Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 49: So won

Realizing the speed at which Jingyu suddenly disappeared from a height of four kilometers and then appeared behind her, Black Rabbit didn't think she could win.

And once she lost, she thought that he would never ask Bai Xueji to act like a maid.

Because she didn't feel the pressure of Shirayuki's maid costume. Costumes that can make her feel the same degree of stress in dressing will be more teasing and exposed than the combination of this mini skirt + suspenders on her body, enough to make her embarrassed enough to think about it.

In other words, she could think of it herself.

‘It’s all Bai Yacha’s fault. ’

In front of him, this adult is the Yiqiu raccoon dog who has the same interest as Baiyecha, but he can't take it lightly.

Black Rabbit originally wanted to remind Shirayuki, but Shirayuki's sarcasm of "cut, it's really gutsless" and Jingyu's warning eyes with threats prompted her to dismiss her thoughts.

Rabbit also said angrily.

‘Well, it’s just the maid costume that Master Leticia doesn’t have any sense of exposure at all. This time I will open one eye and close one eye as a lesson to Master Snow. ’

She silently watched the master and servant finalize the details of the game, and then received the contract given by the center of the box court out of thin air.

"Bonus Title: "Racing"

Participants: Long Jingyu, Bai Xueji.

Victory conditions: First arrive at the no_name headquarters building.

Victory reward: The former wins, Shirayuki will have to wear a maid costume; the latter wins, but you don’t need to call the former a ‘master’, you can ignore the former’s instructions at once.

Oath: We will abide by the above rules and hold this gift contest in the name of glory, flag, and game sponsor. 』

One copy of each contract, after viewing, the two stood on the starting line delineated by Black Rabbit.

"Are you ready?" Black Rabbit asked routinely.

"Don't be wordy, let's get started." Bai Xueji urged, her tone and wording were not like her appearance, and she looked a little rude.

"Speaking of it, don't you need to pull the kimono apart to facilitate running?" Jingyu looked at her kimono and swayed.

Wearing a kimono on a woman's body will undoubtedly increase her temperament and beauty. However, the straight shape covering the ankles also makes it almost impossible for women to take a big step... obviously not suitable for wearing in racing competitions.

Bai Xueji glanced at him skeptically, as if to see him reminding him if it was just to see her legs.

Then, "I can win you without pulling away," she said arrogantly.

"Really." Jingyu smiled playfully, and looked at the black rabbit without saying much.

So Black Rabbit raised an arm, shouted, and shouted, "Start."

Jingyu and Bai Xueji jumped out of the starting line almost at the same time as bullets. The movements of the two are very light, but from the perspective of Black Rabbit, Jingyu obviously has more surplus... He broke through the air silently, and the distance of the jump was farther than Bai Xueji.

However, Shirayuki, who was slightly behind, attacked him.

A water tornado matched Jingyu's speed and attacked his front.

Jingyu smashed the water tornado with a fist, but because of this he lost the strength of the first forward charge and went down.

Bai Xueji made a pleasant sound like a silver bell and took the opportunity to overtake him. She added a hurricane around her, and the speed of her advancement has increased by another grade.

‘Ah, yes, Lord Snow is able to control the wind. Furthermore, the airflow can also control Mr. Jingyu's progress. ‘Black rabbits are jumping like a rabbit and walking next to them.

Seeing this, she suddenly felt that Shirayuki was not completely without chance.

Shirayuki did exactly that. As soon as it surpassed Jingyu, a chaotic storm flow was created behind him. Water vapor was also added, trying to make water stick to his clothes to increase his weight, as well as blocking him.

At the same time, she also controls the airflow in front of her to reduce her resistance.

After all the arrangements and certain tricks, when Jingyu landed, she had already thrown him away almost twice the distance.

"Huh, if you lose, don't say I cheated. Who made you fail to add restrictions when signing the contract." Bai Xueji did not forget to laugh at the "loser" backwards.

If she regards the previous gift-giving competition as if she didn't know the enemy's sentiment and neglect the enemy, she was really serious this time. She wants to win, and she has a shame in order to take a certain initiative in this unchangeable affiliation.

However, Jingyu grinned.

"Say something stupid! Just headwinds, no one will make it!"

He stepped on the ground. The sand on the ground was blown away, and the rock layer below could not bear the violent force and flew up. He reached out to catch a few rocks and threw it in front of Shirayuki.

Rocks flying at the speed of the third universe rub against the air and emit red light, breaking the air turbulence, and smashing into the ground at a speed much faster than Bai Xueji, creating the general explosive effect of a meteorite falling.

Not to mention the sound, even the children near the no_name headquarters felt it.

The shock wave reversed Shirayuki, blowing her kimono hem to both sides, revealing a pair of long snowy legs. In the air, she was too late to pay attention to this, screaming ‘wow’, and hurried backwards to avoid the damaging gravel group.

Then, there was a bad whistle in her ear, and she let the Buddha hit the wall and hit a hug.

"Catch you!" The man laughed proudly, needless to say, and knew who he was.

Bai Xueji has not yet reacted to what is going on, and has been hugged by him. He didn't even say much, and led her forward with a smile.

The black rabbit in the back was stunned at the scene of throwing rubble for Jingyu. He didn't recover until he saw him do it.

"Also, is it okay... Is this?" She couldn't help crying because she knew what he would do.


Asuka, Yao, and Leticia, just arrived in the headquarters building.

Before they flew down, they heard:

"Hurry up and let me go, you asshole!" "And, "Asshole, where are you touching! "

Women shouting like this.

When the three girls looked back, they saw Jingyu holding the struggling Bai Xueji back to the headquarters building, and Black Rabbit stood beside them with a wry smile.

Before waiting for Asuka and Yao to sigh their speed and guess whether Jingyu was doing insignificant things to Shirayuki, he saw that Jingyu lifted Shirayuki up and threw it into the distance without hesitation...



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