Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 73: Half

Of course, Jingyu deliberately did it for Asuka. If it weren't for the Black Rabbit, he would have more room to enjoy the bird's flushed little face that was out of anger.

Now, he looked at the black rabbit with a serious expression, "What Bai Baicha said."

He originally wanted to know what Bai Yecha would do to the guy who dared to show up to the black rabbit in front of her... but the black rabbit obviously misunderstood. She rubbed her forehead and said:

"Master Bai Yecha has agreed to accept the matter from the standpoint of the class dominator. She asked Black Rabbit to take Miss Two Asuka, who now holds the two gifts, to the summoning eye, hoping to hear how Miss Asuka defended."

This is undoubtedly a very unexpected answer to Jingyu. However, this answer seems to be the same answer.

Jingyu’s brows frowned slightly, and he walked slowly two steps aside, "Black Rabbit, you go to the summoning eye again. There is no need to enter the door, just let the clerk convey it. Say... Asuka is in the gift game I was injured in the middle and we have to send her back to the community for treatment. When the treatment is over, we will accompany her."

Hearing Jingyu's buoyant flying bird, he heard that this matter had something to do with himself, and had already transferred that anger to the unknown enemy. She was brewing in her heart, ‘Hey, good, I’ll go and see with Black Rabbit. Dare to intervene in our gift game, what is the guy who injured Kasugabe classmates? ’

This determination to let the other party return ten times did not fade.

But Jingyu said that after she stayed, she asked suspiciously: "What bad idea do you play?"

"Oh, rest assured, although I'm talking about it, I won't really force you rudely." Jingyu said.

Asuka immediately blushed, shouting shyly: "Who, who is talking about this!"

Jingyu looked down, an innocent expression, "Isn't it because you went back with me, don't you worry about your safety."

"No!" Asuka repudiated loudly, pushing his shoulders with a red face. "Foolish, you know what I'm asking, you bad guy!"

Jingyu really laughed, "I was talking about this, I said, Asuka still believes in me."

"Sharp talk, hurry up!"

"Black Rabbit, go quickly."

"Not letting you say... eh?"

Asuka glanced bitterly at the black rabbit's face they were so noisy and temporarily silenced.

Jingyu raised her hand to the black rabbit again and told her to leave.

"Mr. Jingyu," Black Rabbit hesitated, "Master Bai Yecha and that person are waiting, is there no problem?"

"Don't you understand? Then I will tell you carefully..." Jingyu condensed the joke, serious: "If that person wants to testify us, let him take out the evidence first! Verbal, even if we are noname , There is no need to listen... he counts something, hum."

Angrily, he lifted the heel of one foot and fell back to the ground violently. This small movement also caused huge shocks and large cracks to spread from the feet. The people who cried and laughed after taking back the flags back nearby were startled, thinking that an earthquake had occurred.

The black rabbit was also so scared that the rabbit's ears stood up sharply, so I remembered it. Before joining the noname, this one was the legendary overlord. Even if the incognito is incognito, this domineering that penetrates into the soul will never disappear. Of course he will not endure bullying!

"Yes." In response, she left the scene in response to the phrase "Run as fast as a rabbit."

When the black rabbit is no longer visible, the attention of the others is not here. Asuka flicked the hair on one side and said:

"Let's avoid the black rabbit, it must be very interesting content."

"If it weren't, you would have to compensate me for the losses that I concealed." She stared at him with such eyes.

Jingyu smiled and blinked at her, "Flying bird, someone invaded last night and was caught by me. I fined them ten gold coins, plus help us noname volunteer labor for a month. The gold coins have not been handed over yet. , Hehehe..."

"You mean..." Asuka's eyes light up... When he first came to the box court, he heard the black rabbit say that even here, there is an exchange of goods with gold... The purchasing power of gold coins should be considered good. Right.

So, she extended his fair-white little hand to him, "half."

"Huh?" Jingyu froze.

"I said, divide the gold coins you collected into half of me, otherwise, I will tell the black rabbit to give you all confiscated." Fei Niao said with a smile.

"You..." Jingyu pointed at her and grieved with an expression of "I just told you that I believed you", "You are too cheat! Do I dare to believe you again in the future?"

"It's wordy!" Asuka went to him to get the gift card. "Isn't it possible to catch a bunch more today? I got the money and I will return it to you when the time comes... I want to buy some replacement clothes first." ."

Especially underwear...the skirt can also be found in the collection of the Black Rabbit, and then let the Black Rabbit change. But in underwear, Asuka said that she would not use anything others have used.

Of course, she can't tell the guy here about this purchase, lest he drop it.

After she successfully touched the gift card from Jingyu, she was about to take out the gold coins from the inside, but acted. After thinking about it, he simply stuffed the gift card into the skirt pocket.

Jingyu stunned, "Miss Asuka, can you explain, this... what kind of appetite is this?"

"If the clothes are expensive, five pieces are not enough?" Asuka took for granted: "Don't be stingy, it's not that you won't be returned."

She jumped from the edge of the round table, turned around and saw Jingyu still on the stage, urging: "Hurry up, Jin En, they are busy, they will go back with us... we have no chance to spend the stolen money."

"You want to spend it." Jingyu murmured. I thought that although there were ten stolen money in her gift card, there were more than those ten gold coins... If she let her spend more than that, she really had to pay it back.

It's really strange to think that it is obviously your own money and you have to pay it back. But the rules of the game are like this, you don’t have to play, you have to obey the rules if you want to play, don’t you?

Therefore, after standing side by side with him, "Save it." So reminded.

"Look at the situation." Miss Bird's Asuka said disapprovingly.



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