was no name and noname of the banner, and there was no coat of arms that could decorate the outer door.

‘You can’t really get my portrait up like Mr. Jingyu said? ’

At the thought of this, as if everyone's strange eyes had been projected, the awkward emotion forced Jin En to tremble.

This, Asuka did not notice.

"Hey... Really." Her attention was on Jingyu, who was walking with Black Rabbit at the forefront, I didn't know what to say, and made the rabbit show anxiety, "Then he analyzed it What kind of information?"

Based on her knowledge of Jingyu, she did not think that Jingyu would directly betray the information of the original community, or pull the relationship to promote the success of this negotiation.

Jin En used the word "analysis" to confirm her guess.

"There are three aspects... First, the income of the 2105380 outside door is not as good as what we got from Perseus; second, the two kings of the world have concentrated the main members in the new base area that has just started one year, and you can imagine their goals and focus. On the upper level; the third, I personally think it is the most critical..."

The biggest difficulty in negotiation is that if the two kings of the world agree to negotiate, it will damage the glory of their banner... The third article is aimed at this point, and successfully avoided this point.

Looking back now, Jin En still amazed him. I think Jingyu almost directly reminded him how to do it.

"Don't rave about what he said." Asuka urged him to say quickly.

Jin En said: "Mr. Jingyu said that letting a community like Fores_Garo exist, so that it has caused trouble and loss to many communities inside the door, and it has an inescapable responsibility as a regional governor. That is, the two kings of the world are in 2105380 Outer door control is disqualified..."

Based on this, Jin En said to Ke Mi, who participated in the negotiations of the two kings of the world, ‘the two kings of the world can use this mistake as an excuse to surrender the identity of the regional dominator to the class dominator.

Not only will this preserve its reputation, it will not have a negative impact. We will still hand over the outside door of XXXXXXX to the two kings of the world, and there will be no loss in income for the two kings of the world. Not only that, to become a new regional ruler means to open up new bases in new outer gates...that is, the power of the double kings can be further expanded. ’

To sum up, if you agree to noname's negotiation, you will get three benefits. If Ke Mi did not agree, it would be really silly.

However, the negotiating person is Ke Mi, so that the negotiation will be effective. People like Monet, Angel, Gilgamesh don't care what the reputation is... Power is everything!

Jingyu knows this, while others don’t.

Therefore, Asuka fully admired Jingyu's insight into opportunities. I thought, that guy is not only strong in flesh, but also one-in-one.

Such a person is certainly reliable as a companion. However, if you want to consider it as a competitor, the difficulty factor is really high.

For a moment, Asuka even thought that he came to compete with her and Yao, too unfair.

Immediately afterwards, she shook her head again, dispelling her weak heart and also blaming the weakness.

But I am recognized by him as having the same gift. If he thinks it is unfair, does it mean that he degrades himself?

Only such a thing can never be done.

She flicked her soft hair and pierced her eyes with Jingyu’s head. ‘The victory is just beginning, let’s see. ’

At this time, Jingyu and the black rabbit stopped... Asuka stunned stupidly, thinking, could he be noticed... Then she discovered that the female clerk in Japanese apron standing in front of them.

"Do you want to stop this time?"

I look forward to it! Jingyu, who was so muttering, smiled ambiguously and looked at the female clerk to ask questions.

The clerk's lips twitched unnaturally, and good professionalism restrained the impulsive devil.

"No, Master Bai Yecha asked me to welcome you here, please follow me."

She finished speaking blankly, and with a polite gesture, she turned and turned inward.

"That's it." Behind the man said with regret: "Then let's meet again next time."

Actually made such an agreement.

But it is better to say whether this is provocation, or provocation of salespersons in other stores.

Asuka noticed that the clerk took a step and stopped. His body shuddered a few times before moving on.

I always felt that my shoulders were lost and drooping.

‘Really,’ Asuka thought, crying and laughing: ‘We’re the embarrassed party when we entered the store, why did I suddenly have some sympathy for the female clerk. ’



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