Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 25: War

Compared to what Bai Yecha told Black Rabbit, it's more'rich'.

I think that winning can be considered the pride of Gilgamesh; not using hostages to threaten them is related to the more pure and noble minds of Altolia, Leticia, and the little goddesses.

In addition, under the eyes of all eyes, one of the twin kings of the world's twin kings even used a fainting young girl as a threatening bargaining chip, which will greatly reduce the reputation of the twin kings.

Imagine if you want to threaten success, what if you don’t?

If the opponent does not retreat, or does not fall to his own side, can he really kill the girl who has no resistance in front of so many people?

In this situation, killing and not killing are very problematic.

To develop the community, Zhang Kuang is no big deal. As long as he has strength, he will still be rushed. But the reputation is bad, and it is very problematic.

Jingyu doesn't like politics, but has ruled several worlds. For him, politics is not ‘whether he is good at his talents’ but ‘naturally handy when he sees much.’

In one fell swoop, it won the hearts of the women behind him, beyond the imagination.

At this time, he felt a little funny when he heard the inquiry from the pink-haired girl.

Looking at the girl with light green long hair said: "You suspect I'm lying to her, then, do you think people who dare to do so with so many people watching... do you?"

The light-haired girl stayed for a while, and looked back and forth, revealing a well-understood expression... slowly releasing the pink-haired girl.

However, she said: "Xiaozao, you are the'King' this time, but can't you just go...I will take Nero back."

"Xiao Qing, what if he cheated? You will be do whatever he wants after you are caught by him." The pink-haired girl said so, and she leaned into the ear of the light-green girl. Nero fainted, maybe... well!"

Her mouth was covered! Blinking amber eyes innocently, I don't know why my companion did this.

The light green-haired girl's cheeks were red and her forehead jumped with blue muscles to intimidate her. "Don't speculate!"

Really, even in this quiet situation, who can't hear it?

She waited until the pink-haired girl nodded her head desperately under her terrifying eyes that were almost deterrent, before she let it go.

At first glance, the only man on the ship seemed to be caressing her forehead...her face was redder.

Cursed the pink-haired girl at the bottom of her heart, she started walking towards the opposite side.

When she jumped into the big ship, Altolia helped Nero to her.

The pale green-haired girl discovered just now that Altolia's face was so similar to Nero's, and she couldn't help looking more at this time. After taking Nero, she carefully checked the body of Nero.

I didn't find anything strange, so I was relieved.

"Thank you." She solemnly said to Jingyu: "Although out of courtesy, we should retreat here in return to repay the kindness of the two kings of the world to our comrades. However, after all, we are temporarily with the communities below To do this unilaterally for allies is a betrayal of allies...please allow us to return to make up after this gift contest."

"We agreed, go." Jingyu smiled.

The light green-haired girl didn't expect that the other party would simply respond to her request, and she stood for three seconds before moving.

"Neither, so...thank you."

Can only say that again, she took Nero and jumped out of the ship.

Jingyu jumped back to Gilgamesh and summoned the seven sea dragon dragon armor to wear on him. The six short spears behind turned into six small dragons, and they left the main body under Jingyu's mind. Came to Altolia, Marianna, Leticia, Lorella, Monet, and Yang Chan.

Then, he took out the breakout king gun again.

Gilgamesh is also dressed in golden heavy armor.

The two of them looked at each other, and when the light green-haired girl returned to the array, they would attack.

The enemy also clearly understands this point. In general, the entire "large beyond 10,000 people, and countless insects, mechas, phantoms, and other summoned" forces are completely silent.

The audience at the venue, letting the Buddha be affected by the storm-like quiet suppression before the tense battle, was also silent.

The light green-haired girl was holding Nero in the most prominent position, but no one was looking at her at the moment... All eyes crossed the top of her head, staring closely behind her.

She gradually felt the pressure and her heartbeat accelerated. Every step forward, I feel a dignified face on my allies. I wanted to jump into the array all at once, but intuitively warned her not to do this.

In other words, the allies did not want her to do so.

Can only walk slowly, only tormented.

Seeing Nero in her arms slept very peacefully, she could not help exuding great resentment.

In this way, he finally entered the array and returned to the pink-haired girl. She breathed a sigh of relief, and a sense of fatigue that had never felt before hit her.

However, the situation did not allow her to experience that feeling a lot. Just listening to the violent anger from the surrounding military formations, the sound was so loud that what the pink-haired girl near by said, she could not hear at all.

The frozen ground began to vibrate, the boiling Chongxiao murderous let her breathe.

She couldn't think about what her companion was saying, and she didn't want to answer, just like she was forced to turn around.

At a glance, there is no end, a large army of various races rushed out, creating a horrible picture.

That's because she personally is unwilling to face it.

However, it was not her but the two men who faced the army at the moment.

Strangely, she also looked over at the top of their heads as her companions looked behind her.

The two men even showed similar expressions, sneering lightly.

The blonde woman waved her hands, and a red transparent wall stood up behind her. Hundreds of swords, halberds and halberds emerged from the walls... This was seen from the video played by the artificial intelligence of ‘Iron_Man’, the prelude to the attack of the rain of countless treasures.

The treasures were not launched as before.

The dark-haired man took out a black sword in his left hand. The sword was filled with scarlet mist, all of which turned into chains and penetrated into the void.

"Wow, what is this!" There was almost no time interval, and the light-haired girl heard a shout from the pink-haired girl beside her.

When she looked at her, she saw that the chain of white and silver texture was binding her limbs and waist. No matter how hard the pink-haired girl is struggling, the chain is still. Not only that, there is a trend of Yue Le tightening.

"Don't move!" the light green hair girl shouted quickly. Do not care about Nero in your arms, and put her on the ground, you have to help.

At this time, the aberration has spread to the entire military formation... There are people bound by white and silver chains everywhere. And compared to this, the majority **** by the scarlet chain.

The light green hair girl moved her mind, thinking of the characteristics of the pink hair girl, and then look at the other people who were bound by the white and silver chains,'Actually, it was actually armed with God... The gift she holds is too exaggerated. ! ’



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