But it wasn't from the beautiful girl in front of her, but from the boy she pointed at with the giant sword.

  "You... huh?"

  The line that the beautiful girl was about to blurt out was preempted, and she was stunned for a moment.

  "Tell me, which big family sent you here? Is it because the parents who abandoned me were actually the rulers of a world-class consortium, and now they have an accident and need me, my own son who lives abroad, to go home. Inherit the family business!

  But the other shareholders disagreed, so they sent you to assassinate me in advance in order to embezzle our family's wealth after my death. "

  The sadness on Luo Yuan's face was deeper than the sadness revealed by the girl on the opposite side. At the same time, he also spewed out a series of words that were rich in information.

  "Seeing that your posture is a bomb special effect, and an exaggerated appearance, the price must be high, right? Why don't you rely on me, I will make a double, no, I will hire you for three times the price!"

  "Um...what is it?"

  The girl was completely stunned, and she was a little dizzy by his long words, and she didn't know whether to put down his sword or continue to hold it like this.

  "What? It's too little? Then you can make a price! As long as I don't want all my property, I won't refuse."

  Luo Yuan thought that she was not satisfied with the price, so she raised her eyebrows, showing the arrogance that you were willing to ask for it.

  "But before that, I can only pay you part of the deposit in advance. As for the rest of the money, I can't give it to you until you help me get my home. Don't worry, you are so cute and capable, and I plan to cooperate with you for a long time. , will not be obliged to pay.”

  "Um...I'm not..."

  The girl blushed when she heard the boy praise her cuteness, and immediately realized that he must have recognized the wrong person, and was about to explain.

  "What isn't it?"

  Luo Yuan quickly interrupted her words, as if the person immersed in the beautiful fantasy was awakened by the cruel reality, with a look of grief and indignation.

  "I was waiting for my sister here, but you rushed over to chop me without saying a word. Since you weren't bribed to kill me, why did you hit me? Where did I offend you?"

  "I do not have……"

  The girl was completely lost in her fighting spirit by Luo Yuan's words. She was embarrassed to withdraw the sword from him. She was about to continue explaining what she had suddenly sensed and looked at the sky.

  call out--

  With a sound of breaking through the air, several humans dressed in strange costumes flew in the sky, and when they saw them, the weapons in their hands fired several missile-like things and rushed towards the two of them.

  "Look, they even want to silence you. I said you're still messing around with me, at least I won't be so ruthless."

  Luo Yuan seemed to have verified his conjectures through various special encounters, and when he saw the missiles that AST had hit, he still persuaded him earnestly with this as evidence.

  "You go!"

  As if to confirm that Luo Yuan was not a threat, the girl turned around and stretched out her palm to aim at the missile after leaving a sentence, and a layer of light shrouded the area around her.

  "...This kind of thing is useless. Why don't you always learn it?"


  As if to verify the authenticity of her words, all the missiles exploded on the spot, while the girl and Luo Yuan in the mask were unharmed.

  Seeing that the first attack failed, the opponent launched a second round of missiles one after another.


  It seems that the girl does not intend to continue passive defense, she is about to rise into the sky when she is slightly short.

  "Don't rush, idiot! There are so many of them, let's run away!"

  Luo Yuan stepped forward, grabbed the girl's hand, turned around and ran.

  "Huh... eh..."

  The girl was caught off guard and was dragged by the boy for several steps, but she managed to stabilize her figure with a forceful force.

  "Stop! You're the idiot, idiot, idiot~"

  She is an elf after all, and Luo Yuan's strength is not enough to compete with a serious girl.


  There was another loud noise, and the girl once again used the energy shield to resist the opponent's missile attack.

  "I'm not afraid of them!"

  The girl glared at Luo Yuan, a little dissatisfied, but there was no hostility at all.

  "Then be careful!"

  Seeing the girl rise into the sky again, Luo Yuan couldn't help but exhort him loudly.


  The girl in flight couldn't help but glance back at him when she heard the words, and at the same time nodded indistinctly. It was the first time she received this kind of non-hostile concern, and the girl's sad expression was slightly relieved.

  Luo Yuan couldn't help showing a funny smile when he looked at the girl who was in a ball with AST again.

  This elf, who has not yet been named Yatoshen Tohka, is actually very easy to deal with. As long as her hostility is dispelled, the strategy should not be too simple.

  Because the tenth elf is too naive, naive means easy to deceive.

  Moreover, Tohka is a complete idiot. Her intelligence is only 32 under normal circumstances, and only 33 after the reversal. She is a very coaxing girl.

  So Luo Yuan casually fabricated some background, seized the opportunity, and became a victim as a possible perpetrator, so Tohka eliminated his hostility to him.

  It's a pity that there are people from AST present, otherwise Luo Yuan will be sure to get her at the first meeting.

  Not long after Luo Yuan was in a daze, the girl landed on the ground again, and at the same time another girl with long silver hair was wearing a display device and playing with her.

  "Origami? Stop fighting!"

  At that moment, Luo Yuan seemed to be transformed into the heroine of a TV series, waving his hands and shouting.


  Origami, who was fighting, was distracted when she heard Luo Yuan's voice, and was knocked back by the elf girl.

  The elf girl glanced at Luo Yuan and then at Origami, then jumped up into the sky and flew away from the space shock pit.

  "Origami you are..."

  "Yuan, it's dangerous here, leave quickly."

  Without waiting for Luo Yuan to approach, Origami controlled the display device and soared into the sky, chasing in the direction of the elf girl.

  At this moment, a wave of energy enveloped Luo Yuan, and just as he was about to be sent away by the energy, Luo Yuan felt that a shadow flashed away not far away.

  "Crazy three..."

Chapter 82 I'm such a scumbag!

  "I finally...found you...hahahaha...hehehehehehehehehehehe..."

  The girl in the shadow sank into the shadow space and knelt on the ground, smiling with her head raised and her mouth open, but her beautiful face was full of tears...

  "Crazy three..."

  Luo Yuan sighed in his heart.

  In fact, during the five years he lived in Wuhe's house, Tokisaki Kusan also searched in Tiangong City. The day his sister Kotori became an elf, he knew that she was there, but Luo Yuan took the opportunity to avoid her.

  Today, since he has officially started to walk in front of the fairies, he doesn't need to be secretive anymore. I believe that not only Kurumi knows about his existence, but also some people in DEM.

  "Huh? Haven't you recovered yet?"

  A pure white palm dangling in front of Luo Yuan's eyes finally interrupted his distraction.

  As soon as Luo Yuan raised his head, he saw a beautiful but pale woman standing in front of him.

  "Ah, sorry, I'm a little distracted. How did I come here? And where is this place? I have to find my sister Kotori..."

  Looking at this woman who casually tied her long silver hair into a side ponytail, wore glasses, and had a strange bear that had been stitched many times on her chest, Luo Yuanqiang suppressed the melancholy feeling in his heart and asked very excitedly. road.

  "Don't get excited yet... I'm Reine Murakami, who is an analyst here. This is the airship 'Fraxinas'. Your sister is fine. Please come with me and someone will explain it to you later. ."

  Cun Yuling stared at Luo Yuan for a while, and felt Luo Yuan's familiar aura. She was also a little excited, but soon she suppressed the throbbing and completely recovered her current identity. attitude.

  "Is your sister alright?"

  Luo Yuan frowned, and then deliberately looked around, not the reinforced concrete walls, but full of sci-fi style, but he quickly returned his gaze to Muura Lingyin.

  "...Rigine Murasame? I haven't heard of it! But have we met somewhere? Why do I think you are so kind..."

  Murasame Lingyin groaned in her heart, looked at Luo Yuan carefully for a while, and immediately felt relieved when she saw his blank eyes, knowing that this might be some kind of instinct engraved in the deepest heart of the two people who were once the closest, even if it wasn't there yet. To restore memory, but this instinct can affect his subconscious.

  There was a burst of sweetness in her heart, because her Yuan really remembered her, but at the same time she felt a burst of grief, things hadn't been completed, Yuan's abilities weren't perfect enough, and she couldn't make Yuan remember what happened between them.

  "Please hold on... Yuan, soon we can be together forever..."

  With such thoughts in her mind, Murasame Lingyin regained her indifference on the surface, and even joked: "It's very old-fashioned to approach a woman you meet for the first time in this way!"

  "is it?"

  Luo Yuan felt an impulse when he saw that he could meet Mio face to face for the first time in [-] years, his eyes suddenly became aggressive, and he couldn't help but take two steps forward to push her against the wall.

  When I met Mio five years ago, Mio used her ability to cover herself into a mosaic image. Unlike now, she could feel her heavy breathing and the familiar fragrance when they were leaning against each other.

  "You, what are you doing..."

  Murasame Lingyin suddenly panicked in her heart. She had no resistance to Luo Yuan's actions. She knew that if Yuan kissed her at this time, not only would she not refuse, but she would fall.

  But not yet, because the current Yuan is not her Yuan yet.

  Although she thought that it was not possible, Muura Yu Lingyin had no strength to push the hand that was on Luo Yuan's chest.

  Looking down at the woman who suddenly became frightened like a rabbit, Luo Yuan struggled for a while, he really wanted to kiss like this, he knew that Mio couldn't refuse him.

  But like Mio, he couldn't solve the mystery in advance. If he did, the existing elves might die. Either he would have to be interrupted by Mio and then be nurtured by her until he died.

  Either stay in the world and avoid being discovered by Mio, who has returned to his prosperous state, or he can only escape from this world and wander the universe. If he is lucky, he can enter other worlds. The power of the gods at the same time exhausted and completely died out.

  "Sorry, I'm a little dizzy, maybe I was frightened just now..."

  Luo Yuan took two steps back while holding his forehead, and let Muurayu Lingyin come out.

  "It's okay... I'll use the instruments in the infirmary here to check it out for you?"

  Murasame Reine let out a sigh of relief, regained her composure, and said softly in a kind and unmisleading tone.

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