Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 78: The villain's tail can't grow

noname base

Several early intruders who signed a compulsory labor contract came to the headquarters today to report...thus exposing Jingyu's "blackmail" to the intruders who got another ten gold coins.

Hand these people to Lily to arrange, and as soon as they left, Black Rabbit immediately came to the underground workshop and asked Reticia:

"Mr. Leticia, Mr. Jingyu got ten gold coins... do you know about it?"

"Hmm." Leticia, who was helping Yao Yao to change the bandage, paused temporarily and gave her a puzzled look. "Don't the black rabbit also know? The master was throwing up and down the gold coins in his hands in front of you in front of you..."

She imitated the action, "Black Rabbit also saw it, but didn't say anything, I thought you defaulted to those gold coins as the master."

"Not at all!" Black Rabbit seemed to see'a good opportunity to improve the lives of the children of the community, so it floated away in the eyes'. In general, his face pityed: "Master Leticia also knows, Mr. Jingyu It used to be... people thought it was his previous gold coin. Besides, in his previous identity, people didn't expect him to be greedy for ten gold coins."

"It's too exaggerated to say that it's greedy." Leticia reminded with a cry of laughter: "Black Rabbit, has always regarded the master as the one who was still in the past community, can't it... he is now a companion to all of us , Is a trusted main force."

I felt Yao's shoulders trembling slightly. At first, Leticia thought she didn't concentrate on dressing up, so that she hurt her. But after looking at her face, Leticia realized that Yao was not a physical pain, but an uncomfortable heart... That trembling was her reaction to the word main.

‘It seems that yesterday I was injured in the gift game and I didn’t do anything. It’s a big blow to her. ’

Leticia did not speak to comfort her. In Leticia's view, although it was a bit cruel to do so, she still hoped that her comrades who bear the responsibility of fighting against the devil, in addition to having a powerful gift, also have an indomitable heart.

‘Crossing this obstacle, you will grow up if you don’t turn it into motivation. 'She looked forward to Yao.

The black rabbit is in a short stunned spirit because of Leticia’s words, ‘Yes, Mr. Jingyu also said many times, no need to use honorifics to talk to him... Am I trying to change it? ’

After repeated thinking, she nodded conclusively in her heart, "Well, Master Leticia, they decided to return the ten gold coins with Mr. Jingyu. Since they are companions, they cannot condone him."

She turned and walked outside.

"Oh, that's right..." Leticia seemed to think of stopping her, "Black Rabbit, there's nothing else I told you..."

When Black Rabbit turned around and asked, "What is it?", Reticia showed hesitation and difficulty in speaking.

After this meeting, "Actually, last night, the master also caught more than one hundred invaders holding the banner of the summoning eye... They were temporarily **** by me with ghostly trees... Uh, black rabbit, So it’s rude to look at me."

For the little maid who wanted to show her predecessor's posture, Black Rabbit rarely shouted back with a strong momentum:

"Say such things earlier!"


At this time, the summoning eye is in the seven-digit outer door store-

If it was right, Luos, who said it, actually thought very simple.

Last night, Luos did order the ministry to go down to the "nameless" guild. Knowing the existence of the aristocratic nobles and knights in this guild, Luos was still cautious. He instructed his subordinates to enter in stealth, using petrification gifts to petrify someone to get the first move, so as to threaten this community to follow.

Those subordinates who were sent out could not even accomplish this. What else could they do? Luos doesn’t pity those people, only cherish the equipment...even if they are all replicas, a hundred sets are a big deal. In the name of the equipment that was stolen by the thieves, Bai Yecha wanted to punish those people, and he had to return the equipment to him first.

As for the lost people, I believe that if the five-digit community calls for people, there will be as many substitutes as there are.

Luos took the initiative to look at Jingyu, "Considering that your community has also stolen our community, I have reason to suspect that you are with them... Do you want to collude to murder my community?"

He smiled evilly, glanced at Bai Yecha without moving his eyes, "I believe you will not allow it."

Jingyu is communicating with Bai Yecha because of the unexpected development of things.

"Hello, Bai Yecha, this guy jumped up hysterically without a face just now, pointing at my nose to fight me... a bit abnormal. Do you know what's going on?"

"Because he cares about the five-figure position more than you can imagine than the face on the surface. The five-figure community took the initiative to find the "nameless" duel. Even if you win, it is not a glorious thing in itself. Don’t expect to be provoked in this respect... In other words, did you really catch those who reported under the banner of the Eye of Summoning?"

"Uh, caught."

"You guys!"

Bai Yecha's'Thinking it would really trouble me' glanced at him secretly, and responded to Luos: "I reiterate that as a class dominator, I am not biased towards either of you... Lord Luos, If you want to say that the other party has stolen your things, you have to give evidence. Otherwise, I will regard it as an insult to the other party."

"Baiyesha, I think that is already an insult to us, so our noname puts a duel to Perseus." Asuka, who didn't know what Jingyu and Baiyesha secretly said, said at this time.

Bai Yecha froze, glanced at Jingyu, and didn't say anything immediately.

Luos sneered with a contemptuous smile, "The evidence or something, I came in a hurry this time, and I didn't go to collect it. However," he verbally punished noname to say "no unkind words" that would not give up, "You will not be so lucky next time. ."

The flying bird that wanted to attack was blocked by Jingyu's outstretched arm.

This is where the conversation came. After Luos left the room, Asuka said to Jingyu with a tone of accusation:

"Did you say, if the opponent is not interested, you will be compensated. Now that it is fine, even if the opponent is gone, how should you compensate?"

"Asuka, do you want to travel with me... I guarantee that after the trip, there will be some opponents, and some gift games will not run." Jingyu said with a smile.

Asuka, who still lacks understanding of Perseus and Sanding, does not understand what is going on, and is suspicious.

Bai Yecha responded, "So you made that idea. Well, your words should be easy to complete... Remember to teach him a good lesson, as a reward for me to wipe your ass." ."

Both she and Jingyu smirked.

Asuka looked at Jingyu on the left and Bai Yecha on the right. Seeing that they could easily decide the life and death of the leader of the five-digit community who had just shown their arrogance and arrogance... Suddenly a little reaction came, maybe Luao The level of evil in Sri Lanka can't be compared with these two.

In fact, Luos is just a villain, these two are the devil.

Jingyu and the flying bird quickly went on the road. Soon after they left, they were the black rabbits who came to Xingshi to blame.

Of course, the black rabbit fluttered... even Bai Yecha returned to the upper level, and the cold-faced female clerk who stayed did not let her into the store.



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