Infinite Replacement

Vol 5 Chapter 17: Playing field

Jingyu said nothing to Bai Di... He also fought all the way, could he not know this?

Although he understood that Bai Di seemed to want to point him, he did not realize it for a while.

Bai Di saw this too and patiently said: "I heard that you once made a huge hourglass maze. That is a manifestation of your power, but what do people gain after sighing your power? "

Jingyu instinctively thought of his original purpose. The person who sees the power of the miracle must be in awe of the twin kings.

However, that may have happened, now? Are not the twin kings facing challenges?

The deterrence of power is bound to subside as the power fades away.

Even a proof in front of him... he sighed in his heart.

Bai Di knew that he would arrive at the venue soon. Let him think about it, maybe he can't finish what he wants to say.

She didn't have to tell him to know now. It's just that I don't like to wait for him to ask her the same topic later.

So she said again: "It's scary to show strength, but it's just outside practice. Remember, you are now in the Sand Court, and you have to learn to deal with the problems encountered in the Sand Court."

What is the easiest way to deal with a problem in the Sand Chamber?

Ask ten people, eleven people will say, is a gift game!

The gift game is a tool for proxy warfare!

Suddenly, Jingyu glanced at her, and said: ‘Is it because she heard me say that she wanted to defeat those communities that found fault? ’

From her cold face with almost unchanged expression, her true intentions could not be seen at all.

Jingyu felt bad and asked.

After thinking about it, he first wrote down what she said... In fact, if you think about it now, Gilgamesh has adapted to the rules here.

She was so angry that day that she didn't say anything directly to the door to kill people.

Jingyu couldn't help but look at Gilgamesh's back. The queen was wearing gold armor and the majestic gait made him obsessed. But he did not forget who was around.

"Thank you." He said sincerely to Baidi.

The Emperor Bai did not look at him from beginning to end. "It's nothing. It's your return as if you entertained me." After that, he didn't speak again.

After a quarter of an hour, a group of people guided by the signs on the street came to the venue where the Summoning Eye held a gift game.

Here, the two kings of the world created two points... The main players who participated in the gift competition, followed the staff of the summoning eye, went to the lounge; the rest of them went to the stands.

There is a transparent glass window in the lounge, and you can see the external circular field...This is just an ordinary fighting field. However, there are already crowds of auditoriums built around the stands that can accommodate nearly ten thousand people.

Due to the sound insulation effect, Jingyu can't hear the noisy of the audience, but can see from the line of sight and see them always talking.

On the front of the arena is a high platform like a VIP seat. Bai Yecha was there... she could even feel Jingyu's gaze, looked at him, and smiled slightly.

Jingyu nodded slightly, as if to say hello.

The time seemed to be almost the same, Bai Yecha signaled to the black rabbit girl who stood beside her, wearing a super tease combination of a short skirt and garter.

The appearance and appearance are completely contradictory, and the very pure and sweet black rabbit jumped to the forefront. Holding a microphone, happily opening the hot atmosphere and explaining the rules of the game.

Then, she invited Bai Yecha, a representative of the organizer.

Bai Yecha only said a few words briefly, and her voice was transmitted to the lounge where Jingyu and others were located.

"Are you ready to join the challengers?"

At this time, the answer is naturally the leader of each community... Gilgamesh, on behalf of the double kings of the world, agreed to start the gift game.

So, in front of everyone in the lounge, a device similar to a gambling machine appeared in the center, and the central screen kept changing.

"Place your hands on the screen and see what kind of initial venue you will choose." Bai Yecha said.

Gilgamesh stared at the picture carefully for a while. She found that she couldn't quite see what kind of pictures they were, and she looked at Jingyu... Jingyu also shook her head and said to her:

"Choose what kind of venue you want. Big deal, I will use the preparation time to transform it."

Gilgamesh then pressed her hand on the screen.

Immediately, "Oh, the world king has chosen the venue first," Bai Yecha said with a voice: "I will send them into the venue now...The audience on the scene can feel it together from the video ball."

Jingyu immediately felt involved. The surrounding landscape changed unresponsively. When they stabilized again, they were already in a mist.

There was no down-to-earth feeling. Looking down, I couldn't help but be surprised... It turned out that the ground was black mud.

The women around Jingyu have all changed their faces... They were originally a group of clean-loving creatures, all worrying that they had made their bodies dirty before they officially started the gift competition.

That'tragedy' didn't really happen, Bai Yecha seemed to give Jingyu enough reaction time.

Jingyu released the cold, starting from the soft mud at the feet, covering a range of hundreds of square meters, all frozen.

Bai Yecha recovered the power to keep everyone suspended, and everyone fell on the frozen ground.

The permafrost rocked extremely slightly.

Yes, it's very light. If it's not Jingyu's superb strength, it might not be felt.

Jingyu immediately started listening to the sound of everything, and his face changed.

Within the scope of perception, there is an endless swamp. Except for a limited number of fields, almost all of them are simply silt...that is, the range of cold air released by Jingyu is large enough and deep enough that the frozen soil at the feet does not sink.

And it was not this that changed his face.

"The mist is poisonous, so hold your breath first," he reminded.

Upon hearing this, Gilgamesh and other adults frowned and no obvious movements; Fina and Leia both covered their mouths and noses with their hands... After they did this, they reacted again and quickly called Out of black pearls, an enchantment was created that surrounded everyone.



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