Infinite Replacement

Vol 4 Chapter 130: Jingyu's tricks

‘Sagras knew that I was there, in order to guard against my destruction, did he teach Harves the technique of hiding the breath? ’

After making judgment, Jingyu walked to Harves, thinking about what to do now.

The dark teleportation array injects magic power with the elves, and from time to time demons come out from inside. Under the direction of one of the high-level demons, they walked to the door on the other side of the space... Jingyu couldn't imagine how many demons there were.

He just felt tricky.

After standing in front of Harves, according to the swallowed memory, the elf would salute Harves. But Jingyu obviously wouldn't do it, even if it was disguised, he wouldn't.

This will be a flaw! Jingyu knows everything, so he pretends to be attracted by the demons who are constantly coming out of the teleportation array, and looks like a god.

"Don't be afraid, my boy." Havis certainly had it, he smiled: "They are the powerful army gathered under the great name of Sargeras, our friends...Now, let Let me hear, what have our queens done?"

"Yes." Jingyu said: "The queen just had the task to be given to Captain Wallison. She couldn't find him, so she had some doubts about his whereabouts and was looking for someone to ask."

"Of course she should be anxious." Harves first said fiercely, and then filled with regret: "I respect her, but she did not invest in our master's side, and declared loyalty to the master's enemy. She 'S actions told me that she was trying to work with the enemy to prevent the host from entering this world and take what the host wanted. That would not work!"

He grinned hummingly, proudly, "Do you believe it? When the army summoned by the Queen comes to the capital, the Burning Legion will give them unexpected despair... The Burning Legion is so powerful!"

"I don't deny our strength, but, you idiot, haven't you noticed that there is an enemy in front of you?"

An angry question shouted coldly and politely from the other end of the teleportation array.

There was a shock in the teleportation circle, and a more evil and powerful force entered the teleportation circle than any other demon that had walked out of the teleportation circle, and showed its tracks in this underground world of Azeroth.

Harves turned his head in surprise and glanced at the teleportation array, and then looked at Jingyu suspiciously.

Now that it was discovered, Jingyu blinked slightly to show fear, and her eyes converged and turned red.

He did not put Harves in his eyes, but stared at the increasingly clear figure in the teleportation array.

To be sure, his current energy state is weaker than the other. What's more, it's not its own ontology yet. Most of the energy brought into this world is left in the ontology for self-protection.

He began to think about what he could do here with his existing energy.

Harves finally noticed the abnormality in Jingyu's expression. He wanted to make up for the fact that he didn't find the elves he didn't know, and he saw Jingyu's calm and calm look, and he hesitated.

"Doom guard, grab this elf!" he shouted to a demon near the teleportation circle.

The demon glanced at him contemptuously, without moving... This made Harves stunned.

"Listen to him!" the figure in the teleportation ordered.

The demon roared and rushed towards Jingyu, holding Jingyu in the air with one hand. He grinned as if to tear the elf's body in half with one arm.

However, the elf's body began to swell in one step, and it broke through the limit instantly, bursting like a bomb.

The Doom Guard was destroyed and his upper body was destroyed.

The impact of the explosion caused the upper elves to yell in horror, and Harves was also startled by the enemy's murderousness. When they covered their faces with their hands and resisted the impact of the stormy blood, a black light entered Harves' body.

This did not hide the powerful demons in the teleportation array, "Kill him!" He gave orders directly to the Doom Guards.

Jingyu smiled cunningly with Harves's face, "The Devil of the Burning Legion is going to kill us in turn, what are the upper elves waiting for? Do you want to be killed?"

The situation in front of me is that the number of Doom Guards is not as high as the upper elves. However, the Doom Guardian is stronger than the upper elves. In addition, Harves has a lot of prestige among the upper elves here... Seeing that these strong red-skinned demons really rushed to Harves, the representatives of the upper elves, the upper elves finally launched angrily to the Doom Guard Attack.

"You bastards, he's not the elf!" The demon in the teleportation roared, he didn't say clearly, because he didn't know the name of Harves... Seeing that he couldn't stop the attack of the upper elves, he angered: "Okay, wait for me to complete the transmission, you must kill you."

This made the only hesitation of the upper elves abandoned.

As a cover, Jingyu's upper elves walked out of this room first, "Guard!" he shouted, "The Burning Legion betrayed us, they want to kill us, hurry and help!"

Dozens of upper-level elves gathered here for a moment, followed Harves into the room with the teleportation array.

The magic of the upper elves soon made the Doom Guard scarred. However, some demons that had been teleported in from the beginning rushed out of their resting space, and the upper elves were forced to fight them again.

Jingyu was in the middle of it while commanding the upper elves to effectively attack and defend while watching the teleportation array. He wondered how to destroy this teleportation array. To be sure, it is linked to the Well of Eternity. Directly destroying it will inevitably lead to a huge explosion and may involve yourself.

But without destroying, there will be a continuous stream of demons entering from here.

If the demon dies, he will die. If his own elves, especially the female elves, die in battle, it is a great pity.

'In short, stop the guy's entry as much as possible...' Jingyu glanced at the starting device where the upper elves had injected energy... Because the upper elves stopped injecting magic power, the big demon in the teleportation array sent. The speed of entry has slowed considerably.

He must destroy it now, in order to get more time to think and arrange.

However, a hand was stretched out of the teleportation array. Ignoring the magical attack of the upper elves, it straightly grabbed at Jingyu's possessed Harves...



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