Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 167: The influence of Dijana, the imagination of energy fusion

This is that Dijana had never heard Jingyu say so before coming.

"Why?" She looked instinctively at the left and right, as if worried about the pandaren empire eavesdropping.

This is an ordinary street that leads from the royal palace to the post in the pandaren country. The buildings on both sides are also Chinese. Some pandaren in Chinese costumes walked back and forth on the street. When they saw Jingyu and Dijana, they would inevitably stop and watch from afar.

The size of Jingyu and Dijana are absolutely tall pandaren exceeds them.

After confirming that the eyes of the pandaren around her were just curious and questioning, and not threatening herself, she caught up with Jingyu and whispered, "Why can't you conquer them like you did with a tauren? If You show strength and wisdom, I believe they will also..."

"They won't!" Jingyu interrupted. "The biggest difference between the pandaren empire and the Tauren settlement is that it is too far away from the mainland. Without seeing the horror of the Burning Legion, they will think we are alarmist." Maybe after the Burning Legion has occupied the mainland, they don’t want to invade an island that is insignificant compared to the mainland?'They will hold such a fluke.'

"But, but..." Dijana reluctantly said: "If you really think so, then you said at first that you would come to re-align with the Pandaren Empire and ask it to send troops and horses to support... Is it a lie to us? ?I personally don't think you will do such useless work!"

Jingyu laughed, "I didn't expect that the priests knew me so well, which made me very happy."

Dijana's face turned slightly red. She quickly dispelled the embarrassment and said, "Please be serious."

"I'm very serious... Ah, well, I won't say this..." Jingyu drew Dijana, who was going to turn around and walk away, "I called the three hundred horned beasts together, if not Bringing the pandaren back will hurt the prestige. So of course I can’t do it in vain... However, my method is to ask their emperor to be there, or at least have a big man who can make a complete decision..."

He let go of Dijana and shook his head slightly.

Dijana still followed him. She was very intelligent and insightful, and suddenly covered her mouth with her hands, her face full of disbelief.

"Did you get the idea at the beginning to control the emperor and force him to send troops?"

Her tone was somewhat reproachful, believing that he was so chaotic.

Jingyu shrugged, "This is the fastest way! Master priest, you know, we don't have time."

"That's not an excuse to do so!" Dijana solemnly said: "War will happen, the fundamental reason is that our family abuses magic... We are already wrong, how can we still use the wrong methods to let innocent lives Enter the battlefield?"

Jingyu didn’t answer her, or maybe she didn’t want to make excuses to refute it-as I said before, he wanted Tauren and Pandaren to take part in the war because he didn’t want to die too many female elves... just as he did Say, innocent lives are involved in the wrong way.

However, if the Pandaren did not send troops to support the elves, and ran away the Burning Legion, to rest for a while, he would point his spear at this. Not to mention the destruction of the entire pandaren tribe, but also to make this empire seem to be literally destroyed.

He is serious about this.

Dijana followed him in silence for a while. When they arrived at the post, they separated to enter their rooms.

She stopped him at this moment.

"Sir Jingyu, I heard Tyrande say that in the past you led the army to occupy a world larger than Azeroth... are you as unscrupulous as you are now?"

Jingyu smiled, "Master priest, please don't treat strategy in war as unscrupulous. In my consciousness, as long as it is not aimed at civilians, it is justified."

Dijana loosened her tight shoulders and grinned reluctantly: "At least, you... are not too bad." She nodded to him, pushed open the door of the room, and turned back at the end. "Forget Having said that, you are now the commander-in-chief, I am your subordinate, please don’t call me'adult'."

"What am I calling you?" Jingyu asked her with a smile.

Dijana felt the ambiguity from it, and with a glance, he closed the door.

"You think about it."

‘I call you wife, do you dare to agree? Jingyu pouted.

After he entered the room, he recalled the enchantment taught by Akasha, and arranged several defensive enchantments... This is not to prevent others from invading, but to prevent his own "test" from causing damage to this room. .

He set the defensive enchantment level very high, and then stood in the center of the room.

‘Is the left hand qi or right hand? No matter, the left hand and the right hand, as long as my other hand is the corresponding magic power. ’

He adjusted the pure non-attribute energy in his body by 1%, and then divided this 1% into two parts. Partly turned into internal work, partly turned into magic. Introduce internal power into the left hand and magic power into the right hand.

‘The key is to make the mind go to nothing? ’

This is not difficult for him to reach the peak of the warrior. He calmed down and drove away all the thoughts in his mind, brought his two hands close, and the magic and qi merged after contact, producing an energy storm. The defensive enchantment he had set in advance was activated by the storm, which caused a colorful light of energy in the room.

After the storm dissipated, Jingyu looked at his hand. His black eyes were covered with a touch of energy, so that he could see the energy on the surface of his hands after the magic and energy merged.

‘It’s safe to say that the strength of the defense has increased under these two really works. ’

Jingyu endured to go outside the city to test the degree of destruction of the same energy under the Xian Gua method. He began to think about another question that suddenly came to mind-what if the fusion of more than two energies? For example, three or four, will the new energy get stronger?

Then extend from this-

My energy itself can be transformed into arbitrary energy. If I directly convert energy into energy under the state of Xian Gua, wouldn't it be easier?

Furthermore, if the above situation is unsuccessful, then, if I use two different forces to fuse into a new energy in advance, and then use the other two to fuse into a new energy... and then fuse these two new energies ?

Following this line of thought, Jingyu found that the final energy would be very scary.

Of course, all the premise is that such an experiment must be successful.

Anyway, there is nothing else to do now, he started to try...

In the afternoon, Liu Shou came to the post in person and delivered bad news to Dijana who went out to meet him:

The pandaren empire's official officials voted against sending troops!

Dijana was disappointed. After politely sending Liu Shou away, she came to Jingyu's door. Looking at the closed door, she thought, he probably knew the result before he was unwilling to come out and see the old panda.

Alas... so sighing, she knocked lightly on the door.

Without hearing the answer, she knocked again. A few times later, she was surprised, isn’t he here?

When she came to the front hall of the post alone, she asked the service staff that she knew that Jingyu had not left, so she came to the door of Jingyu with half doubt. I knocked a few times and finally couldn't help saying ‘I’m rude’ and opened the door.

Jingyu's defensive and isolated enchantments are from inside to outside, but not from the outside. Dijana saw at a glance that all the tables and chairs in the house were pushed to the corner. He was sitting alone in the center, with a powerful and ever-changing energy.

That energy makes his body half red and half blue, which is quite strange.

It seemed that if she felt anything about her observation, Dijana noticed that his eyebrows were moving... It was just such a faint psychological fluctuation that caused the energy to quickly turn, and the red and blue energy even twisted into a vortex, booming. Burst out.

With him as the center of the circle, colorful dense defenses appeared, and only the last ray of energy was blocked after the layers were broken.

In the center of him, the clothes on him were blasted and left almost nothing. Fortunately, his skin was white and flawless, with no damage.

Dijana mentioned that her throat and heart were falling, patting her own high chest and breathing a few breaths. Seeing that he opened his eyes and looked over, she said crazily:

"I... I came to tell you that they refused to send troops and wanted to ask, when will we go back?"

Jingyu stood up...he didn't care about being naked, to a certain extent, he wanted to let her see it, to embarrass her. But he was extremely serious on the surface, and he instantly gave the panicked chief high priest the answer.

"Go back and wait for the horned eagle beast to arrive, and Avenna to return. Before that, you tell Liu Shou, the official does not send troops, then, I am recruiting mercenaries from the people, is it always possible?"

Dijana tried not to let herself look at his body, trying not to think about him naked, but could not help but slap him shamelessly. She forced her eyes not to squint, but she couldn't help looking at them as she heard the words.

She quickly looked away again and asked, "When did you come up with this method?"

In this way, the pandaren are not considered to have no troops. Well, he didn’t have to kill the Burning Legion and then turn over and destroy the country...Don’t have such a war, Dijana was very surprised.

"After being separated from you, I thought about it for a while..." Jingyu said: "I still hope you change the word "not too bad" to "still a little good"."

He is ‘bubbling’ the priestess. Where did he spend his time thinking clearly that he now answers the question after hearing the question.

However, the priestess was still fooled by him. She only felt that the heart's beating rate had increased faster than shyness. A strange color bloomed in the silver eyes, and he gave him a fixed look.

"Thank you... I will do it."

After pursing his lips, he left.

Jingyu smiled cunningly at her back. Immediately, his face turned serious, frowning at the broken corner of the broken clothing on the ground.

‘The known Xian Gua method, I’m done in one stroke. However, after replacing one of the energies, the ratio of the fusion of the two energies is not so easy to find. ’



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