Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 39: Bounty game

Even after seeing Jingyu's name, the serpent still didn't remember who he was... The gift of Jingyu's production is so strong.

However, Black Rabbit recognized him at a glance.

This is also where he is a bit puzzled, and he intends to observe and observe the actual effect in order to make some adjustments. After all, this gift was made during the period when I left the box court and lived in the ordinary human world. It is obviously difficult to accurately measure the standard of the box court based on imagination.

The giant snake started the game when it handed over the contract to Jingyu.

This point, the Black Rabbit with the referee authority is the most clear... Although she is not the referee of this gift game, because she is present, she can receive the progress of the game from the center of the box court.

At this time, she clearly knew that the time was decreasing from 1:00:00 to 00:59:55, and it was still decreasing one second after another.

The giant snake did not attack, but looked at Jingyu quietly with a sneer.

Hosting various gift contests for a long time, it is a black rabbit who has a lot of experience in the game, and understands the potential difficulties of this game in a flash: first of all, you must know what a daffodil is and how to make it bloom; after you know it, you must Want to make it bloom, but also avoid being disturbed by giant snakes.

In this case, the time when the giant snake will attack is very clear, that is, when Jingyu acts.

With the attack strength previously revealed by the giant snake, it can spread to a very large range. However, it did not inform Black Rabbit and others to leave the game field before starting the game, which means that Jingyu's thinking time is regarded as the time given to Black Rabbit and others to leave.

If Jingyu acts without thinking, it may immediately launch an attack-it is the other party who rudely provokes the duel, and the safety of the other party's companion is naturally responsible for the other party.

Black Rabbit can't blame the giant snake for this, but she can't blame Jingyu...because she feels that if the snake can really be included in the affiliation, it will increase the community's combat power.

This is a good thing.

Black Rabbit hopes to help Jingyu, but unfortunately can't directly intervene in the duel, thinking ‘at least to distract Mr. Jingyu. ’

"Miss Asuka, Miss Yao, and Mr. Unicorn, please leave the range of one kilometer with Black Rabbit immediately."

Then, shouted to Jingyu: "Mr. Jingyu, there are no problems with the rules of the game, you must be able, please come on."

Jingyu just nodded his head, but did not look back at them... he has entered the thinking mode, because he can only distract while thinking about his surroundings because of his strong mental strength.

He also thought of the two difficulties that Black Rabbit thought of. Narcissus egg flower, he felt that he was impressed with the name.

However, the memory is a little distant.

He points a finger at the temple, and quickly browses the memory section of the brain like a bystander. The picture found is that after summoning Marianna and C.C., they walked into the base with them and the twin goddesses Fina and Leia.

Fina and Leia gave Mariana and C.C. each a bracelet woven with small flowers.

"Dad, look, this is what we use." Leiya pointed at a flax-colored flower path in the pond: "This is a daffodil, because the water stored here will be so clean."

But Leiya and Fina did not specifically tell him how the daffodil egg flower bloomed, so the five passed by.

Jingyu smiled bitterly after letting go, ‘if I knew it would be taken as a question, I would definitely ask. ’

Seeing his expression, the serpent was more at ease. It also mocked:

"Boy, it's rare to have the courage to put up a duel with me... For the sake of this, if you give up now, I can still bypass you."

Jingyu grinned, "It seems that you misunderstood something, who said you want to give up? I just want to make sure first, if I win, how far will you fulfill the contract?"

If the skin surface of the giant snake is not covered with thick scales, I am afraid that it will show the blue muscles beating.

This is the situation that can make it jump like thunder.

I didn’t accept my good intentions, and he provoked again. It was really a mad snake.

"What do you treat the contract? If you can really crack it, I will belong to you, no matter the body or mind!"

Jingyu was unimpressed. "I want to hear something more specific."

"You!" The snake's body trembled and growled, "Okay, I decided, and I will solve you now."

In its eyes, what is in front of it is only a human being; in common sense, how powerful a human can be, and even a gesture of winning... How can it be accepted?

The scrolling of its body caused the water in the water pool to fluctuate greatly, overflowing to the shore.

The Tornado Tornado is re-formed, and it is three at a time, each of which is larger than the previous one. The tornado quickly drew the river water, causing the water level of the pool to drop rapidly to almost bottom.

Jingyu was indeed provoking it, but did not launch an attack in advance. In his view, only by defeating it head-on, so that it clearly recognizes the gap in power, and will become a member of the future will be more willing to him.

He does not trust a contract... even if it has a certain degree of coercive effect, it is not enough to distort the soul.

Three tornadoes shook the trees in the jungle, and turned into a water tornado, so that the black rabbits and others who retreated thousands of kilometers away can also see it. Including the Black Rabbit, the three people and their faces changed one by one.

Knowing how powerful Jingyu is, the black rabbit is also a bit stunned, praying in my heart: ‘I hope Mr. Jingyu’s new gift is really the highest level of human gift as the organizer described it. ’

Otherwise, the community will not only fail to receive this water **** dependent, but will also lose the comrades who will soon join.

In the field of games, Jingyu stood on the shore and did not move. Three tornadoes attacked him, destroying the river bank and ruining it, expanding the scope of the river.

The water from eight large rivers cannot quickly replenish the hundreds of tons of water taken away by the tornado.

Dragon Roll did not involve Jingyu, but bypassed him and surrounded him from three directions.

Three water tornadoes overlapped on his body. Three rotations in different directions create three different pulling forces.

Every body of the flesh, once encountered such a situation, will definitely die.

The zombie who thought he was insulted and underestimated really did not keep his hands.

Dignity needs the life of the other party to reshape.

Conversely, if the other party does not have the consciousness of betting on life, why should it get its affiliation?

The gift game implies fairness for both the sponsor and the participants.

It's just... This fairness is not necessarily agreed by both parties.

Jingyu within the water tornado, the corner of the lips opened up the upward curvature.

‘The body’s words are indeed charismatic, but unfortunately, this power is not as good as the black rabbit. It is a waste of the divine personality… In other words, I forgot to ask, was this divine personality obtained by her own merit, or who gave it to her? Forget it, now if I ask, I believe she won't say... Hold her first and talk. ’

He threw a punch, violently smashing the turbulent vortex.

To say what Jingyu is saying now, it is not that the energy in the body is used, nor is it that the seal on the attributes of the body is unlocked. This is the power of the newly-acquired gift, which makes his physical attributes once again exceed the limits of human intelligence.

Fist can break mountains and rivers, and feet can crack the earth, that is the degree.

In other words, the suddenly disappearing Pang Ranlong that Black Rabbit, Flying Bird and Yao Yao saw in the distance is just the tip of the iceberg of his power.

No skill is required at all.

Sneeringly looked at the ‘incredibly giant snake that was destroyed so easily by an attack with all his strength’, Jingyu said:

"Well, you just lie quietly and wait for the time when you respect me."

If the other party is really a beautiful girl, he is really not too violent. But she is now a huge snake... Jingyu jumped up and kicked on the belly of the snake.

Even with a divine personality, the giant snake fainted with a single blow. Falling down, the heavy body hit a huge amount of water waves.

Jingyu jumped back to the shore, ignoring it for the time being, and thought: ‘When I just recalled, from there, I have seen similar small flowers many times. Probably because of its water purification capacity, it is very common in the habbin. However, in every picture, there are missing flower buds...all are open flowers. What does this represent? ’

This is the place of war. Even if there are narcissus eggs, it is estimated to be destroyed.

He jumped above the small waterfall.

Walking forward along a river channel, a short-lived river bank soon found an open narcissus egg. He dived into the river below to determine if there were open flower buds.

He didn't pick it right away. He was in the river, touching his chin with one hand, and thinking with his elbow in the other... The flow of the river and the buoyancy of the water couldn't bring him to move, as if he also grew up in the river and kept it. Subtle balance.

‘It seems that it grows in water, and it floats to the river surface after flowering. The question is how to make it bloom, can't you wait? The snake stipulated an hour, and the black rabbit said that the rules were fine, that is, it could make it bloom within an hour...No, maybe it should be said that there is a way to make it bloom quickly. ’

The cracking tips of the gift game must be hidden within the rules. What made him care was that the last time he used the sound of listening to everything to perceive the naked girl, he also sensed the terrain and did not find the lake within the radius specified by the giant snake.

So, what is the so-called flower on the lake?

‘Let’s complete the conditions first. ’

There are two conditions: flower buds blooming in water as well, lake.



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