Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 42: Stingy rabbit

It was an hour later when I could see the stone gate with carved scepters and swords.

"It's really far." The wings behind Asuka's convergence fell beside Jingyu and Black Rabbit, doubting: "When we fell from the sky, we really didn't think there was such a distance."

Black Rabbit smiled, "That's because of the gift of deceptive vision... The actual distance from here to the center of the city center is beyond human imagination."

"Is it." After seeing Asuka's "means to break the gift game held by the snake god", he has completely understood what level the so-called "beyond human imagination" is.

She nodded to the black rabbit, but stared at Jingyu's hand reaching out to her: "What do you do?"

"Of course I want you to return my wings... I didn't say it to you." Jingyu said.

Asuka's delicate brow frowned and said unhappyly: "Ah, I remember someone saying that it was used as an apology... Am I remembering it wrong?"

"Uh..." Jingyu was troubled.

'My original intention was to let you use it only once'. I didn't make it clear at the time. I can't say this now. "Okay, I'll give it to you... I'm not reluctant to do that, but, After all, I got it before. If you accidentally use it in the gift competition, it will cause me trouble."

Asuka quickly grasped the key in this sentence, "meaning, as long as you don't have to be in the gift game?"

Jingyu nodded and added: "Or, the community we are joining now can buy it for you."

He looked at the black rabbit.

As mentioned earlier, the Black Rabbit gift card has funds to buy three gift cards. If Jingyu doesn't need to purchase another gift card, it means that he has saved a share of the gift is surplus.

But she immediately avoided Jingyu's gaze... In the case that the total funds of the community are not ample, and the remaining amount is almost equivalent to the total funds, she can't spend anything when it can be saved.

The black rabbit is strong enough to withstand the double staring eyes of Jingyu and Asuka...Full proof of the strength of the rabbit to the people.

Jingyu couldn’t help but twitch her lips and said, ‘Are you so mean. ’

He had never experienced poverty, so he didn't know that a penny could sometimes beat the hero.

Asuka further understood the plight of the community, and she felt that this was exactly what she wanted. Anyway, in this matter, there is nothing missing from him, so he let go of the black rabbit.

"Cough," Black Rabbit coughed, seeing the current community leader sitting on the stone steps under the outer door. She quickly waved and said hello, "Master Jinen! I brought my new companion!"

Trying to use this to divert attention from the eyes, and go forward first, to meet with Jin En.

Asuka saw that the rest of the distance was not far away, and she had plenty of physical strength. She didn't plan to fly over.

As she thought about it, the control ring on her wrist shimmered. The silver wings behind it converged towards the center, and eventually turned into two thin wings the size of fingernails.

Wings flickered to her and flew into her hands.

‘Is it so big? 'She looked at Jingyu in silence.

"There is also a little bit of precious iron added to it. Have you heard of the gold hoop of Journey to the West? The same material." Jingyu explained.

Asuka was really surprised this time, "Can that magic weapon become bigger and smaller?" She paused, suddenly thinking of a possibility, "Is there Sun Wukong here?"

Yao also blinked and looked over.

"There is a community alliance called "Seven Heavenly Great Saints" on the upper level. Bacheng should be." Jingyu looked at the faces of both of them and smiled, "Asuka and Yao, as long as we work together, Sooner or later, the community will enter the upper echelons. By then, these problems will be solved."

He made a profound "let's go" gesture.

Asuka laughed with a nice nasal hum, "This is a good proposal."

Together with Yao, who nodded his head holding the cat, and Shirayuki, who shook her head in the back and thought ‘really ignorant and fearless’ in her heart... The five arrived in front of Jin En.

"Huh?" Jin En asked, looking sideways, "Black Rabbit, didn't it mean that three people were called? How could it be..."

He now doesn't know which three are summoned.

However, he soon noticed the difference between Shirayuki. She has a blue pointed corner on her right forehead. In addition, she has a clear breath of body.

However, because Jin En did not know what kind of world the outside world was calling, he did not make a judgment.

"Ah, in fact, these three are summoned." Black Rabbit gestured to Jingen, Jingyu, Asuka, and Yao, and said their names respectively. It has now been included in Mr. Jingyu's breakthrough gift contest."

Jin En was very surprised when he heard ‘Lord of Trinity Falls’, and when he heard the back, his face changed.

He looked at Jingyu, and his eyes clearly contained a double color of excitement and anticipation, as if ‘what is expected’.

This moment's performance made Asuka, who was not so watched, snorted unpleasantly in the bottom of his heart. She has an arrogant personality and is unwilling to be underestimated. But she believes that there is nothing to show herself, insisting that it is as great as Jingyu, just like empty words.

She has decided that she must do something as soon as possible to surprise the little one in front of her to worship her.

In fact, Black Rabbit was also a little surprised by Jin En’s reaction, because Jin En didn’t seem to recognize who Jingyu didn’t seem as surprised when she saw Jingyu at the beginning, but now it’s too slow. Okay.

She felt puzzled... it was the same when she thought of Snow White, and she couldn't help but wonder.

Close to Jingyu whispered: "Look at the look of Master Jin En... Mr. Jingyu, don't you do anything?"

She remembered that she did hear him say that she seemed to have made a gift.

Jingyu’s answer only came to her ears, “Black Rabbit, as I said, I can’t let others know that I left the original community. The effect of this gift is to prevent others from recognizing it. Mine... Honestly, you can recognize me, which has surprised me."

"That's it." Black Rabbit nodded in understanding.



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