Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 92: New chapter

Listening to Jin En's solemn statement of the word'mission', he didn't like the smile of Shirayuki who was successful in his trip.

‘The best thing to come at this time is the Sand Knight who has been in this community. Looking at her face, the double kings of the world may give up the identity of the regional governor here... I really don't understand why the master has appointed him. ’

Jin En, who is not well-known, commands the noname with no name and banner. However, the object to be negotiated is a five-digit community and a powerful community with many powerful people.

Completely disproportionately, on the surface, it seems that the completion of the transaction will not cause any loss to the twin kings. However, Jin En must consider that the double kings of the world have rejected this negotiation in two ways.

First, the double kings of the world have just risen to five digits a year. Prior to this, the seven-digit base was their main base. If you surrender the authority of the outside door here, you must prevent the outside door from being controlled by the other party... If you set it to prohibit the entrance of the double king, it will cause great trouble to the double king.

For this, if Jin En signed a guaranteed contract as the leader, perhaps it could be passed.

So, the next one is that Jin En is hard to reverse.

If the five-digit community trades with noname peer-to-peer and gives up the authority of the regional governor, it will have a considerable negative impact on the reputation of the double kings.

What should we do?

At least in Bai Xueji's view, it is impossible for the two kings of the world to relax on this one. And she can't look forward to the kid in front of her... Jin En's impression is so unreliable.

Thinking of this, one can't help but guess, is the master letting him come together to help himself to help the kids here to make suggestions?

If this is true, then I can only say sorry first. Although the subordinate master is a member of the community, my loyalty to Shirayuki is only for the master itself...Since the master has no clear instructions, don't think I will do anything special . ’

It is also impossible to do anything... Facing the double kings of the world, Bai Xueji couldn't think of a strategy to crack the second item above.

After casting a distrustful glance at Jin En, Shirayuki looked at the two young girls with similar appearances in doubt.

The girls are surrounded by a sacred aura, an atmosphere unique to goddesses of good nature.

Although Bai Xueji is a snake god, she consciously cannot compare with them in terms of divinity.

However, such women will deliberately bet on Jin's side, so that Bai Xueji will produce ‘Does the two kings of the world will send them both to negotiate with the boy on our side? ’


In such thoughts, she and Jin En came to the twins of the world-making king.

Jin En took a deep breath and said, "Good guys, we are the community that submitted the application for negotiation yesterday."

Finally, the first sentence was said smoothly.

If the beginning is good, it will be relatively easy... He hopes so in his heart.

In the Gemini, the left side said: "The application has been approved, and we have prepared negotiation personnel."

"If we are ready, we will now send two to go." The right said.

‘Surely they are not them. 'Bai Xueji thinks this is a matter of course.

"Please be sure." Jin En replied.

The twins launched the same transmission power as before, sending Jin En and Bai Xueji to a room like a conference room.

Here, they are also waiting for them. The sitting woman stood up and smiled at them across the long table:

"Hello, I'm Ke Mi, the deputy of Lord Monet, the minister of the chief executive of the world system, and I'm the person in charge of the lower government in the community."

"I'm Jin En Russell." Jin En introduced himself and greeted him with a smile, then said with a smile: "Master Ke Mi is really humble. Everyone knows that the double king of the world has only one year to rise to five figures. The facilities operated by the community are still mainly at the lower level. Lord Ke Mi can be responsible for the government affairs of the lower level. Presumably, the status within the community is highly respected."

Ke Mi gestured for Jin En to sit down, and also smiled, "Your Excellency Jin En misunderstood... the deputy was literally. I was simply selected by Lord Monet to help her deal with government affairs. . It’s nothing in the community, and there are as many people who can replace me at any time."

She paused here for a moment, about feeling that it would seem that she did not have enough respect for the other party's leader who had negotiated. After sitting down, he added:

"Of course, during this meeting with Lord Jin, I was granted the authority to decide whether to negotiate with you by Master Monet... That is to say, if you can persuade me, you can complete the negotiation. ,can we start?"

It can be described as two peaks and two rounds and turns... It was thought that the two kings of the world created great importance to this negotiation, and then they sent the deputy minister of government, but the other party claimed to be just a ‘little soldier’. But this little soldier was able to directly decide whether to close the deal...

Jin En swallowed.

Now it is completely unclear whether the double kings of the system have attached importance to this. It can only be affirmed that the bargaining personnel in front of him have bargaining power that they cannot match.

Although sitting down, it is like sitting on a needle felt.

However, Jin En, after this negotiation, after preparing Jingyu's prompt, prepared for the content of the prompt for three weeks. Before coming, I also asked Jingyu to help get rid of the customs...It was confirmed by Jingyu.

Then, as long as the content that comes to mind is spoken step by step, it should work.

Jin En straightened his posture and began his expression.


Noname's base area- In the corner of the huge agricultural park, after continuous water injection, there is still no sign of recovery. As a result, the use of water resources was relocated to a small piece of uncorroded land around the headquarters.

Originally restricted by the lack of water, even if these lands could be used, there was no intentional reclamation.

Now, with the water tree won by Jingyu, the problem of water source can be solved, and the daily water use is worry-free. Noname's children have been reclaiming all available land and planting rapeseed within three weeks of this no-gift competition.

Today, there are already some green seedlings. I believe that you will be able to eat these self-produced vegetables soon.

Due to the outings of Asuka and Yao, Jingyu, who had some free time in the afternoon, came to the low **** where she could see the children working.

He just wanted to sit down against a tree and sleep in the afternoon, watching the children's work with a smile... A rabbit in the field found him and jumped boldly in front of him.

"Mr. Jingyu, you look very busy."

When he came over with a smiley face, his long ears almost poked his head.

"How to say, Black Rabbit, but I have the burden of watching the children of the community grow up."

Speaking, you should continue to sit down and perform the work of ‘watching’.

"Don't laugh, there are some jobs below. The burden is too heavy for the children. Please come to help." Black Rabbit went to take his arm and took him with him.

"Heavy work let those guys who signed the compulsory labor contract do it. Words, why didn't I see them?" Jingyu withdrew her body deliberately back, resisting the black rabbit's pulling, and even almost black The rabbit was brought down to the root of the tree together.

"If that's the case, just hug the rabbit" and the thought slipped across my mind.

"Did Mr. Jingyu think of something bad?"

This usually stupid rabbit is aware of it, or is the expression on his face too obvious this time?

Well, a little convergence.

"Oh, I thought... thinking about how to punish those who dare to miss work."

It was easily perfunctory.

In general, Black Rabbit is very easy to believe in people.

"They... will not be here for the time being. After all, the flag is returned. There are many things to do in their own community. So, apply for an extension from us and wait for the first time after the busy time, the community Will be over again after the operation is normal."

"Did you ask them to work a little longer on that basis as a remedy when they agreed to postpone?"

After asking this question, the rabbit's face showed ‘hey? ’S response... really it didn’t.

"I really can't expect anything from you." She criticized her so much, because the children in the distance also looked here and waved their hands like hello... although the children did not expect to pass by Help, was found, after all, could not sit down.

Leave the stunned rabbit and walk towards the children.

When she followed, whispering, "People are not as disgusting as Mr. Jingyu", and want to make excuses for the "mistakes" just now, knocked her forehead.

"Dare to say that I am disgusted, but I am trying to reduce the burden of the children's work."

"Then help yourself! You just wanted to be lazy just now."

"It's not laziness, I just feel that the efficiency is a bit low, and I don't want to start.

If it's destruction, it's very simple, you can hit the crater with one punch. However, picking water, hoeing, sowing, etc., all have to limit the strength to do it... obviously has super physical strength, and at most it is equivalent to the work intensity of several people. It is really not in line with his Taste.

Black Rabbit could understand Jingyu's thoughts, but still pushed his back with a smile, and accelerated the speed of moving to Tanabe.

When releasing him, "Mr. Jingyu, working together also has the joy of working together," she said. Then he put the basket of stones collected by the children in front of him.

"Do you work?" Jingyu looked far into the sky and recalled the past. ‘It seems that after entering the world of One Piece, the word feels far away from me? Even if I would do something, I never thought it was labor...’

No matter what difficulty you can do, do you think the simplest thing that everyone can do is troublesome?

It's really strange.

Thinking so, ‘then overcome it a little bit. ’Lifted the basket and slanted towards the sky. A basket of stones flew out.

Hey... the black rabbit made a surprised sound.

Jingyu approached those stones and smashed them all into powder.

Oh, great! The children admired.

"Not so much! Don't praise him!" Black Rabbit hysterically rose.

Looking at her like this, Jingyu smiled happily, "Well, the joy of labor really felt."

"That's not it!" The rabbit denied loudly...



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