Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 62: Tiger's gift game?

During Jingyu's bathing conversation with Jin En, Leticia also outlined Jingyu's intentions to the black rabbit and other women.

Now that everyone knows that a duel may involve a declaration of the resurgence of the community, it is natural to want to witness it in person. Therefore, the next day went to Fores_Garo, which is called the main force of the noname... Apart from the mention of Jin En, Jingyu, Asuka, and Yao held the gift of the highest level of humankind. The black rabbit is the nobility of the box court, and Leticia is The Sandbox Knight, Shirayuki is the deity holder.

Regarding this lineup, Jingyu always thinks that it is too luxurious.

‘Looking back at this matter in a few decades’ time, Fores_Garo is quite a face. ’

He thought with amusement, his lips curled up slightly.

The center of the outer gate of 2105380 seems to be Fountain Square. Starting from it, there are many paths radiating to the surroundings, and at the end of each path there will be a larger or smaller community.

Noname and his party passed through Fountain Square before entering the road to Fores_Garo. Soon, I haven’t seen the gate of Fores_Garo, but I can see that it should be distinguished from the clear and cloudless elsewhere by the sky above the ground.

"Oh?" Asuka said unexpectedly: "I can't see that the tiger is a bit tolerant. I prepared this battle carefully for today's game."

Maybe it will be far more difficult than expected... As far as Asuka thought, it was not only fearless, but rather looking forward to it.

However, the black rabbit worriedly said, "No, as far as I know, Forest_Garo is not able to create such an environment. And, that color gives me an unknown...Master Leticia, you What do you think?"

I will ask Leticia, mainly because of the black rabbit feeling, which is somewhat similar to the ghosted environment.

But the knowing Leticia shook her head, "It's not a ghost, it's more magical..."

She had some doubts about whether it was the Demon Community with its headquarters at the outside of the six, six, six, and it sent reinforcements last night... If it was, it would never be able to cope with the current birds and Yao.

After quietly glancing at Jingyu, seeing that he didn't say anything, Leticia hid this in her heart.

"In short, Jin En, Asuka, Yao, you must be careful when you play," she urged.

"Now, how can we continue to let the three of them participate in the game." Black Rabbit ignored the "Slow down, Black Rabbit, I can't take it when I didn't hear" protest that Fei Bird said, looking at Jingyu. She obviously hoped that Jingyu could take the place of the three Asuka, but she stayed a moment when she saw Jingyu pinching her chin and looking at the expression in the distance, "Jing, Mr. Jingyu..."

Asuka was angry with the black rabbit, she reached out to her, grabbed the black rabbit's ear and pulled it.

"Hey, you stupid rabbit, don't change it!"

"Woo--!" the black rabbit uttered a miserable cry, "Fly, Miss Asuka, hurry up, how can you pull the beautiful ears of the black rabbit like this."

Asuka hadn't let go, as a result, Yao said ‘then I’ll come too’ and grabbed the other ear of the black rabbit.

The two of them may feel that they have a good hand feeling, or perhaps their pure playfulness has the upper hand, and one of them pulls to the side.

The black rabbit cried silently... This finally attracted Jingyu's attention.

He smiled hahaly, "Flying birds, Yao, stop your hands, that wonderful rabbit ear is mine."

"Yeah, yeah, this wonderful rabbit ear, but... isn't it." The black rabbit grabbed the flying bird and Yao because of the slightly lax gap in the words, and quickly jumped out of their hands, while arranging the rabbit ears, while angry Jing Xuan didn't help her to relieve Jingyu who wanted to add chaos.

In her heart, she smiled bitterly, ‘these three people are really, when they are all a little bit nervous. ’

However, two of those three are facing each other.

Asuka flicked her arms and cast a confrontational look on Jingyu, "I didn't intend to let you participate."

Jingyu spread his hands together, "I didn't say I want to participate. Asuka and Yao, quickly solved the game here... Next opponent, I've already found a good one." I laughed in disgust.

Upon seeing that expression, Asuka's eyes lit up, followed by a bad smile that wanted to make a prank:

"Is the next opponent interesting?"

"Although for the three of us, the stage is still a bit small, but it's not bad," Jingyu assured.

Asuka flicked her hair, "That's what you said, then I'll look forward to it. If you don't like it, you will be compensated."

"If you want me, you can always give it to you." Jingyu leaned in front of her. Asuka's face blushed, "Go and molest the black rabbit, you pervert." Mixed with shyness, she hummed and pushed him away.

Hearing dumbfounded that they were already planning the next gift game, Black Rabbit was greatly disturbed.

But the place where she vomited badly was, "Why is it black rabbit again."

Well, there is no way, who will allow her to possess the dual elements of bodily body and character at the same time.

Leticia shook her head helplessly at Jingyu's character with incidental parts, but her expression was very serious.

She noticed that Jingyu suddenly said "the next opponent" in such a situation.

He glanced at the black that was approaching, and said: ‘Doesn’t the master already know who laid such a venue for Fores_Garo? ’

She felt the need to ask the master in private.

A few minutes later, a group of people came under the black area.

"Is it... the jungle here?" he looked at the towering tree and the door full of vines, surprised.

She immediately followed the sentence, ‘not like it’.

The reason is simple. The trees have no leaves, the trunks have monster faces, and their mouths are wide open; the vines are covered with spikes, and there are some poisonous insects such as centipedes and scorpions crawling.

In addition, they are all black like a door with a big mouth.

In addition to these, if you look inward, there are some brightly colored plants...but those plants give a ferocious feeling of carnivorous, which makes her instinctively unwilling to approach.

"This should be the residential area of ​​Fores_Garo, but how could..." Black Rabbit frowned.

After she finished, she looked at Jingyu, Asuka, and Yao frequently. That expression clearly showed: Do you really not change the participants?

"Black Rabbit, I'm afraid your expectations are about to be missed." Jingyu walked to the gate where the girls were unwilling to approach, and casually pinched a bitten black viper, and then peeled off the parchment nailed to the door.

He only glanced at it and smiled and lifted the parchment to the black rabbit.

The black rabbit looked puzzledly.

"Actually, the participants were fixed?" After being surprised, the rabbit ears could not help but dragged down.

I saw it read-

"Gift Game Name: "Invasion"

Participants at a glance: Asuka Asuka, Kasugabe Yao, Jin Russell.

Winning condition: Eliminate Jared Gaspar lurking in the organizer's headquarters.

Winning method: Use the special weapon designated by the organizer to eliminate it. In addition to the designated weapons, according to the "contract", other methods can not hurt Jared Gaspar.

Failing conditions: Surrender, or the participant cannot meet the above winning conditions.

Designated weapon: set in the competition area.

Another: additional content of the competition, in addition to the agreed winning rewards, the organizer is willing to gamble on all the property, the participants need to use "Moon Rabbit" as a bet to challenge. Participants who win will receive the entire property provided by the organizer, and organizers who win will receive Moon Rabbit.

Oath: Obey the above rules, under the glory and flag, ‘noname’ participates in the gift contest.

"Fres. Gallo" seal

The deeds were passed on to each of the present and read by Jin En.

At the end of the reading, the black rabbit smiled and said: "Although Fres Gallo's property is tempting, after all, the means are not clean. Even if we get it, we will not be at ease to use it... uh, Discourage, hate, so what do you watch the black rabbit do?"



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