Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 23: The role of red abr

Gilgamesh killed a ghost king plus three thousand ghosts in one blow... Due to the power of her attack, the venue was briefly silent.

Then, when he saw that Nero was taken away, he whispered.

Black Rabbit also saw the problem and promptly produced a contract document, asking: "Master Bai Yecha, the contract said,'Participants will be sent away from the venue when they lose their combat capabilities, automatically admit defeat, and surrender.' But, why did Miss Nero's zombie combat ability fail to trigger automatic departure?"

"Black Rabbit, there is such a suspicion in your eyes as "Is it possible that there is a loophole in Lord Baiyecha's venue"... It is rude." Baiyecha hummed a flat chest, "Of course there is no problem in the venue So why is this happening? Everyone present can also think about it... The hint is that it has something to do with Nero’s identity. The first guess is correct, I will give appropriate rewards."

She is the strongest class dominator and the cadre of the super-large business community's calling eye. With this remark, after a short period of time that was almost negligible, the venue burst into passionate cheers.

Someone immediately shouted out something.

The black rabbit turned his head down, and the pair of rabbit ears that had been bent stood upright, listening to the sound in the venue.

"Ah, I heard an audience speculate there, because she is not the "King" of her community...Master Bai Yacha, is this correct?"

Bai Yecha shook his head.

Black Rabbit asked the other guesses she heard in order... When she said the fourth, Bai Yecha finally nodded.

A black paper fan held in Bai Yecha's hand pointed forward: "Yes, this is it. Nero is one of the founders of the community "Domus_Aurea (Golden Palace)"... her identity can be used by the double kings of the world. Come to negotiate with Domus_Aurea, which exists in the venue, which is beneficial to the double kings of the world.

Well, if the high-ranking identities of other communities are captured, it will have a similar effect... However, usually this does not happen. Nero’s headaches lead the twin kings to the hidden setting. But whether the two kings of the world can discover the value that the prisoners can negotiate, or what they get after negotiation, we don’t know. "

She paused. "By the way, if you got it right, can you tell us which community it is?"

It may be that she used the relationship of power, a video ball, reflecting the posture of the correct person.

It is a beautiful girl with long green hair and a fresh look. She was expressionless and not happy that she was about to receive a reward for answering the question correctly.

In fact, she didn't want to answer, just to answer questions for the companions beside her.

Her companion, the little girl with golden fox ears on her head, leaned in front of her face and shouted at Bai Yecha:

"The twin kings of the world, we are the twin kings of the world!"

"Oh?" Of course Bai Yecha knew that C.C. was the double king of the world. One year ago, he also made a gift game to evaluate the six-digit qualification of the double king of the world....... It was C.C. and Marianna who participated in the game.

She is surprised now that it is the little fox... With her eyesight, she clearly sees the ‘value’ of the little fox.

'It's actually hidden such a member,'she glanced at her' sitting on the other side of the CC, has used power to shield her Baidi', and secretly thought:'Hey, the world king is to re-enter in a short time On the first floor, I don't find it strange. But, this kid, how can it look familiar? ’

She couldn't remember for a while, and she stood on a fair stand and announced the prize: "Then, the two kings of the world will receive an invitation letter for the large-scale event recently held by the Eye of Summoning at the four-digit outer door." She clapped her hands, and a shiny parchment appeared immediately in front of C.C.

Obtaining this invitation letter is no harm to the double kings of the world, C.C. is no longer upset, and will not deliberately refuse such a good thing.

After accepting the parchment, she nodded at Bai Yecha.

The image effect on the three people disappeared. C.C. put the parchment paper into the gift card and glanced at the image ball showing the world-made double king ship... Because of the enchantment of Fina and Leiya, they couldn't see the contents of the ship. However, she seemed to see Jingyu and asked him secretly:

"You, shouldn't you ignore her negotiating value because of that girl's face?"

What will happen? Even she couldn't predict...because it was him.

On the three-masted sailing ship, Nero brought back by Altolia obviously aroused the curiosity of the women. Everyone came up and asked Altolia almost one time at a time, whether she ‘is it your sister, your descendants, or your ancestor’.

Altolia categorically denied...all because of the other's chest. Of course, this reason cannot be said.

Temporarily let Altoria guard Nero, instead of using her teleportation to attack the enemy, it was Yang Chan.

She flew in the air and used the Xianjia spell of the fire system to bake and melt the frozen sludge again.

Seeing her like this, the other party sent mech army and insect army to attack her.

Marianna and Leticia went to help her.

Leticia has the gift of the dragon's shadow, which can be used to fly into wings... The dragon's shadow can also be turned into a sword, spear, and shoot out to attack the enemy;

Mariana used her mount to fly the blue dragon.

She does not lack combat skills herself, and the crystallized gifts given to her by Jingyu turn her into his family, gaining magic power.

Over the past year, he has continuously led the Knights to be active in the middle and lower classes, fighting against Eudemons, and helping the community in need to solve problems... All of this has earned her merits, which are equivalent to Lingge in the box court.

The improvement of spirituality also promotes the improvement of one's own ability.

Mariana is not a very kind woman. But if needed, she can be transformed into kindness itself.

She did this, and then quickly gained strength. The activeness of the Knights is also a reason why the lower community supports more world double kings than the upper community.

Now, with the blue dragon, she can already fight with Leticia.

Jingyu will choose her to participate in this gift game, is to value this.



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