Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 203: Archimonde

Archimonde exploded all his strength.

There seemed to be a storm in the demons, and all the demons beside him were blown away without exception.

"Oh oh oh oh!!!"

He raised his hands to the sky and roared, and then in this state of power, he suddenly pressed his hands and hit the ground.

Just like throwing stones into calm lake water, a ring-shaped ripple appeared on the hard ground, and a circle of circles radiated to all directions around him.

The propagation speed of this'ripple' exceeds Jingyu's speed of extending the ground distance. As the ripple passed under Jingyu's feet, he felt a vibration from the inside to the outside in the stratum... This vibration crushed all the forces of the dragon's soul that affected the movement of the nearby crust.

The volcano was still there, but the magma no longer erupted; the gravity exerted on the demon also disappeared.

The demons looked at each other, toward the towering black volcanic mountain, and at Archimonde, who was standing alone...Oh oh oh, they cheered for being alive, Win the battle for the leader.

Archimonde took a magnificent step in the direction of Jingyu, pointing with his thick arm:


The demons stormed from heaven and earth.

"The enemy formation has been chaotic but there are only a lot of numbers!" Jingyu said to the demi-gods: "Keep the current formation lineup, don't stay in one place for more than three seconds... let go and fight!"

Although the number of demigods is small, they are greeted with the momentum of not weaker than the demons. With their strong power, each attack can take dozens of demons' lives. This is equivalent to killing all the demons surrounding them. When the other demons came around again, the demigods had moved.

A few abyss demons and dreadlords can stop them. Often at this time, the stronger demigods, such as the Cenarius and Usok brothers, fully exert their skills. They resisted the strong enemy and let the other demigods get out of the way.

Jingyu is not with the demigods. He flies in the air with the dragon soul in hand, and first uses the dragon soul to launch a golden beam of light to help the demigods open the way. Later, when the demigods were in danger of being completely surrounded, they sent beams of light to the demons, killing demons in large numbers.

After Archimonde showed his power once, he mainly restructured his army with a solid army, and did not participate in the war. At this time, after seeing Jingyu repeatedly succeeding, he ordered all the Doom Guards and Fear Demon Kings in the air, asking them to stop Jingyu at all costs.

Jingyu spreads his wings and flies quickly, occasionally killing one or two enemies that are too close. When the enemy swarms gathered, he used the dragon's soul to launch a beam of light at them.

He played easily and took time to look at Archimonde's side. He first noticed that some beards were growing under his neck, his face was similar to Archimonde, and the devil holding his wand gathered around Archimonde.

So, immediately align the beam of light over there and launch.

Dozens of Eredar wizards were borne in the first place and turned to ashes. The golden beam of light did not disappear, it was like a pillar sweeping away like a side. Wizards who can't escape can't escape.

Archimonde was indignant...even if he was loyal to Sargeras, even if he invested in a darker and evil rank, he did not forget his race. What he trusts and cherishes most is his people. "I, I want you to pay the price!" He gave Jingyu a distant finger of his stunt death across the sky.

Jingyu, who had been attacked once in the front, aimed at the direction of his fingertips, protected his fist with armed domineering power, and threw a punch.

With a bang, no one saw anything hit Jingyu's fist. However, a shock wave mixed with black gas erupted from the fist surface, tearing several near doom guards to pieces.

Archimonde was not surprised that Jingyu could block the death finger, but he continued to use the death finger without giving up, even with his hands. I saw that he was so scared that the Doom Guard and the Fear Demon all flew away. Also forced Jingyu to use his right hand to gather the nearby water vaporization. In order to be able to protect his large ice shield, he also injected armed domineering into the ice shield.

The ice shield, which was originally ice blue, turned black like metal.

Archimonde's death was attacked with one finger.

There was a bang, and every sound was accompanied by the dissipation of a violent shock wave, and the residual energy of the finger of death raged across the sky... there became a restricted area of ​​life.

All the battles on the ground were stopped by the intensive offensive and defensive battle in the air. Whether it is a demon or a demigod, he looked up nervously at this scene.

One side attacked fiercely and the other side defended brilliantly.

No one knows who loses and who wins, and no one knows when they stop playing.

When the residual energy of the finger of death gathered too densely near the shield plate, and even to the point of disturbing the distorted line of sight, the man who had been defending in the sky erupted stronger than Archimonde.

"Drink ah ah ah!!!"

Jingyu screamed and slammed his hand against the shield. His wings fluttered, facing the direction in which a finger of death struck in a straight line, pushing the large shield toward Archimonde.

The constant attack of the death finger did not prevent the shield from advancing at all.

Seeing that the shield had reached half of its original distance, Archimonde simply gave up the attack of the finger of death, his hands retreated, and then he pushed forward again at the right time.

He wanted to defeat Jingyu with his strength. However, no one said that Jingyu was coming to compete with him... He would think so simply because he didn't know the characteristics of armed domineering.

Jingyu attacked Archimonde with the ice shield attached to his domineering color as his fist.

Therefore, as soon as Archimonde touched the Black Shield, his arms were hit by a heavy hammer. If his physique is not ordinary demons can be compared, it is now the strongest energy state, which has strengthened his body a lot...Only in this blow, he may be interrupted by Jingyu Arms.

After eating a bored loss, he scolded ‘despicable’ in his heart. After a brief stalemate, his arms were squeezed violently, causing his head to hit hard.

When the duel was over, only Jingyu was left on the ground... He knelt down on the ice shield that was almost completely squeezed into the ground.



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