"Ready!" Although they looked inside and outside the villa with some nostalgia, they still answered firmly.

  With a wave of Luo Yuan's hand, several girls followed him into the sky and flew all the way to District 24. He used his spiritual sense to hide their figures, so he didn't worry about being seen.

  In fact, his current ability can already move them within the range of divine consciousness, which is the so-called teleportation, but he still chooses to fly over slowly, mainly because he wants to feel more time with them.

  The 24th area is very special, especially the place where Dart performed the ceremony before. The buildings there are conducive to the ability of the real name to be maximized. Luo Yuan will use this place this time.

  Soon they came to the top floor of the building, and the people had already been emptied, because this place may not exist in the future.

  In the center of the hall, Luo Yuan rebuilt a stone platform with purple crystals, and a stone pillar was erected in the middle. Luo Yuan placed the stone of origin on the stone pillar, and soon the stone of origin turned into a light belt from both ends and started in the sky. Recondensed.

  "We are a selected pair of survivors, united by blood to breed a new race..."

  Luo Yuan and his real name recited the ancient incantation that Eve was born with at the same time. Luo Yuan broke his fingers and wiped the blood on his real name's lips. At the same time, the stone of origin completely turned into a light belt and gradually condensed a pair of bloody colors. ring.

  "...The contract of the spiral appears here and now!"

  With the completion of the final spell, the ring fell on the stone pillar and circled, releasing a red spiral to wrap the two.

  Luo Yuan picked up a ring and put it on the ring finger of his real name's right hand, and at the same time stretched out his left hand to let his real name put a ring on him.

  When the two completed all of this, it seemed that there was some kind of wonderful connection between them, which was closer than before. This was an acknowledgement from this world.

  Luo Yuan felt very strange. He didn't expect that he would get married in this world. He couldn't take his eyes off the wife, regardless of the savoury expressions of the other girls.

  "Yuan..." The real name also stared at him with wide eyes, full of happiness and contentment, and she was a little intoxicated and touched her face with her wedding ring.

  "Yuan! Am I pretty?"

  "Pretty, you are the most beautiful today!"

  Luo Yuan said sincerely, but looked at the other girls with their mouths raised and was a little unhappy. He coughed twice and added again: "Cough, you are the most beautiful today!"

  "Okay, sister, let's get started!"

  "Humph!" A little dissatisfied with Luo Yuan's answer to his real name, he snorted and looked like he was praying.

  She is resonating with the ring formed by the stone of origin, and she wants to spread the apocalypse virus all over the world. Although the stone of origin is turned into a ring, it has the same function and can provide her with energy.

  As the consciousness of the real name began to resonate, the purple energy bands carrying the apocalypse virus began to spread to the world through the special buildings in District 24. At the same time, the virtual map of the virus occupying the world appeared in the building.

  In the beginning, it was Asia, followed by Europe, and African continents were infected by the apocalypse virus. All people were infected with the virus and their bodies gradually crystallized until the apocalypse virus broke out all over the world.

  "It's time!" Luo Yuan waited for the opportunity. His purpose was to cause the global virus to break out. Everyone was infected with the virus and showed the power of the void, and then his king's void began to absorb it. This can destroy the whole world. The virus and void energy will definitely help him break the barriers of the world and enter a new world.

  Of course, one more thing needs to be done before that!

  Luo Yuan urged Wang Zhili to use the all-encompassing hand of the void, pointing to the sky, the apocalypse virus spread by his real name and the power of the void created by the virus began to flow into his body as he absorbed it into a torrent of energy.

  One person's void and virus are nothing, but what if the whole world's void and virus?

  "open ah!"

  The energy entering the body has never been felt gradually unbearable. Even with his current demigod body, he cannot withstand this world-class energy, and many cracks began to appear in his body, which looked extremely terrifying.

  Luo Yuan had to spit out a mouthful of blood essence to activate the forbidden technique, his muscles were knotted, his clothes exploded, and countless ancient and mysterious inscriptions suddenly appeared on the surface of his body. , and also received additional blessings, the endurance was greatly enhanced, and the pain was relieved. It quickly guided this energy to open the special area corresponding to the inner space - the inner world, so that they could be taken away.

  After the pain as if his body was torn apart, Luo Yuan felt that a strange space had opened up again, and the inside was blurry. It was too late to feel it carefully. Luo Yuan turned his thoughts and revealed a light door channel in the inner world.

  "bring it on!"

  Several girls already knew what this was, and they stepped into the door of light without hesitation and disappeared.

  "Yuan, remember to wake me up early!" The real name came to him last, stood on tiptoe and kissed him deeply, and completely handed over control of the apocalypse virus to him.

  "Well, I will!" Luo Yuan deeply engraved the appearance of his real name in his mind, although they will always be with him, but I don't know how many years it will be when we meet again next time, only he becomes a god or can Feel free to use world-level energy to get them out.

  After everyone entered the inner world, Luo Yuan closed the door of light, and they were also sealed up. Fortunately, their life-sustaining energy was insignificant to Luo Yuan now, as long as Luo Yuan didn't die, they could maintain this state forever. state.

  "Uh..." As soon as the door of light was closed, the energy was stagnant in the body and raging everywhere, causing serious damage to the body. This was not just physical damage, but also life-level trauma. Luo Yuan was still absorbing, the torrent of energy. The pieces that had already impacted the entire building began to collapse one after another. Finally, his divine sense sensed the world barrier hidden in the void and successfully contacted it through divine sense.

  "Uh..." Luo Yuan gritted his teeth and guided the energy bombardment. The world barrier like a crystal barrier became clearer and clearer, and then began to produce fissures. When the energy consumption was more than half, the cracks finally expanded and deepened. The sound of cracks turned into cracks.


  The energy torrent finally opened an irregular gap the size of a door. At the same time, Luo Yuan did not notice that the white divine light, one of the three divine lights on his body, flickered quickly, and another world soon appeared in the gap. The image of the world was foggy and indistinct, and the remaining energy poured into the gap, and there seemed to be screams. Before he could think about it, Luo Yuan followed in without hesitation, but without the injection of energy, the gap was in the world. The self-healing quickly healed until it returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

  In the world of Guilty Crown, the buildings in District 24 quickly collapsed and turned into ruins under the shock of people's gaze, as if to symbolize the disappearance of the forces that once ruled this country. Since then, this world has no Void Gene and no Apocalypse virus. Just like an ordinary world, people can change the world into what they want with their knowledge and hands.

  Luo Yuan had just stepped into a different world, and before he had time to feel this new world carefully, the after-effects of the forbidden technique began to erupt violently and the pain of serious physical injuries hit him.

magic world heroine

  Evangelin - full name: Evangelin AK McDowell

  Born in the Middle Ages (1377-1457) during the Hundred Years' War, the details are unknown. (According to the plot of "Magic Teacher" in 2003, Yiwen Jielin was over 600 years old; in the plot of "The Long-Time Holder" in 2086, Yiwen Jielin was about 700 years old, and the author tentatively assumed that Yiwen Jielin was born in 1380 years.)

  Height: 135CM

  Measurements: 67/48/63

  She is a super cute loli with a golden haircut that reaches the ground and purple eyes.

  Good at ice magic, dark magic and doll manipulation.

  Titles: "Puppet Master" (Puppet Master), "Dark Gospel", "Immortal Magician", "Dark Demon Lord in Child Form"

  Evangelin is an immortal vampire ancestor (originally just an ordinary person, transformed by the creator as an experiment), and also has the same experience as Naji Springfield, Jack Lacan and other heroes. One of the strongest magicians who have fought many times.

  Trapped in school by Naji Springfield with the magic curse of "going to hell", he helped Negi learn dark magic in "Magic Teacher", and took the pseudonym Xue Hime in the sequel "Eternal Holder" as the protagonist debut.

  The magical world in the anime is divided into many timelines. The author just chooses another timeline based on the plot. Of course, the plot will inevitably change due to the intervention of the protagonist. At the same time, the plots of the following two animes may not happen due to the intervention of the protagonist. And because the strength and behavior of the protagonist in the later stage will lead to a unified timeline, there will not be a situation where various supporting characters wear and tear like the original plot.

  Since the author is an anime party and has hardly read the comics, the anime referenced by the plot may have some inconsistencies with the content of the comics.

Chapter [-] What the hell is this dream?

  In the evening, an uninhabited island between the Neon Kingdom and the mainland was a mess at this time. All kinds of trees were either pulled up or broken into two sections, and some were frozen and burned... It was the damage caused by the aftermath of the battle between two groups of people on the island.

  A wave of more than a dozen people who appeared to be decorated by clergy was led by a man in a white robe, with gray hair and a majestic face, holding a scepter with a simple shape.

  Another wave of people was just a little girl of about 10 years old with long blond hair and a shabby white cape.

  But on the side with more people, except for the leader who looked calm, everyone else who was injured had a cautious look, and even had a hint of fear.

  "Repent, you evil vampire, only by dedicating the rest of your life to my Lord can you cleanse the sins you have committed!"

  The majestic elder looked at the little girl opposite with a deep tone, exuding a holy light that seemed to purify everything.

  "Ahem!" The beautiful purple pupils of the little girl were a little sad, but they gradually became firm. Even if she was in a bad state, her magic power was about to be exhausted, and hexagrams of different sizes appeared around her body. It is a symbol of the imminent release of powerful magic.

  "Lick Lac La La La La Lac, Queen of Ice, obey my contract and obey my orders! Come on! Eternal darkness, eternal ice..."

  "No, this is a forbidden magic spell, Holy Father..."

  Next to the elder, a middle-aged man in a red robe who looked quite prestigious could not help but exclaimed.

  "My lord! Please respond to the call of your most devout servant, and send down the light of judgment..." Seeing this standing in front of the crowd, the older man shone brightly with his scepter, while the others followed him and prayed loudly.

  "...Summon Frost, Cooling Space - End of the World!"

  "...Destroy evil and purify the world!"


  As the two energies collided, it was as if two small suns suddenly rose on the island, illuminating the entire island as if it were daytime, followed by huge aftermaths that spread around.

  "Ahhh..." The little girl let out a beautiful groan and flew out from a distance, a huge hole in her chest and her entire heart disappeared.

  On the other side, the white-robed leader turned into a white ice crystal Jedi in a radius of tens of meters.


  With the follow-up effect of the magic, the ice crystals gradually turned into fragments, and disappeared together with the frozen people inside.

  "Even Jielin, your sins have deepened! Then use your life to repent!"

  The only remaining leader survived because of the greatest blessing of the Holy Light, but the white robe representing his papal status was also tattered.

  But all these efforts are worth it, and the greatest enemy of the Holy See will be punished forever in the future.

  "May your souls ascend to heaven, and from then on serve and be around my lord, and there will be no more wars..."

  The Pope silently prayed for those who died while approaching the temporarily powerless enemy.

  "Cough, damn!" Yiwen Jielin vomited a mouthful of blood weakly. Although she is an immortal vampire ancestor, once she loses her heart, she will lose her fighting power. Although her heart is slowly repairing, it will take time and it will take a long time. Obviously the enemy will not give her time.

  Looking at the Pope of the Holy See who walked over calmly, she showed a tragic smile: "I should be arrested and tortured again, and even die a few times!" Although she is used to death, isn't that how she came here for more than 300 years? But even if it becomes a habit, she can't ignore the pain of death. She once wanted to be freed by complete death, but she was spurned by the god of death, and she would only endure such pain forever.

  She looked around at the ruins again, and the expectation in her heart gradually disappeared: "Oh, maybe it's just an illusion!"

  As a top-level magician, she will naturally have a vague prediction of the future through magic. The reason why she came to this island is that she feels as if something very important will be related to her.

  But the quiet surroundings at this time made her last hope come to nothing.

  "It's a pity... it's a pity that my dark magic is not perfect, even if I use it forcibly, it will devour myself..."

  The Pope was less than five meters away, and Evangelin no longer had any luck.


  Suddenly, Yiwen Jielin noticed the constant distortion and vibration of the void in front of her, and suddenly made a cracking sound. A crack appeared in the void, and it continued to expand.

  "Huh?" The Pope, who also saw this scene, stopped in surprise, with warning signs in his heart, and the feeling of ominousness became stronger and stronger.



  The sound of shattering sounded, the crack in the space turned into a huge gap, and a burst of energy that made everyone present felt palpitations rushed out, and the Pope was instantly killed without any resistance.

  "..." Yiwen Jielin looked at the terrifying energy that rushed out, killing the Pope in seconds, and then the gap quickly healed, and at the same time, a... naked man fell out of it!


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