Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 57: Aspire to justice

Leticia found that after that, the master seemed to be thinking about something. Apparently she misunderstood that Master was still thinking about how to help Asuka. When the girls went to bathe themselves after dinner, they came outside the Master's door.

She knocked on the door, and the internal answer was: "Retisia? Exactly, I want to find you too."

'what? "Lettisia thought," Master, did he find a solution? ’

Holding this expectation, she pushed open the door. There was no light in the room, and the master stood by the window and looked out.

"Master?" She turned her head puzzled.

"I'm going to work out the direction of the community's development...but this is the chief's responsibility after all. I'll do it a little bit more directly. But," he paused, the expression on the window glass was quite majestic, " Such a leader is not enough to be recognized by me. I want you to know this first."

Leticia came in and closed the door... nodded to Jingyu.

"Because the Master is a person with the power of a greater community, it is not comparable to Jin En."

"Hum..." Jingyu smiled inexplicably, "I was not as good as him when he was his age."

This is completely unthinkable by Leticia. At least, there is no such narration in the rumors about this ‘king’.

However, what Jingyu said was just before entering the replacement system.

That's the only real youth he has.

It's just too long compared to the experiences after that.

Jingyu remembered it a little bit before putting it aside, and did not explain to Leticia, who was surprised, continued:

"Compared to Jin En, I want to determine your thoughts as a former senior member."

He turned around and looked seriously, "Reticia, I am a new member of the community at this moment. Tell me whether the community really wants to save the old companions from the devil's hands and wants to recapture it. Name and flag."

Leticia was born in the vampire family associated with the word "noble", and is also the royal princess who manages the family. She is strict with self-discipline and her character has been firmly bound to the noble and glorious terms.

Therefore, when Jingyu asked in such a gesture, she immediately straightened herself and temporarily put down the identities of lord and servant.

But she did not answer immediately.

When she left the community, she wanted to return to the community even if she split the soul into an item, and clearly understood the heavyness contained in the answer of ‘yes’.

Is it really possible to put this heavy weight on the shoulders of new comrades?

Originally, what she wanted to do most was to go back to the community and persuade the black rabbit to dissolve the community.

When did you change your mind?

The answer is obvious. There are not only the stubbornness that Black Rabbit wants to protect the companion's home, but also the hope given to her by the people in front of her.

Want to find a companion, want to regain the name and banner!

I have been free for a long time, and even myself has become greedy unconsciously. However, she, who knew that she had lost her divine personality and many gifts, could do nothing but hide her greed.

Hidden all the time... Now, I have to face it.

The person in front of him is by no means perfunctory. His dark eyes have the power to penetrate the soul.

Under the scrutiny, Leticia smiled bitterly.

"Think...but is it okay?"

"What's the matter?" He smiled, "I, Asuka, and Yao, I joined not another community, but a "nameless" with no name and banner. We know what kind of hope we will be sent, know The enemies you will face are the most powerful among the devil. The question is, do you dare to let us do it?"

Under the backlight of the darkness, those eyes glowed with dazzling light.

Reticia shouted loudly at the bottom of her heart as soon as she looked at it. No, you can't look at it again, otherwise, you will definitely be led by your nose, and you may even be introduced into a catastrophe.

However, reason can't drive the body that seems to be demonized.

She swallowed hard and asked carefully: "You said, let go of it means..."

"The devil is an enemy who doesn't share the sky, and we who defeat the devil are justice! Hahaha..." Jingyu burst out with a laugh in the sky. "Nothing is more attractive than justice. That's it, from tomorrow on We will be the righteous men! Hahaha..."

"Lord, Master?" Leticia, who didn't know why he was so hilarious, felt uneasy for the content.

Although justice is indeed a beautiful word, the vampire family where Leticia is located, the establishment of the system of descendants of class dominators at the beginning was only out of gratitude for being able to enjoy the sun, not to establish justice Banner.

This is not a joke!

Furthermore, this hilarious state is far from justice in any way...cough, so critical of her master, after a deep review in her heart, she said quietly:

"Master, did you change one... Well, I mean, change a word that better matches your temperament?"

Jingyu gave Jiangshan a general wave of his hand, "No need, just settle it. In addition..." He faced the window again, this time he pushed the window straight away, "I actually wanted to ask you just now, these breaks For those who have misconduct in our base, how should we deal with it better? Did Noname have any customary penalties before?"

"Intruder?" Leticia was still thinking about how to persuade him, but he was stunned by the jump in his topic. Only then did his face sink, and the red eyes flashed the cold light... She believed the Master's judgment and believed that there were indeed intruders outside, and these intruders were intending to misbehave.

Therefore, after crossing the master's side, he did not hesitate to show the vampire's fangs and roared below:

"Intrusion into our territory is equivalent to trample on the glory of our flags, I must have quite a sense of it. Then use my fangs and claws to let you taste the glory of my flags! Quickly draw the name of the community No, stand up and justify it!"

A pair of red and black wings spread out behind her and flew out the window. When the hand was lifted, the black ribbon tied to the blond hair was untied, and the figure wrapped in the red and black light stretched and became larger, and a beautiful woman with long hair hanging down was revealed again.



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