Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 70: Declaration (Chinese)

Jin En stiffened.

Although I knew it was coming sooner or later, when I did, I would still feel nervous and endure the unprecedented pressure.

Plus, Jin En is just an 11-year-old child. Facing a difficult problem that is also very difficult for adults.

He did not immediately answer Jingyu, but bowed his head.

Jingyu sideways wonderingly. The enquiry was only of a routine nature, based on giving him time to think about what he mentioned to Jin En... In Jingyu's view, Jin En already had consciousness last night. Kim Eun, who saw this morning, did not perform abnormally, and the determination he made must have not changed.

So what's wrong with him now?

Considering that the Black Rabbit has not left, those communities affiliated by Fores_Garo have not yet got the news to gather here. Sometimes, Jingyu has not urged Jin En temporarily.

However, he looked at Jin En expressionlessly, Jin En bowed his head as if he had made a mistake... The two who behaved like this produced a strange air, which attracted the attention of the other three present.

The black rabbit's ears stood up and tilted to this side; Asuka told about it, she was absent-minded; and Shirayuki, who was originally standing beside Jingyu and Jin En, walked away a few steps silently.

The girls kept silent silently and tacitly, giving Jin En enough time.

After a while, "Mr. Jingyu, can I ask you a question?" Jin Endao said.

"Just ask."

Jin En raised his head and looked directly at Jingyu's eyes, "Do you have the confidence to defeat the demon who has taken the community's name, flag and companions?"

"No." Almost without thinking, Jingyu said: "Although I said to the Black Rabbit, the other party may be the strongest devil of at least four digits, but I prefer to think of the imaginary enemy as Bai Yecha. The strength of a bug-type...I have no confidence to win Bai Yasha now."

This answer didn't surprise anyone present... even Jin En.

He still looked directly at Jingyu, "Then, why did you dare to formulate such a strategy, declare war on the demon king without saying anything, and provoke other demon kings or even all evildoers?"

The calm voice and expression showed that he was not asking questions for doubt.

He simply wanted to know Jingyu's thoughts.

Perhaps, I also want to find more confidence in Jingyu's answer. After all, he is in the position of the leader of the community, making decisions about the development of the community and the life and death of his companions...but he must not be careful.

"Because I believe in myself and believe in my companions. It is good to win, to lose, but only to represent all of us." Jingyu said seriously: "Jin, knowing that the enemy is strong, he is afraid to challenge. , Living in guilt and guilt is better than committing suicide now."

He just laughed again, "Well, I didn't plan to lose."

If you lose, it means that all of the relevant planes of the problem children are from a different world, and they will be included in the situation of spontaneous death...This is a bad situation that Jingyu is only unwilling to face.

Therefore, we must win at all costs, even if the identity of the devil is enabled.

"I also believe in my companions!" Jin En nodded. "I will do what Mr. Jingyu said, as the leader, and become everyone's shield. However, I have a request, and you must agree. "

"Oh? Come and listen." Jingyu smiled gently.

Jin En bent his waist ninety degrees to him, "Please be my teacher and teach me to be a useful person to the community."

This is enough to surprise Jingyu, but it seems reasonable to think about it carefully.

The original Jin En, sitting in the position of leader, must have been quite uncomfortable-when Reticia was away, the Black Rabbit supported the community; Reticia returned, and there were no leaders among the members who supported the community. Jin En's shadow. simply because the community needs a leader. Except for the black rabbit, only him at that time. So, he became the leader.

That's all.

Jin En has never been given high hopes.

However, Jin En is also a child who grew up in the box court. Looking up at the banner from an early age, he has the idea of ​​contributing to the community and making the banner glorious because of him... This idea not only does not disappear after the banner is taken away, but grows quietly in the heart.

He just lacked self-confidence and never exposed it.

Now, for the first time, he was given the opportunity to be able to contribute to the community!

He is about to take the first step, and the community is about to be revitalized... No, it must be revitalized. We must have confidence in this and believe that the new comrades will definitely grow up quickly.

‘Although I can’t do it to their level, at least I don’t want to drag their hind legs. ’

This is what Jin En holds.

Jingyu seeing through this, rubbed his hair. When he showed an incomprehensible color, he laughed and said: "I am not interested in being a teacher, but I can still do something like a little devil. You can read after you go back today...Community Is there a library under the ground? Read all the books and write down all of them, as your first stage goal."

"Is that useful for the community?" Jin En asked.

"It takes strength, courage, and wisdom to crack the you understand?" Jingyu reminded.

Jin En's eyes lit up, "Yes." He responded forcefully.

Soon after, Black Rabbit took the injured man to the summoning eye. At the same time that Asuka killed Jard, the center of the box court had ruled that Fores_Garo must be disbanded.

The news is spreading fast.

The people who left the refuge because of the demonization of the residential area, after learning that the demonization disappeared, successively gathered at the gate of the residential area to watch.

This includes those who were caught by Jingyu last night.

They saw Jingyu from afar, thinking of the tragic situation that was searched last night, and preaching the evil track of Jingyu to their companions, which also made Jingyu attract more people's attention.

Seeing that the number of people gathered was almost the same, Jingyu said to Jin En,'Go!' Just when Jin En wanted to go forward, he saw Jingyu punching the ground.

With a loud bang, unprepared Jin En, Asuka, and Snow White were shocked one foot above the ground, and their hearts almost popped out of their throats. Just when the three wanted to complain that he was too chaotic, he saw him stooping and hey, he seemed to lift a rock with little effort-a huge diameter of ten meters and a thickness of about one meter rock.

He held it like that and walked out of the hundred meters step by step.

Every step you take produces a shock that shakes all the people who witnessed the scene.

That clearly tells people that the boulder is not a bubble... he really has such power.

After walking in front of the crowd, without saying a word, he threw the boulder to the crowd stunned and staring at him. The shadow covered by the boulder frightened people to flee. There was another bang, and the boulder hit the ground, and the smoke created produced everyone in it... Only a coughing sound was heard all around.

And the man who made this, had grabbed Jin En and jumped onto the boulder.

"Say it." He pushed Jin En forward.

Jin En just wanted to cry at the moment.



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