Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 207: Split the Earth, Seal the Well of Eternity 2

Jingyu felt that his consciousness seemed to pass through thousands of mountains and rivers, which is a distance that he could not reach even if he listened to the sound of all things. But because of his inherent ability to listen to the sound of all things, he can communicate with the land of this different world.

Of course, at such a moment, he did not let the consciousness flow in order to enjoy the entire Kalimdor landscape... This is to delimit the three continents to be divided. He must ensure that after the continent is divided, the spreading seawater flooded area is uninhabited. It is also necessary to ensure that spirits such as elves, tauren, and pandaren live on the most suitable continent.

Jingyu's mental power is extremely huge, but for the first time, it was extended to cover the continent like Kalimdor, but he still felt that he could not eat it for a while. However, this experience also laid a foundation for his future use of mental power to explore the mainland and even the world-scale regions.

After a quarter of an hour, he finally resisted a lot of mental discomfort and demarcated.

Kalimdor's shock stopped.

Jingyu began to seal the Well of Eternity.

Sargeras didn't know what Jingyu was doing, but he felt a taste of conspiracy, which made him more eager to enter Azeroth.

However, Angola Manuel, who supported his teleportation, has exhausted its power... Sargeras teleportation has begun. Except for the destruction of the portal, it is irreversible, but the speed of the teleportation can no longer be mentioned.

After Sargeras' second hand entered Azeroth, his anxiety and impatience drove him to use it. Two fists took turns to bombard the barrier created by Jingyu's power.

After a few punches, Jingyu's face paled a bit.

He raised his head and looked at Sargeras, slightly pulling the corner of his right lip.

Sargeras felt a deep contempt, and he drank angrily, shaking the eternal well above them violently.


After this call, a broad-edged sword appeared in front of him, and he grabbed it in his hands.

Sargeras, the strongest warrior of the Titan Pantheon, has a weapon called the Dark Ripper. It broke into two pieces when Sargeras fell... Sargeras took the first half of it.

It is said that when the two parts are combined, the strongest weapon in this universe will be created.

‘It’s said’ that may not be fully believed, but this sword, now known as the Dark Boiler, indeed exudes tremendous power... It is in the hands of Sargeras, even bringing Jingyu a sense of danger.

Jingyu's hand left Dragon Soul, and he stood up, holding the Navy Saber with both hands. He launched three forces at the same time, armed domineering, absolute zero freezing air, sword air. The three forces form a black spiral on the blade.

Sargeras lifted the burning dark boiler.

Jingyu further liberated his spirituality... As long as his energy itself is enough, the three-digit spirituality is enough to make him destroy the planet in one blow. Therefore, he maximized his existing power. I saw that the black spiral attached to the knife became a part of the knife temporarily like a solid.

This spiral saber exudes domineering that is not weaker than the dark boiling.

"Dark_Render!" "Breakthrough!"

Jingyu and Sargeras used a weapon to fight each other. Between Jian Qi and Dao Jin, the Well of Eternity was washed away. Jian Qi and Dao Jin continued to rush upwards, tearing apart the green mist and making the sun shine golden light.

After a blow, Sargeras was not significantly injured. Not only that, but because the body entered Azeroth more, his strength continued to increase.

In contrast, Jingyu, due to the limitation of energy itself, did not increase much energy even after changing the identity of the devil. After this blow, he felt a sense of was really unprecedented for him.

He gritted his teeth, wondering if he had contacted Daier, and asked her to unblock her physical attributes.

Prior to this, the sun shone on him. Immediately, a warm feeling roamed the whole body. The energy lost is instantly filled, and it has more than tripled.

‘White night fork! "Jingyu felt her breath from the energy, "Huh, I really owe her a favor this time. ’

"Come again!" He again confronted Sargeras with the same move.

This time, he invested three times as much power as the last time, knocking Sargeras down and hitting the portal.

Sargeras was stunned for a moment, looking at the sword wound on his chest in disbelief.

Jingyu took the opportunity to put his hand on the soul of the dragon again.


This is reflected on the outside, which is the well of eternity, and all of them are sinking within three miles. The demons of the Burning Legion staying here were brought underground... The continent also split at the same time. After the seawater pours in, the first thing is to pour into the sinking place of the well of eternity and submerge all the demons.

The Well of Eternity continued to sink at a very high speed, all the way to the center of the earth. At such a speed, a powerful vortex was spawned on the sea. The vortex caused the other three continents to separate more quickly.

If the Well of Eternity is sealed, most of the power that calls Sargeras is sealed.

Azeroth's repulsive force will drive Sargeras out. However, he grasped the edge of the portal with both hands, and there was a tendency that he would never let go.

Jingyu felt he was hesitating whether to use his own power. His existence is the reason for his hesitation... If Sargeras found that Jingyu had little power, I am afraid he would really use it.

By that time, as Angola Manuel assumed some of the power, Sargeras would be stronger than Archimonde. Without himself, who can be the enemy of Azeroth?

‘Isn’t it just for this that I made an early explanation to Alexstrasza? 'Jingyu smiled frankly, and even without taking the dragon's soul, he launched all the last power and slammed into Sargeras' head.

Sargeras was hit hard and thought that Jingyu, who was "stronger than him", was about to kill him and quickly released his hand.

Jingyu disappeared from the portal with him, and then the demons who had not yet died, were also sent back to the twisted void by the repulsive force... which saved their lives.



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