Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 191: Betrayal of the Black Dragon King

Has the production of Dragon Soul already begun?

Did Ysera take no action?

Jingyu looked at her in surprise... He found that this green dragon, like other dragons, was agitating his energy, and injected it into the disc in the hands of the black dragon king.

The energy guarding the dragons meets at the disc. They are obviously of different attributes, but eventually turned into gold. Infiltrating the disc little by little, gradually dyeing the disc that was not gold to gold.

"Jingyu?" Ai Wenna called him, she obviously intends to ask him, since this is already the case, what should I do next? She also knew that her side could not directly intervene before they started, and now even more so.

Jingyu shook his head. After the incident, he calmed down, because there was only one option left.

There is no choice, and naturally there is no need to worry.

The golden light seemed to be a signal, all the dragons hidden in the valley, the dragons in the underground caves, and the dragons standing on the cliffs all flew up. The first flight took off at the highest level, and the lower layers were stacked one after another. They were all big and small, old and young.

Including Avena, who is familiar with the guardian dragon, also saw so many dragons for the first time.

She couldn't help being surprised at the same time, and quickly flew away.

This proved to be correct.

"Put the magic matrix!" The Black Dragon King said to the dragons with thunderous voice.

The five colors of the dragon clan occupy different positions according to their words. In front of them is the king who leads their clan, corresponding to the guardian dragons of various colors...After the matrix is ​​completed, they also like the guardian dragon, will take most of their essence. , Into the soul of the dragon that is about to take shape.

Is the ultimate dragon soul more than the power of the five guardian dragons?

Evanna was shocked.

"I dare say that Sargeras I haven't seen will fear it, Archimonde will be at a loss. The demons will be vulnerable in front of it... If, I mean if , Use it to attack us..."

She didn't say anything after that, obviously she didn't want that to be true.

Phoebe felt a little funny because Elvina began to pray to Elune, and she, Elune stood on the back of the crow.

Phoebe did not say anything comforting to Avena, she just looked at Jingyu standing sideways.

His charming black eyes looked at the direction of the dragons without blinking.

"What are you'seeing'?" she asked him with a hint.

He turned back to look at her and smiled slightly after a while, "Maybe...the answer will be soon."

Phoebe froze for a moment, realizing he was referring to that evil thought. She thought he might have found something, but he didn't want to tell her now, and she didn't want to tell her that she should have helped him detect the evil thought.

She pouted in discontent.

The three of them watched quietly for a while, and the power of the dragon's soul made it an extremely delicate and time-consuming task. They waited until morning when it was dark, when all the discs turned golden and radiated more than the sun and the moon... All the dragons breathed a sigh of relief.

There was obvious joy on the fierce dragon face of Black Dragon King Nathario.

He carefully pinched it with dragon claws and lifted it high.

It is like the only light in the world, so that the mountains make the sky dyed with gold.

Oh oh oh The dragons roared earthshakingly to celebrate their masterpiece.

They really did their best, because after sending out most of the essence, fatigue caused them to fall from the sky.

Avenna, the crow demigod, fluttered her wings in the distance. I don't know if she should take Phoebe and Jingyu to the dragon... The two of them fell silently and no one spoke about it.

At this time, the voice of the guardian dragons came.

"If you don't object, let them all rest." Alexstrasza said.

Starting from her side, she looked at every guardian dragon... The green dragon, blue dragon, bronze dragon nodded. Nesario still stared at his raised golden disk, carefully.

The other four guardian dragons were puzzled.

"Nesario, is there anything wrong with it?" Alexstrasza asked carefully.

She hasn't even had any suspicions about the old friend.

"No, no, it's fine!" Nesario said. His heart is not as calm as the surface, there is a voice constantly saying to him,'Calm down, the time has not yet come, you will always be given the opportunity to pack up', but he still can't help flying to the sky in the distance The crow looked over... to the man with black hair and black eyes, to the man who had brought him insult.

Everything in this world should listen to him, and the Black Dragon King Nesario, including the man, must also submit to him. The order will be decided by him Nesario, who wants to let the man kneel to him.

calm! As long as there is the thing in your hands, you will be able to pack him sooner or later... a voice inside him.

This reminded Nesario instead. Yes, he thought, his red eyes were looking at the golden disc whose light was gradually converging. I had it, and I can clean him up now.

So, "No!" He said a second time, "Let everyone stay here and watch!"

He spread his wings alone and flew into the sky.

The guardian dragons were shocked and finally realized some problems.

"Nesario, what are you going to do?" Alexstrasza shouted as she flew with the Blue Dragon King.

Nozdormu hesitated for a moment and did not move.

Ysera glanced at Jingyu, and the word "reptile" came to her mind again.

"What to do?" Nesario looked back at them. "Of course, to let that mortal who knows nothing about heaven and earth, know the greatness of the dragon, and the greatness of Nesario, the king of the black dragon."

"Are you going to use the Dragon Soul on him?" Alexstrasza shouted incredulously: "You forgot, is he our ally?"

"He's not!" Nesario roared with a louder voice, "The elves will no longer be... Alexstrasza, I've had enough of you, and now, all dragons have to follow my orders , The covenant signed by you will no longer count!"

The guarding dragons, as well as their dragons of the same color, all looked shocked and indignant. Especially the Red Dragons, out of their loyalty and maintenance to the Queen, they roared to the Black Dragon King and asked him to take back what he had just said.

Green Dragon King Ysera finally realized that the problem was much more serious than she expected. It was not a time to care about Jingyu's insults. She also flew up, flying with her sister.

"My friend, do you know what you are talking about?" Blue Dragon King persuaded: "We will treat it as if we have not heard it, come and apologize to Alexstrasza, she will forgive you, and we will too."

"Why should I apologize?" The Black Dragon King turned around and swept the soul of the dragon against them collectively, guarding the dragons and the dragons below, and all but the Black Dragon found themselves unable to move... guarding the dragons It is more obvious because they are flying in the sky, they can't flap their wings, but they don't fall from the sky.

"Look!" Nesario arrogantly said: "It's me who controls everything. You all have to obey my orders. I will decide whether you are suitable to survive in the world I rule. According to your performance. Now, all Open my eyes and see clearly... what will you do if you disobey me!"

He took the dragon soul to Jingyu.



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