Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 68: Win (below)

Asuka is fighting a battle against the water.

She stood at the end of the straight passage, and her back was closed by intertwined trees. Even if the order is made to allow the tree to open the path again, it will not be completed in one second or two seconds... This time delay is enough to be killed.

Of course, the premise is that he will defeat the Tigers.

But will you lose?

Asuka doesn't think too high, but at this time, he did not put the option of defeat in his mind-the opponent is an irrational beast. If he is defeated in the face of himself, how can he go with Jingyu and Yao to complete the revitalization community, Challenge plans for higher level gift games?

Therefore, it cannot be defeated.

Asuka's self-esteem does not allow defeated self to stand with them cheeky.

In a battle against water, there are only two outcomes, victory or death.

Asuka used this consciousness to enhance her own momentum, so that she, who was originally just a human girl, dared to face the claws of the black warcraft that is as large as the human body.

She calmly peered at the tiger from behind the man.

"Hey, don't attack immediately, is it..."

She glanced at the torch held in the man's hand and smiled disdainfully, "Although it looks terrible, is it still a tiger? Then," she shouted to the tiger: "At least rush over like a forest king ."

The tiger that heard the sound did not act as the bird thought. It was still staring at the torch, showing some resignation. At the same time, he was confused by the sound and frequently looked behind the man.

From this appearance, Asuka knows that his gift is effective for this helmet.

It can be said that all victories have been established, so why wait any longer?

"Discard the torch!" Asuka ordered to the man.

The man threw the torch into the woodland... This almost became a signal, and the tiger saw howl and rushed towards it.

Asuka grasped the distance calmly, and then, "Just now, restrain it!" She gave the order again.

The enchanted trees stretched their branches towards Jard together. These branches are like tentacles, wrapping around the tiger's neck, limbs, and even the tail behind it.

Asuka and the man rushed towards the tiger... When the man ran, he had given up half of the body for Asuka to facilitate the assault.

At this moment, the long snake behind the tiger's tail disregarded the binding of the branches, and suddenly stretched out, biting through the gap of the branches... The target it bite was not a man, but a flying bird.

I don't know how it judged the existence of flying birds, and there was no time for them to think. However, she had a countermeasure to this. Only the corner of the lips smiled slightly, ignoring this long snake:

"Sword, give me strength."

The red long sword in the hands of Asuka, unlike the blade in Yao and Jin'en, burned a red lotus-like flame.

Asuka lifted the sword of fire and pierced the tiger's forehead.

At the same time, the man was ready to stretch out his right hand to hold the long snake's neck. He even pulled the long snake into his arms and pressed the head of the snake to his chest. Even if the long snake bitten his chest frequently, leaving traces of petrification, he was indifferent.

The flame finally burned from the tiger's forehead, and immediately covered the entire tiger's head. Under the thick smoke, the Tigers burst into a final scream and disappeared into ashes. The bird that was flicked by its last swinging head in the flames hit the tree heavily with its back. Perhaps her lungs were hurt. She coughed for a while before finally standing up, with a wry smile, and ironically told Jared who had died:

"It might be a little late to say that...but it is more appropriate for you to be a tiger."

Flying Birds for a long time, completed the first gift game after entering the box court.

There is no time to enjoy the joy of winning. Out of fear for Yao, Asuka picked up the helmet and the sword of flames and spread the wings to fly to Yao's direction. When she reached the position where Yao could be seen, she saw Jingyu pulled Yao's collar away and looked inside. Beside him, there are Black Rabbit and Kim Eun who were stupid because of his movements.

Asuka also stupid.

After Jingyu loosened Yao's collar, she said seriously: "Well, petrification has been lifted, the bite wound is not big, and it is red blood, and there is no sign of poisoning. However, the broken shoulder bone still needs to be treated... Let the flying Leticia send her back. The black rabbit jumps and jumps, it is easy to produce bumps and pain and shine..."

As soon as he said this, he ushered in a beating in the air without warning... It was flying bird who sent out the blow, her face was shy and angry when she looked at something invincible Angry expression.

Of course Jingyu easily escaped this layman's attack.

"Asuka, what are you doing?"

"Don't care what you do, just stand there and let me cut it." Asuka said with a smile.

Thinking of ‘that behavior, even if it lacked common sense, was too much for girls’, she immediately wielded another sword, this time the sword was held by Jingyu. Flying Bird tried hard but couldn't pull it out, so angry that he really wanted to liberate the power of the flame on the sword.

But there was a fact that surprised her... she is now wearing the invisible helmet on her head. Yao can find her because Yao has an animal-like sense of smell. Why did this guy in front of her find her supposed to be invisible.

After looking at the unidentified black rabbit and Jin En, she knew that the effect of stealth was still there.

"Hey, how did you find me?" she asked Jingyu and took off her helmet.

This time Jingyu was smirked. "In other words, you don't know if I can find it, dare you wear a helmet to attack? Do you really want to kill me?"

"Well, who asked you to do such a nasty thing." Asuka said without a mistake... Jing Jingyu said this, she thought of it-before the game began, he already knew there was a wear The person wearing this helmet is here.

Asuka is sure that he does have the ability to discover stealth.

"I didn't actually look in." Jingyu explained and released the sword.

Asuka hesitated for a while, and finally didn't attack again... Don't get me wrong. It wasn't that she believed Jingyu's words, but if she felt that the attack would still be invalid, it wasn't like an attack, but like playing with her.

Flying birds landed on the ground, and the Flame Sword, Helmet, and Flying Wings were all included in the Gift Card. After confirming the situation again to the black rabbit who also checked Yao's situation, he was completely relieved.

Feeling tired, she leaned against a big tree and rested when Leticia released her wings and hugged Yao away.

Jingyu walked to her...I hadn't thought of sitting down. When she saw her with the expression of "I will get up if you sit down", he laughed and really sat down.

Asuka was out of anger, but did not really get up. Just put your body on one side and don't look at him.

He would do it just because she thought he had flirted with Kasugabe and flirted with her again...but--

"Asuka, to be honest, really looked upon you."

She heard his sincere and sincere praise. Although he didn't want to admit it, he felt really happy for a while. At the same time, a pair of small ears moved... indicating that her attention was focused.



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