Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 189: Test the Black Dragon King

After the signing of the covenant, there are still some details such as the assignment of roles in combat. Jingyu asked Kurtalos to lead several generals as representatives, and the Longmian Legion planned to leave the Blue Dragon King and the Bronze Dragon King.

All the people leaving are standing together.

Jingyu shook hands with the Red Dragon Queen.

"There is one thing to tell you in advance, I hope not to leak the news." He said, "Nozdormu knows that I have been in the future, so I know that the Burning Legion can not build a teleportation array within five days. In order to maximize To prepare and reduce the enemy's strength, I will plan to lure the demonic forces away from Isaline, and then wipe them out in batches... The main attack on Isaline will be on the fifth night."

"You mean, let's let the dragon clan watch allies fight, do you do nothing for five days?" The Queen of Red Dragon glared at him reproachfully, "Of course we will also send troops to the war."

Jingyu smiled bitterly, looking very helpless, "Then it is so good... Our two armies fight together, it also helps to run in each other and form a better cooperation."

"Say a word when you need to fight." Alexstrassa left this sentence dashingly, and turned into a dragon with her sister Ysera and the black dragon king Nesario, and flew into the air.

After they flew away, Jingyu and others also rode on the Moonsaber... On the return trip, the female elf called Phoebe was still riding with Jingyu. Anyway, everyone knows that he is very romantic, and no one is surprised. Only Avena's attention to them has increased several times.

Jingyu is talking to Phoebe.

Phoebe said: "I noticed that Nozdormu's expression was strange...that is, when you said that the Burning Legion could not do a good job in the teleportation within five days...Is there a problem with the time you said?"

"It's really clever," Jingyu said: "Yes, that's not the limit time, I don't know exactly."

"It has nothing to do with cleverness, because I know you will find a way to test the black dragon." Phoebe paused. "I have a message that I don't know if it's good news. I want to tell you... Black Dragon has an ancient consciousness The trace of the god, he may betray at any time."

Phoebe didn't mention the evil thought she had felt, that is, she didn't find it.

"What I hate more is that the guy in Nozdormu should know more detailed time points, but he will not tell anyone." Jingyu gritted his teeth.

"There is no way, you have to understand his responsibilities. And, you should know that if he reveals it to you, it means that the future may change because of your small actions... Even the future you know will change, Some people you are familiar with may not be born, and you should also be careful about time." Phoebe warned.

Jingyu nodded, "I know..." He shook his head again, "I know, so when I stood in the future, I didn't understand the past."

If he understands the past in the future, when he stands in the farther past, he can only follow the established steps. He felt that it was like someone else had drawn a road map for him. He could not go awry, otherwise he would suffer the consequences of inconsistent routes.

He hates this!

Then I simply don’t know. I’ll do whatever I want, and what I’ve walked through is the most correct.

This is Jingyu.

Phoebe smiled without comment.

"Speaking," Jingyu and Phoebe were at the end of the team. He glanced at Cenarius in front of him: "You didn't seem to tell Cenarius about your transformation into an elf."

"Well, I don't think he needs to know this." Phoebe said: "Although I know he is credible, but you see Avena... she began to be careful and respectful towards me, who will see the flaw sooner or later. Yes. I hope I can help you find what you need before then."

Phoebe didn't see Jingyu showing a bitter smile. He actually wanted to test her relationship with Cenarius to see if they were mothers and children... from what he learned, the moon goddess Elune never appeared in the material world, they should not be mothers and children.

However, there is a special place in Azeroth, that is, the existence of the "Emerald Fantasy".

If there, even Elune, who has never appeared in the material world, is likely to give birth to Cenarius.

Jingyu couldn't see anything from Phoebe. When she was a Titan goddess, she was protected by divine power; and now as a female elf, even the body of a virgin cannot represent her body as well.

What's more, Phoebe, the goddess of the Titans, shouldn't he already be combined with a certain Titan?

"Then you didn't tell your husband?" Jingyu decided to test directly. He didn't want to wait for himself to want to take her as her own sometimes, she told him that she had a husband.

"..." Phoebe froze for a moment. "My...what?"

"Husband!" Jingyu said: "I should speak lingua franca."

His back was immediately thumped. Phoebe reached out through his armpit and pulled the reins of the Moonsaber to stop it.

Jingyu turned back in surprise, seeing that she was ashamed and angry in her silver eyes.

He knew he might have said something wrong, but after staring at him for a while, she finally said nothing.

This reaction is too strange!

"You..." he wanted to ask.

Phoebe blocked his next content with one finger.

"Let's go, they are waiting for us." She pushed his face back, and her legs spurred the Leopard.

The Black Panther moved forward obediently, to merge with Avenna and Aisala stopped in front... Phoebe also changed to Avenna's mount, and she didn't talk to Jingyu anymore.

In contrast, Ai Wenna was nervous about her, and Chuanyin asked Jingyu what happened.

Jingyu didn't understand it, so he couldn't say it.

After returning to the camp, Jingyu immediately arranged to lure the demon to send a small unit, and then wiped it out. The first day was smooth, and the second day, no matter how, the Burning Legion no longer sent troops.

He thus determined that there was a connection between the Black Dragon King and the Burning Legion... He had that evil thought in his body.

What he will do next is let the other dragon kings know this.

And he got such an opportunity. The Red Dragon Queen sent dragons to tell him that the Black Dragon King proposed that all dragons join forces to create a weapon against demons. They need the elf coalition to send troops to defend during their weapons manufacture.

Jingyu decided to go in person.



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