Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 46: Purchase Gift Card

Within the Sand Chamber, the difference in the initial strength of a species is the difference in natural spirit. Spirituality is also related to the lifespan of living bodies... The higher the spirituality, the stronger the power that can be used and the longer the species will survive.

Of course, the strength of the power is also related to the gifts it holds, not to mention. The words of Lingge alone, as Jingyu said, can be improved through accumulated merits.

But what Jingyu said was not entirely correct. The said is not to fill the gap, but to increase.

It is as if a person has lived 99 years of age and is expected to die by the age of 100. Now, Jingyu ran and said, I will give you another fifty years old... like this.

The lost ones will never come back, and the increase is already another.

Throughout and indoors, a group of women are watching Jingyu.

Asuka didn't completely disperse his mind about'he has an affair with thousands of women' until this moment.

He even thought: ‘Even if it’s true, he’s considered responsible and not bad. ’

Bai Yecha couldn't help but move... No, just because he knew Jingyu's Bai Yecha, he could know what he was giving away-that was a huge amount of favor that would allow an ordinary human to become a **** immediately.

"Let me ask, what is the different world you lived before you were called?" Bai Yecha said.

She was not interested in that world, but felt that it was okay to suddenly create a **** and put it in that place.

If the world is dominated by ordinary people, this is a very serious issue.

If it's not the world like that, the question is coming again... If the gods are ordinary, why is Jingyu summoned because of what makes him special and has priority over other life in the whole world?

In other words, the fact of existence shows that he has been called before the gods he created.

This seems too strange to Bai Yecha...unless, what he called ‘transferred all his dignity and merits to her’, is actually a mistake.

"I know what you are worried about." Jingyu said indifferently: "Her words are just a consciousness of the past, using the new time, quietly watching the children in their hands grow up one by one. Mom’s mother... It’s a harmless creature, probably."

‘Hey, don’t be so self-confident, okay? 'Bai Yecha rolled his eyes, and he believed his judgment. "Okay, I won't ask. But are you sure you're okay to join the Black Rabbit community? Even if there is that gift, you have something else Once the gift is used, it will reveal its identity."

"Look at this!" Jingyu took out the gift card and threw the gift card towards her across the air.

Bai Yecha caught his gift card. When I look at the gift name above, I can’t help but be stupid, ‘the body is unknown? ’

Laplace's piece of paper in the corner of omniscience can't tell if it can't... How is this possible?

When she looked up, the golden vertical pupil was full of such doubts and surprises.

"This is a new gift I got in that world, and I don't know what it is. I plan to use it in ‘no_name.” Jingyu said.

He paused. "Of course, I am still me. Using the new gift does not mean that I changed a person. However, it may not be regarded as another person. Even if it is seen, I actually temporarily It’s the two kings out of the world...notice it."

There is no flag emblem on the gift card.

Bai Yecha glanced at the gift card again, made a guess at the gift of "unknown body", and nodded.

"The Black Rabbit community has got a strong new member, I know."

She threw the gift card back to Jingyu.

Because Asuka was sitting next to Jingyu, as she heard her, Asuka's frowned expression was seen by her. ‘Oh, quite unconvinced. But what kind of gifts do these two girls have? ’

She has amazing eyesight, and apparently can see that, although the quality of Asuka and Yao are also quite good, they are currently unable to compare with Jingyu. However, she is not good at giving gifts to others.

Thinking that Black Rabbit did say that she was here to buy the gift card, she reminded Black Rabbit and the female clerk to facilitate this.

After the black rabbit took out the gold coin from the gift card that made her feel distressed and handed it to the female clerk, who said expressionlessly "Thank you for patronizing", Bai Yecha clapped her hands.

Asuka and Yao shine a card in front of each other.

Asuka is burgundy; shining is light green.

The two of them raised their hands to catch and saw their name written on the card, and the other was the gift name.

The gift of Asuka is called ‘Prestige’.

There are two gifts of Yao's appearance, namely "Life Directory" and "No_Former".

"Then it should be like our double goddess coat of arms, record the guild name and coat of arms. But you are "no_name". The picture will become less beautiful, if you have any opinions, don't look for me, talk to Black Rabbit."

Bai Yecha explained with a smile, and then he remembered something, his expression became serious, "Yes, I want to ask another question... Do you two understand the status of your community?"

He leaned forward to look at the black rabbit of Encika with them, his body froze. I thought that if I had asked them to join in without explanation as I had planned, I would not know what kind of blame would be faced by Bai Yacha... I might even lose the elder who had been **** on them.

"Well." Asuka said: "Did we have no name and banner? Just realized the inconvenience." She glanced at the female clerk with a certain direction.

The female clerk who didn't think she was wrong was naturally also worthy of this look.

Bai Yecha said again: "So, in order to recapture these, you must challenge the devil?"

"I heard that too." This time was Yao's answer... Asuka deliberately did not say anything, giving the companions a fair chance to speak.

Bai Yecha saw their unshakable gaze and knew that their determination to join was true.

However, does this mean they know the horror of the devil?

She thinks they are just newborn calves and not afraid of tigers.

Therefore, "the boy over there," she asserted in a prophetic tone: "The strength of the two of you is not enough to survive the game with the devil. Return to the guild to see what the devil can do. It’s not too late to make a decision after understanding what they are like."

Asuka and Yao's complexion became ugly. This is not to be frightened, but because the self-esteem is hurt.

It's just that Bai Yecha, the main **** of the snake god, exuded the pressure of her little girl's body that could not be refuted by Asuka and Yao in those golden eyes.

However, some people refuted them instead.

"Bai Yecha, you underestimate them a little." Jingyu smiled and said: "Flying birds and Yao also abandoned their relatives, friends, property, everything in the world, came to the box court. This determination Is it something that will be easily shaken."

"It's the same thing." Bai Yecha converged seriously and changed her smile... This sentence actually looks like this: The object is two such lovely girls, and there is this boy in the color, I am also worrying about it. Too.

She originally thought the matter was here, and the "no_name" line was over...they didn't want to leave.

"Lord, Lord God," Shirayuki, who was almost ignored, said weakly: "It's a little thing, I want to tell you..."



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