Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 19: The game starts now

The frozen ground that has been lifted up gradually changes from ‘black surface covered with hoarfrost’ into transparent ice. The transparent ice cubes have turned into opaque white... not only the change in transparency, but the white ice crystals have no coldness, and are strong against the pressure of 10,000 meters on the seabed.

Almost can be counted as another substance-after seeing the change of giant ice in the video ball, the black rabbit asked Bai Yacha, and Bai Yacha explained to the audience.

The white giant ice soon changed shape again. At this time, if anyone can see Jingyu's eyes, they will know that they have turned into a translucent blood red. The energy in his body was transformed into the magic power of the true ancestor, and he started to realize the fantasy.

His energy is indeed greatly reduced. The absorption of the evil energy in the upper elves such as Azshara is equivalent to the energy that can be used during the initial period of entering the Moon World.

However, he is now "equipped" with the divine character given to him by Nine Heavens.

The change was almost completed in an instant. Jingyu and the girls were already standing on a huge three-masted sailboat with a length of 100 meters.

After exerting the power of Jingyu, his eyes returned to black again.

"Loreia, you engraved the wind power array on the canvas and the power unit. I requested that a magic transmission device using a magic stone be built in the power room to connect with the engraved power circle to provide energy to the power circle. . Angel, Leticia, you go to decorate the room where everyone rests... You can also look at the kitchen and consider making tea for everyone. Fina, Leia..."

"Dad, are you going to expand the enchantment?" The little girls asked together, and without waiting for an answer, they manipulated the black pearl and enveloped the entire ship.

Jingyu smiled and touched their little heads, "It's so good." After approving this, they said: "I still need you to put this ship under control. If you encounter an enemy , Compared to navigating with a rudder, it's faster for you to control through your mind."

The little girls looked at Lorella who flew into the air. To control this ship, it is necessary to wait for Lorella to finish the formation... They ran away from Jingyu and took the initiative to help Lorella.

Half an hour later, the sails were full, and the ship began to move forward slightly, and then faster and faster.

Jingyu stood on the bow of the ship and pointed forward, "Okay, Meiji started her first voyage to destroy the enemy!"

Three round tables have been white on the deck. The women who are back here are sitting at different round tables, drinking tea and chatting, waiting for their arrival at the new sailing location. Hearing the three words "Miki", he stared at his back with different expressions.

Gilgamesh even protested the exit, "What's Miki? This seems to be saying that all of us here are your Miki's name, which is too vulgar. Change it for me!"

Instead, her words made Yang Chan, Luo Leilai, Leticia, three women who were slightly ambiguous or not yet ambiguous with Jingyu, embarrassed.

Jingyu turned back, "So what do you say, what name?"

"Queen!" Gilgamesh said without hesitation.

Jingyu's lips twitched, and she said, ‘you and me will be half a catty. ’

Others don’t want to participate in the narrative that seems to have some children’s play. Yang Chan’s three daughters think that as long as they don’t use the “Miki”, this really sounds like a vulgar name...So, the ship was named the “Queen”. Too.

Everyone poured their drinks, and after toasting, they celebrated the Queen’s maiden voyage and wished the victory of the upcoming battle...


On the side of the venue, the video ball of the world-famous Shuangwang venue was playing, and now I could see nothing... In order to avoid dissatisfaction with the audience, Black Rabbit quickly asked Bai Yacha and asked Bai Yacha to explain what was going on.

"Oh, it's a phantom spell that blends into the environment, or a gift of this type." Bai Yecha said.

Black Rabbit followed her words: "In this way, the two kings of the world are taking this measure to avoid being discovered by the enemy. Well, let's take a look at what other communities will do now. What? Huh? This, this is..." let her support me, is a community in the video ball, which can't see any signs of building the site. In the video, the soldiers even put weapons, shields, and armor aside, drinking and eating meat.

Black Rabbit's clever move, "Isn't it very confident about victory? It should be said that it is a four-digit community!"

After all, such a community is a minority.

Among the remaining communities, one community used the gifts of the earth system to create a huge maze among the gravel; the other community, only two people participated in the war, but called the dense and almost can not see where it stretched Insects...These insects created anthills on the ground and hung honeycombs from the trees; there were communities that demoralized the woods...

Everything was moving forward in an orderly manner, and then finally reached the end of the first day.

The ship of the Double Kings sailed to the outer trap area near the east. The ship temporarily stopped and waited... Then Jingyu listened to the sound of all things, capturing the mist outside the swamp area and dispersing, revealing a ghostly forest.

He knew that the game officially started.

And just then, from all directions, a signal flare similar to a firework was raised.

After the flare burst apart, different flags of the community were revealed.

"It's really annoying!" Reticia, seeing the other party's intentions, said angrily: "These communities did not hesitate to expose their position and wanted to find out where we are."

She has now changed from a ten-year-old girl to a woman in her twenties because she untied the bow on her blond hair. Dressed, the light maid skirt was replaced with a red jacket and a long dress with a strap... holding a knightly gun as a weapon.

Just as angry as her were Gilgamesh, Altria, Lorella, and the twin goddesses.

Jingyu smiled, chatting and saying in general: "Now, do you think, if you want to fight, is it better to defeat an enemy, or to defeat a group of enemies?"

Angel should be with him, "Master, too few enemies are enough for us to eat... Can't just let Her Majesty the Queen do it, and let's just watch next to it?"

Seeing Jingyu nodded, she set Jingyu in an ice hockey in the center of the swamp and used gravity to rise to the sky. The ice hockey ball also exploded, revealing the scepter and sword flag of the double kings of the world.

The rest of the girls were just froze, and Gilgamesh laughed playfully.

"Huh, this is in line with the taste of this king."

Not being found and besieged by you, but what we told you... Come on, our worldly kings are here!

Such a gesture of madness, let the audience at the venue, host the black rabbit, "reviewer" Bai Yacha, members of the community participating in the game, all stay one.

Bai Di also frowned. But she soon understood that it was better to be crazy than to be underestimated.

This is the double king of creation.

The community participating in the game was obviously angered. They quickly came to the periphery of the swamp, but the special terrain of the swamp made most of the community a meal.

The so-called vigorous action, and then decline... These communities have lost the courage to attack.

The first to enter the swamp range, it really was the insects and mecha armies that Baidi had reminded Jingyu to be careful of. They moved very quickly, and quickly reached the trapped foot area.



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