Infinite Metaverse

Chapter 311 The Beginning

[Welcome to the main world of reincarnation, Pacific Rim Universe-S level]

[The camp has been randomly selected for you - the plot line of the human camp]

【Please start your reincarnation adventure! 】

January 6, 2025.

Christmas Eve (Orthodox).

Russia, Sakhalin Island.

In the evening, it was cold and freezing, the clouds were dense, and the snow on the roadside was up to one meter high. Pedestrians were wrapped in thick fur hats, scarves and down jackets and walked in a hurry.

A strange man stood quietly in the snow.

Wearing shirts, T-shirts, jeans, and light outfits that looked incompatible with the people around him, he was holding a white suitcase in his hand and an orangutan sitting on his shoulders. This tall, strong Asian man looked at him blankly. around.

He wasn't shivering or his face was red from the cold. The bone-chilling extreme cold weather didn't seem to exist for him. If the air exhaled from his mouth and nose hadn't quickly formed a cloud of white mist, he might have been thought to have been moved from a clothing store. dummy.

Today is Christmas Eve. People are rushing home to enjoy a sumptuous dinner and warm heating facilities. No one pays attention to this strange man. Soon there is no one around, leaving only the whistling north wind, flying snowflakes and lonely people. street.

The man silently opened the white suitcase, reached into it and took out something. He seemed to take out a stack of banknotes. Then he raised his head and said something to the orangutan on his shoulder. The orangutan nodded and grabbed the man's clothes. Climbing up, I actually got into the suitcase that looked very flat.

Downstairs of an old five-story apartment.

The incandescent light bulb was on. Behind the counter on the first floor, an old and fat Russian woman was knitting a sweater intently. The news was playing on a loop on the TV screen next to her.


The door was pushed open.

The howling wind and snow rushed in with the cold air, and immediately washed away the warm atmosphere created by the ceramic radiator. The middle-aged woman put down her sweater, looked up dissatisfied, muttered a few Russian curses, and said loudly :

"Today is Christmas Eve, no accommodation is provided..."


A thick stack of green bills with Benjamin Franklin's face on them was thrown on the counter.

"Can US dollars be used?"

Fu Qinghai couldn't understand Russian, so he asked in English.

"Okay, okay, I'll give you the key to the room."

It seems that dollars from the main Marvel universe can also be used in the Pacific Rim universe, which is good news.

The middle-aged woman twisted her plump body and stood up. She lowered her head and looked for a bunch of keys hanging behind the counter. She was mumbling something incomprehensible. Fu Qinghai stood there and waited patiently. The middle-aged woman took out a bunch of keys, suddenly raised her head and asked in English:

"Are you here to build an 'anti-monster wall'?"

Fu Qinghai was stunned and shook his head:


"I don't think you look like it. How can any foreign worker wear clothes like yours...Haha, after all, who would build an anti-monster wall in a remote place like Sakhalin Island?"

The middle-aged woman muttered to herself and handed over a bunch of keys. Just as Fu Qinghai was about to reach out, the woman suddenly grabbed the keys and retracted her hand, saying:

"Aha, I guessed it!"

She pointed at Fu Qinghai and said:

"You are so rich, but you still give us US dollars... You are a black marketeer of monsters, right? The body of the 'Fish-Eyed Monster' is lying on the beach. You came here for that, right?"

Fu Qinghai became even more confused, frowned and asked:

"Does this have anything to do with whether I can stay?"

"no problem, no problem……"

The middle-aged woman handed over the key and then said:

"But you have to pay attention, young man. As far as I know, the monster corpse has been contracted by someone for a long time. The local gang, Andre's group, they are not easy to mess with."

This Russian aunt is a little too enthusiastic.

Fu Qinghai reached for the key and walked upstairs without looking back.

It was a crowded, dirty small apartment. There was a simple folding iron bed in the living room, and a small kitchen with various electrical appliances. Although the sparrow was small, it was well-equipped.

Fu Qinghai was wearing a vest and bare feet, sitting cross-legged on the floor alone, assuming a meditation posture, but he had no intention of meditating. Instead, he was trying hard to recall the plot and related settings of the Pacific Rim series of movies:

At the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, in the crack between the two crustal plates, there is another planet, or simply a parallel universe. Scientists call it a "wormhole."

At 7 a.m. on August 11, 2013, the first monster landed in San Francisco. This giant, skyscraper-like monster passed through the wormhole and came to Earth.

It took six days of indiscriminate bombardment by tanks, planes, and missiles to capture the monster. The combat area covered a radius of 60 kilometers, three cities were reduced to ashes, and tens of thousands of human lives were lost.

Tactical nuclear bombs were used in the battle.

The first two failed to hit the vital points of the monster "invader", and it was not until the third one that it was killed. However, since then, many places in the San Francisco Bay Area have been no longer suitable for human habitation for centuries, forming the so-called "The Forgotten Cemetery".

Fortunately, the monster was finally eliminated.

People finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the good times did not last long. Five months later, another monster jumped out of the wormhole and headed straight for Xiangjiang. People once again used tactical nuclear bombs to eliminate it, which also destroyed the environment, and Xiangjiang was also designated as an isolation zone. Less than eight months later, a third monster struck, razing almost the entire Sydney to the ground before being annihilated by a nuclear bomb.

Every time the monsters were annihilated, tactical nuclear bombs played a decisive role, but at the same time they also completely destroyed the environment of several cities on the Pacific coast, making it impossible for humans to live in it.

The use of nuclear bombs is by no means a long-term solution, otherwise mankind's battle to defend the earth will be equivalent to digging its own grave. But conventional weapons are of no use at all. The monsters don't pay attention to tank shells at all. Ordinary missiles can only damage their fur but cannot kill them. They are the most indestructible things that humans have ever seen.

The existential crisis has led all mankind to reach a consensus - to abandon past grudges, share the same hatred, and fight against foreign enemies together.

So the whole world began to focus on the overall situation, unite as one, gather resources, and jointly defend the homeland of human existence.

Against this background.

The Hunter Plan came into being.


Just as Fu Qinghai was thinking, a loud and rapid noise came from outside the house, interrupting his thoughts.

Some kind of siren sound.

what's the situation?

Fu Qinghai was puzzled. He quickly stood up, put on his clothes and shoes, opened the door and walked downstairs.

He looked up at the clock on the wall, it was three o'clock in the morning.

Christmas Eve has passed and it’s Christmas Day.

"They're coming, they're coming!"

People shouted and ran out of the room.

Fu Qinghai walked down the stairs and found that everyone in the entire apartment had woken up. They gathered in the hall, where there was a big TV, and a dark crowd was watching.

A piece of news is being broadcast urgently on the TV. The news picture comes from the real-time broadcast of the "Monster Eye" TV station.

"The monster is in Xiangjiang, why are you ringing the alarm bell here?"

An elderly white man, with a wrinkled face that looked weathered, complained dissatisfiedly.

"Because there are two!"

The obese middle-aged Russian woman, who had been sitting behind the front desk of the apartment, heard this and said loudly:

"This is unprecedented! If two appear now, there may be a dozen later and they will destroy the whole world!"

Seems a bit alarmist?

Fu Qinghai squeezed through the crowd and looked at the TV screen.

On the screen, countless helicopters surrounded the coastline, and the white beams of searchlights continued to chase the monsters, two black creatures with tall bodies like mountains.

"Tailed Rat" and "Ridgeback Turtle".

The news headline read this.

It was late at night when they appeared in Xiangjiang. Just like the apartment at this moment, there was no time difference between the two places.

Monster Eye TV's images are a bit blurry, making it impossible to track them. The "Tailed Rat" looks like a giant black frog with horns and a protruding blue phosphorescent pouch at its throat, while the "Legback Turtle" No trace.

Fu Qinghai saw it first. The "Tailed Rat" stood up and pounced forward, then easily knocked open the huge gray wall outside the coastline.


People let out low exclamations.

The helicopter's camera was far away, and the monsters and walls in the picture didn't look that big, and no earth-shattering noises were heard. The on-site microphone could only pick up the "whooshing" sound of high-altitude wind, but the crowd of onlookers Through that small TV screen, I can still imagine how terrifying and shocking it was when the wall burst and collapsed.

"I knew that giant wall meant nothing."

A young man said:

"If you ask me, they should build a few more Mecha Hunters. That way we can destroy those monsters."

"Nothing we do will help."

Someone next to me retorted unceremoniously:

"There are fourteen monsters this year, and there may be twenty or even sixty next year! We are dead. There is no doubt that we can't escape. Building a coastal wall and building a mecha hunter are all useless efforts. Nothing can be done. Stop them!"

"Look, Cherno Alpha!"

Someone pointed at the screen and shouted.

The quarrel between the two was temporarily interrupted.

"Cherno Alpha is coming!"

"It's our mecha! Russian mecha!"


The men present raised their fists and cheered excitedly. Their faces were rosy, as if they had drunk alcohol, and they kept shouting.

Two Mecha Hunters appeared on the screen, and people couldn't help but cheer when they discovered that "Cherno Alpha" was also among them.

Fu Qinghai also recognized the Storm Red, a Chinese mecha with three arms piloted by the Wei triplets.

According to discussions among people around him, Fu Qinghai learned:

In the past, there were Broken Domes all over the world, maintaining mecha hunters and guarding the home of mankind. About seven or eight years ago, the Broken Dome in Vladivostok was closed. The "Cherno Alpha" stationed there to protect the Russian coastline moved to Xiangjiang. Other Broken Domes were gradually closed one after another. Today, the Broken Dome in Xiangjiang has become the only broken dome left in the world. dome.

And these two monsters are attacking Xiangjiang.

Their targets are mecha hunters, "Cherno Alpha" and "Storm Red".

The TV screen was silent and people held their breath.

It's very quiet inside and outside the painting.

Fu Qinghai saw the three mechanical arms of "Storm Crimson" lined up, with the rotating blades at the end rotating rapidly, forming the so-called "Thunder Cloud Formation", and then the "Tailed Rat" broke out of the sea.

It was a fierce and brutal battle.

From the wrists of the three mechanical arms of "Storm Crimson", a set of carbide serrated blades that can rotate six thousand times per minute are stretched out, and they are swept one after another. The body of "Tailed Rat" is cut into pieces as the blades dance. Blocks are thrown away. But the monster's movements were not stagnant at all, as if the continuous attacks of "Storm Crimson" were nothing more than a small fuss to it.

"Tailed Rat" grabbed the head of "Storm Red" with its forelimbs, and hooked a hind limb covered with sharp blades into the middle of the fuselage, holding the mecha firmly in place.

Accompanied by the deafening sound of metal tearing and sparks sparkling from the burst wires, the "Tailed Rat" tore off the head of "Storm Red", crumpled it, lifted it high, and threw it out with all his strength. The head of the mecha was seen flying far away on the sea surface of Victoria Bay, and the headless fuselage slowly fell down and gradually disappeared into the sea.

"Storm Crimson" declares damage.

The throat pouch of "Tailed Rat" suddenly swelled, and blue liquid spurted out, covering "Cherno Alpha"'s body. In an instant, the picture flickered on and off, making it difficult to see clearly.

The reporter said that another mecha hunter, the "Eureka Raider", was on the way to support.

When the picture became clear again, the onlookers saw the monster rushing towards "Cherno Alpha" in the waves. The mecha hunter was still fighting, although the blue substance covering the surface had begun to erode the mecha's shell, making it difficult to move.

At this time, something suddenly emerged from the sea water. It looked like a gorilla with scales all over its body. The scene was very chaotic. People seemed to see that the head of "Cherno Alpha" was removed and the mecha was divided into two parts. Half.

"Cherno Alpha" was quickly declared damaged under the two-on-one attack of "Tailed Rats" and "Legback Turtles".

The loud shouts and joy before were now all dead silence.

Fu Qinghai was silent.

The Russians were also silent.

On the Orthodox Christmas day, Fu Qinghai witnessed the death of two mecha hunters.

The plot that I had seen in the movie was reproduced again on the TV screen in front of me.

Fu Qinghai stopped looking and turned to leave.

He knew the subsequent plot without reading the news:

The "Eureka Raider" was beaten to a pulp. In the end, the "Dangerous Wanderer" defeated the two monsters. The pilots of "Storm Crimson" and "Cherno Alpha" did not survive.

Fu Qinghai walked out of the apartment with his hands in his pockets.

The wind is still howling and the snow is still swaying.

He saw someone setting up a bonfire in the park, singing and dancing around the fire, and then slowly knelt down and began to pray.

"Aren't you afraid of the cold, young man?"

asked an old man who was warming himself by the fire next to him.

"Who is that?"

Fu Qinghai did not answer his question, but raised his chin forward and asked.

"That's a monster believer."

The old man was playing with the dry firewood in the oil drum boredly.

"They're praying for the end of the world."

He was dressed like a construction worker, with vicissitudes of life and fatigue written all over his face. He spoke decent English, but with a slightly thick accent.

Monster believer?

Fu Qinghai had heard of it, but this was the first time he saw it.

"Didn't anyone stop them?"

Fu Qinghai asked curiously.

"Just a bunch of poor people who can't survive."

The old man shook his head and threw a piece of plastic garbage into the gasoline can in front of him. Black smoke and unpleasant smell came out from it. He lowered his head and sighed:

“And there are more of them than before.”

This sentence reminded Fu Qinghai of the cults that grew at the bottom of the hive city in Warhammer 40K - once there is no hope and support in life, the poor and poor people at the bottom can only rely on various strange religious organizations.

The impact of the monster invasion on all mankind is not just as simple as building walls and mechas.

However, Warhammer 40K is really awesome.

Who is the god of monster believers?


Hong Kong, Kowloon.

At the intersection of Fang Road and Park Street, Lauster Caudle Gray got out of the taxi.

This is the edge of the Xiangjiang Exclusion Zone. The unofficial name of the Exclusion Zone is the "Skeleton Slum". The military dropped a series of small tactical nuclear bombs to eliminate the monsters. This area has since become a radioactive memorial site.

No one thought that people would move back here so quickly, but then again, who would have thought that more monsters would attack one after another?

Thousands of people now live in the Kowloon Skeleton Slum, and the huge skeleton has become a "tourist attraction" - of course, the Chinese government will not allow the development of tourism projects in areas with nuclear radiation hazards without official approval.

Lust looked up at the monster's chest. Above the low buildings, the arched bones reached into the sky and weaved in and out of the tall buildings. The reconstruction work in Xiangjiang is progressing rapidly. It has been eleven years since the death of the monster. Its traces have gradually faded, but the skull still remains.

He heard that this was for some religious purpose, but he was not sure whether the rumors were true or not. This was not his interest. The only part of the monster that attracted him was the body parts that could be used for research:

Bones, skin, internal organs, everything...

Sith alchemy has created many "beasts of war".

The Kisai people who were the first to discover that the dark force can be used to manipulate the body and genes of living things are also known as "Ninash Uzaku", which means "visceral combiner".

They created many different varieties of war beasts to work and kill for the ancient Sith:

Warbird, Xilos, Basilisk, War Behemoth, War Dragon Snake, Tuk'ata Dog, Fighting Hydra, Wigandak Chrysalis...

Life is a dividing line.

Performing Sith alchemy on a corpse is only an apprentice level.

A true master is the one who wields Sith alchemy on living creatures.

However, even the most powerful war beast in the ancient Sith Empire was still far inferior to the monsters that the "pioneers" of the "different world" spent hundreds of millions of years building.

The "pioneers" are the monster experts.

Lust was convinced.


Thanks to Sin of the Void, book friend 140913022247875, Smile, Disguise, People Under the Sycamore, and the rewards from several book friends in Galicayr.

Thanks to the leader of the Book Friends Cemetery for the reward.

The war logic of Pacific Rim is the same as that of Warhammer 40K. Some very nonsense parts are also the same as Warhammer 40K. I will try to make it as smooth as possible.

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